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George H. W. Bush Leadership

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Leaders nowadays are the driving force of the business companies, sports teams or in any other environment, where group of people are trying to reach a common goal. However, this common goal might be such as winning a championship, meeting the financial demands of the board members from the company, or simply trying to make the world a better place for everyone in a meaningful way. One of those leaders were George Herbert Walker Bush, who was the forty-first President of the United States and Jack Welch who was CEO and chairman of General Electric for about twenty years. Both of them were terrific leaders while being in their leading roles.
George H.W. Bush has his autobiography written by his son George W. Bush who was forty-third President …show more content…
After graduating from high school due to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the eighteen-year-old decided to postpone college studies and join the military, while becoming the youngest pilot at that time. During one of his mission flights in 1944, George H.W. Bush was a pilot and his plane was shoot by Japanese bullets and despite of the fact that the fire was spreading in the plane, he was able to finish the mission by dropping the bombs, before jumping out with a parachute in the ocean. During this task, two crewmen of George H.W. Bush lost their lives and he felt guilty for what happened. According to the pilot, even after more than sixty years passed, he admitted that were not a single day that he did not thought about the incident and his crew from that catastrophic mission. Besides being a war hero, George H.W. Bush graduated from Yale university with degree in economics, while being a captain on baseball team and a father at the same time. After graduation, Bush went on to become a businessman in oil industry at Texas, where he learned valuable leadership lessons. One of the lesson occurred when he was about to tell his boss Neil Mallon about leaving the company and creating his own oil business. Instead of being disappointed or angry about losing great team member, Neil went on to explain and in that way, help to start the business in the oil industry. That set up example for the future President of the United States, that the best way to treat your existing and previous employees is by encouraging and mentoring. This fact described him being a democratic

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