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Distracted Drivers Research Paper

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Social media has become a liability among the drivers of our roads. It creates the perception that one needs to check any new messages or see what is hot and new among our popularity as well as follow the crowd attitude driven society. Those distracted drivers may believe that doing such actions are permitted when at a red light, or while driving looking down during only a few seconds. The average time that people spend peeking down at their social media device is 5 seconds each time. Consequently, it only takes one second as everything comes to a black and bleak end concerning the victims of the distracted.

Every day, over one hundred people die and thousands injured in wrecks that could have easily been avoided. Avoided by putting …show more content…
Motorists need to concentrate on driving, because their life and others lives are on the line. Notwithstanding of the attention that should be directed towards driving, social media takes away that attention to status's and updates that the motorists apparently deem more important than life itself.

The average daily commute time is thirty minutes. That means, if a driver takes his eyes of the roads and surroundings during 5 seconds every time, that one driver can have about 360 opportunities to crash, have a car wreck with one other driver. Now add, let’s say one thousand, cars that interact in any way with that one driver. That’s possibly millions of opportunities to take one or more lives. All in about thirty minutes.

Social media has such an impact on the daily lives of its users. While few may see it as a simple pastime, others say that they "can't live without it." That might just happen. Social media is quick and accessible, and there are no restrictions to where you might use it. So people believe that, seeing as it is so important to them, they can be immersed in it anytime, anywhere. Including the ever so dangerous

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