...driving. Peel Regional Police shows, in 2014, there was a total of 28 collision, which have been increasing every year. This essay seeks to uncover the dangers and the solutions of how Mississauga can avoid and prevent these dangers. According to the peel region police, the total number of tickets issued in Mississauga in 2000 increased from 69.589 to 78.732 in 2005. This essay seeks to outline the following dangers: speeding, fatigued driving, and distracted driving which are the main causes of accidents and collisions. The leading cause of danger on Mississauga roads is speeding. Speed driving is when a driver operates their...
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... Education APA format Abstract "Did My Car Join Al Qaeda" by Woody Hochswender is a well written persuasive argument that powerfully portrays his point of view. All three types of appeals are presented within the essay to attract all different styles of readers. Hochswender starts the essay with an ethical or ethos appeal, “I drive a large, for-wheel vehicle. Does that mean I’m a bad person” (Muller & Wiener, 2009, pg. 154). It is quite obvious that Mr. Hochswender has received cruel comments about owning an SUV since he is considering himself a bad person for possessing a particular type of vehicle. Although some people do not agree with Hochswender choice of owning an SUV he is very passionate and vibrant in his view about his rights to own an SUV. He then goes on to explain logical or logos by explaining how in many situations SUVs are safer than normal cars, “However, if some drunken driver veers across the center divider- a situation I have no control over- I would prefer that my 9-year-old and I not be inside a Corolla.”(Muller & Wiener, 2009, pg. 155) Even though SUVs waste a lot more money on gas, in the event of an accident the chances of survival in an SUV would be much more than a small car. He then concludes the essay by explaining how he does know of other way to conserve energy, but the safety of him and his family is prioritized above buying a new heat and air-conditioning. Many car buyers are choosing to trade in cargo space...
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...Ethics Barbara Brinkley MGT 498 February 27, 2012 Daniel Smith Ethics Ethics are moral standards by which people judge behavior (LoveToKnow Corp, 2012). The function the essay is to enlighten and identify the function of ethics and social responsibility in extending a strategic plan while contemplating the stakeholder needs and agendas. This essay will incorporate a pattern of an organization disregarding moral boundaries for stake holders’ agenda, and what style of defensive precautions were used to circumvent the situation. Business Ethics Business ethics is a structure of ethics that scrutinize the ethical beliefs and moral problem that are portrayed in business. Ethics play an extremely critical role in business today due to policies, procedures, and practices. Systems are in place to govern order and formation in an organization. Employees often challenge these systems and parameters because of no reverence for the management team. Social Responsibility The impression of social responsibility suggests that a selected organization has duties to the public that inflate ahead of making a profit. Strategic assessments repeatedly persuade other entities than just the organization. For example, a decision to cut back by concluding distribution centers and feigned goods affects not only the organization’s workers, but also the surroundings where the plants are located...
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...Accidents happen every day, which consists of terrifying situations in an individual’s life and there are hundreds or thousands of accidents involving automobiles. A known fact is that most number of people has no survivals as they do not get to hospital in time after their car accident. The 2010 national Automobile census, mentioned that more than 90% of reported accidents were caused by driver and less than 10% was due to outside or car problems. As the advances of technology increases, so does the danger to people. This is due to there being production of faster cars that are more powerful, therefore increasing the chances of danger. The famous futurist Norman Bell Geddes said that “Your grandchildren will snap across the entire continent in 24 hours on a new kind of highway and in a new kind of driverless car that is controlled by the push of a button," Some say his idea was what inspired the creation of the Interstate Highway System. Few years ago, the driverless cars were seen as just science fiction, an imagination that was only accomplished in movies and novels. However it is close to being a reality that will be soon experienced. Currently, technology is so close, as our cars are technologically advanced enough to be able steer themselves. Moreover, the cars can also accelerate and brake to sustain a safe driving distance from any cars ahead and also detect and avoid crashes with other cars on all the sides. With this much technology advancement, making the cars...
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...California, a Prius—one of the cars in Google’s fleet of autonomous vehicles—caused a fender-bender. The accident happened, naturally, because there was a human behind the wheel. That's according to a new report by Google about its self-driving car project, a document that tallies every accident since it began testing its 32 vehicles on the roads in 2009. That sounds like it could be a massive dataset, considering the tens of thousands of accidents that happen on American roadways each year. It actually isn’t: “In the six years of our project, we’ve been involved in 12 minor accidents during more than 1.8 million miles of autonomous and manual driving combined,” Google wrote. “Not once was the self-driving car the cause of the accident.” Not once! In the case of the fender bender four summers ago, a Google employee—yes, a human—was to blame. He had borrowed the car to run a quick errand and ended up rear-ending another car. (“He was not using the vehicle to test our autonomous technology,” Google wrote, and the car ended up sustaining “some damage.”) So what ended up being probably a pretty bad day for that Google employee—imagine telling your boss you crashed the driverless car—turns out to be a tidy example of the key difference between human drivers and algorithmic ones. Namely: Robots are much, much better drivers than humans. Google’s descriptions of the other accidents involving its self-driving cars reiterates that point. Its cars were rear-ended eight times,...
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...An Ode to the Beatles… In 1957, John Lennon had begun a band called the Blackjacks who later became the Quarry Men and later that year invited Paul McCartney to join the group. The lineup that McCartney joined featured Lennon, Eric Griffiths on guitar, Len Garry on "tea-chest" bass, Pete Shotton on "washboard" and Colin Hanton on drums. In February 1958 the young guitarist George Harrison joined the group, which was then playing under a variety of names. Recordings of Lennon, McCartney and Harrison from that year still exist. During this period, members continually joined and left the line up. Lennon, McCartney and Harrison were the only constant members. Hanton left in 1959. The group became a regular gig at the Cashashm which was formed by Mona Best—the mother of the early drummer Pete Best. The band had gone through some rough times and even through a few names before become the Beatles. Brian Epstein, the record producer, told them that Pete Best would have to stop drumming so they could invite a better drummer in. Ringo Starr from Rory Storm and the Hurricanes was pulled in because they favored him (and the band also lost to his band in an old contest). With John Lennon, Paul McCartney, and Stuart Sutcliffe doing the guitar and vocals, while Ringo Starr was handling drums, and finally George Harrison handling bass with vocals every now and then, the band had begun to release singles. Stuart left the band in 1961 and died the next year from a brain hemmorage. But even...
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...Narration Essay It was a beautiful day outside when we had left Rhode Island after our week of being on vacation. I got in my sister’s car and sat in the passenger seat, like I always do. We weren't nearly close to being home when I realized how important my life was. I saw my life flash before my eyes in a split second, while hearing the screeching of the tires. There were vivid memories that stuck in my mind; home, happiness, and friends. The thought of how I took everything for granted. Suddenly the car jerked and a loud crushing of metal occurred. My chest was burning from the seatbelt, and somehow my forehead felt like it had been punched. This car accident made me realize how important life is and not to take home, happiness, and friends for granted. While listening to the tires yelling; my mind’s first thought was of home, of my family. Snow was falling on my nose and all six of us were in a huge Christmas tree farm. It is a competition each year to see which one of us finds the fattest and biggest Christmas tree to put in the living room. This was the memory that crossed my mind of my family. The memory of how I didn't tell them that I loved them that day, or even the day of the car accident. I had taken my family for granted; I didn't tell them just how much I loved them before the car accident. I thought about how my family would feel if my sister and I didn’t live through the accident. Thinking about my family made me realize just how important my life is. Happiness...
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...Zipcar is a self-service car company that was founded in 1999. It has operations in the New York City metro area, Boston and Washington, D.C. The company boasts more than 10,000 members and 250 cars. The company represents a great opportunity and fills a real need between rental car service and taxi service. Zipcar’s target market is focused on dense urban residential areas, where millions of people that do not own a car, as they are put off by congested, accident-prone infrastructure, sky-high parking fees, vandalism, high maintenance costs, and other nuisances. On top of that, the average urban car sits parked 20 to 23 hours a day; many are idle from weekend to weekend. Zipcar is a new commercial car-sharing venture that provides convenient on demand means of transportation. Founded in late 1999, Zipcar’s vision and business model have little changed. Providing reliable and convenient access to on-demand transportation, complementing other means of mobility.” Zipcar manages a fleet of cars, at the disposal of its members any time for as brief as one hour. The basis for its business model is a car-sharing model where Zipcar mem Internet Essay .... The DoD wanted to create a computer network that would continue to function in the event of a disaster, such as a nuclear war. If .... (308 1 ) B Essay .... To keep track of our customers I wrote a program in C++ to store their information...
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...Argumentative Essay Bailey Tollefson WR097/EL113W 11/26/15 There is a tremendous issue in America with teens driving. A big reason why is because car crashes are, “the number one killer of teens in the United States” (“Safe kids Worldwide,” 2014). Many parents realize the danger that their kids are in once they get their license, and get freaked out. This is because teens are inexperienced, they easily get distracted, and most do not realize the importance of safe driving, and how unsafe driving can affect their lives. Teenagers have little experience once they get their drivers licenses. This is a major problem, because when you are young you feel invincible. This certainly is not the case. In 2013, 2,163 teens in the United States ages 16–19 were killed, which means that six teenagers died each day (“Get the Facts,” 2013). These crashes were mainly from lack of experience. “The first 500 miles for teenage drivers are the most crucial. During this time, they are 10 times more likely to be in auto crashes than adult drivers” (“Teenage Car Accidents,” 2012). A big concern for driving at night is reduced road visibility. “In 2009, 61 percent of teen crash deaths occurred between 6 P.M, and 6 A.M… this is primarily due to a combination of the visibility challenges caused by dark conditions, and slower response time brought about by fatigue, and a lack of experience driving under such conditions” (Canfield, 2013). Also animals are more active at night, which would lead to...
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...Mark Nowatnick ENC 1101-24 Peter Zuppardo Essay November 21, 2014 How We Act Behind Close Curtains Many of us act a different way when we are behind something that no one can truly see us. I relate Vanderbilt’s article and Kiki article on how they misuse the new technology. In the Kiki essay she was posting pictures of herself online and no one really knew who it was, until some people hacked into her page. Even when she was posting pictures and video of herself which made people comment nasty things talking about her. If those people that comment mean things talking about her where not just a profile and was someone face to face we usually wouldn't say things like that. Also in the Vanderbilt’s essay he talks about the road rage and the different types of communication while driving. Many people while driving get very upset with other drivers if they need to be somewhere quickly, or even if the person is driving slower then they want to drive, which cause the person that is behind the person that is going slow to speed up and cut them off. I have seen a lot of incidents where people cut someone off and they want to get pay back on they so they try to cut them off back, then it turns into an accident. Citizens do not understand how dangerous cars and truck are when we are behind the wheel, they can hurt someone very badly plus even kill them. We as people need to understand that our ethical compilations need to help us from being cyborgs, to understand that we have to...
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...Argumentative Essay By: Bailey Tollefson Teens Driving There is a tremendous issue in America with teens driving. A big reason why is because car crashes are, “the number one killer of teens in the United States” (“Safe kids Worldwide,” 2014). Many parents realize the danger that their kids are in once they get their license, and get freaked out. This is because teens are inexperienced, they easily get distracted, and most do not realize the importance of safe driving, and how unsafe driving can affect their lives. Teenagers have little experience once they get their drivers licenses. This is a major problem, because when you are young you feel invincible. This certainly is not the case. In 2013, 2,163 teens in the United States ages 16–19 were killed, which means that six teenagers died each day (“Get the Facts,” 2013). These crashes were mainly from lack of experience. “The first 500 miles for teenage drivers are the most crucial. During this time, they are 10 times more likely to be in auto crashes than adult drivers” (“Teenage Car Accidents,” 2012). A big concern for driving at night is reduced road visibility. “In 2009, 61 percent of teen crash deaths occurred between 6 P.M, and 6 A.M… this is primarily due to a combination of the visibility challenges caused by dark conditions, and slower response time brought about by fatigue, and a lack of experience driving under such conditions” (Canfield, 2013). Also animals are more active at night, which would lead to...
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...Essay A driverless car, also known as a self-driving car is an autonomous car which can perform the actions of the human being, as if a man were driving a traditional car. We can say that the car is independent of the human as the car only needs to be programmed with the destination. The mechanical part of the vehicle is held by the car its own. Moreover, to function, the car has some specific technology, for example laser, radar, GPS and computer vision. An example of an approved case of self-driving cars can be Google’s. In 2011 the state of Nevada was the first jurisdiction in the United States to pass a law concerning the operation of driverless cars. This law was turned into effect by March 2012 and the Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles gave the first license for a self-driven car in May 2012. This license was given to Google’s car which was in this case a Toyota Prius. Google got involved with this issue as it is trying to develop technology for driverless vehicles. In addition, the project is currently being led by Google engineer Sebastian Thrun, director of the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and the co-inventor of Google Street View. To develop this system, Google also had to hire 15 engineers. This topic about self-driving cars involves also other issues such as hardware and software, social and ethical issues and the social impact. As regards hardware and software involved, it integrates Google Maps with various hardware sensors and artificial...
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...ACCIDENT ESSAYS It was a very cold morning as it had been raining very heavily the previous night. As my mother was feeling a little under the weather, my sister volunteered to drive me to school. I had overslept and as a result, was running a bit late for school. We got into the car hurriedly. The road was already congested with traffic. It appeared that everyone was late as well. My sister was a careful driver and despite the fact I was already late, she refused to drive fast on the slippery road. I was lucky she was such a resolute and careful person because a few hundred meters away from the school, we witnessed a tragic accident. it all happened very quickly, as most accidents do. A car full of school children had made a left turning without signaling and as a result a school bus crashed into it. A few cars behind the school bus rammed into the bus as they could not brake in time and soon it became a pile up. The already congested road became jammed with vehicles that came to a crawl. I told my sister that I wanted to help the victims and she nodded silently. She brought the car to a halt not too far from the accident spot. The scene that greeted us was something I would never forget. It left an indelible imprint in my mind to date. The impact of the accident had plunged three school children out of the car. The driver, a lady, lay lifeless on the steering wheel. I rushed to the children who were preschoolers. Two of them were seriously hurt and bleeding profusely from...
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...yourself AND OTHERS in danger? 5 seconds is the minimal amount of time one’s attention is taken from the road when one is texting and driving, which is equals to driving the length of a football field without looking at the road at 55 mph. Teenagers are the most likely to get hurt or even killed in a car accident. In this essay, I will discuss how mobile phones effect the driver and how LOL can quickly transform into RIP. Before going farther, one should know a few statistics. First, in 2011, about 23% of collisions involved cell phones, which makes about 1.3 millions crashes. Texting makes a crash 23 times more likely to happen, dialling makes 2.8 times more likely, talking and/or listening makes it 1.3 more likely and reaching for the device makes it 1.4 more likely. Moreover, 13% of drivers from 18 to 20 years old involved in car crashes have admitted using their phones at the time of the accident. Many people say that it is not a problem, that they can manage using their device while driving, however, it really is an issue, for example, teenagers who text while driving spend around 10% of the time outside of their lane. Even if the teen drivers are most likely to get in an accident, adults are concerned as well. 48% of young drivers have seen their parents drive while talking on a cell phone and 1 15% have seen them texting. Not to...
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...Read the following articles from Unit 5, jotting down your first impressions of each article to use in the reflections. * Sleeping with Guns by Bruce Holbert * My Daughter Smokes by Alice Walker * A Drunken Ride, A Tragic Aftermath by Theresa Conroy and Christine M. Johnson * Young and Isolated by Jennifer M. Silva Sleeping With Guns By BRUCE HOLBERT THE summer before my sophomore year in high school, I moved into my father’s house. My father had remarried and the only unoccupied bedroom in his house was the gun room. Against one wall was a gun case he had built in high school, and beside it were two empty refrigerators stocked with rifles and hundreds of rounds of ammunition. My bed’s headboard resided against the other wall and, above it, a resigned-looking, marble-eyed, five-point mule deer’s head with a fedora on its antler rack. The room had no windows, so the smell of gun oil filled my senses at least eight hours each day. It clung to my clothes like smoke, and like a smoker’s cigarettes, it became my smell. No one in my high school noticed. We all smelled like something: motorheads of motor oil, farm kids of wheat chaff and cow dung, athletes like footballs and grass, dopers like the other kind of grass. It did not appear to anyone — including me — that residing within my family’s weapons cache might affect my life. Together, my three brothers own at least a dozen weapons and have yet to harm anyone with them. Despite their guns (or, arguably, because...
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