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Carter Cleaning


Submitted By buttafingers26
Words 381
Pages 2
Carter Cleaning Company

Question 1

1. Carter Cleaning will need the hiring and training of skilled workers to run the company sufficiently.

2. Communication skills will need to be a MUST when it comes to the behavior and coordination between the employee and the employer.

3. A proper policy and salary wager would need to be placed, so a high turnover rate within will not occur as often.

4. The company would need to make sure they try not to run into staff shortages so it can be ran effectively.

5. The Company will need to keep their policy and procedures up to date and are very savvy with the global technology that are often coming into play to manage a workplace.

Question 2

Jennifer would need to have a very effective system in place that trains the skilled workers, have extensive background screenings as well as a policy and procedure orientation with efficient salary and health care compensation package. Her package can be well rounded with promotion benefits, vacations and incentives that will be available. Once the hiring and screening have taken place I would be ideal to set up a training/orientation of the practices that are excepted of the company so the employees can be well aware or their duties and expectations. With this Jennifer can try to keep the morale down. Every so often a training would not be bad on the performance level, work quality and new technology that becomes available if needed.


Patagonia is set aside from it competition simply by coming up with a idea that can cause no harm to the environment. One thing they do is use-recycled material (polyesters) in many of clothing instead of the pesticide intensive cotton. Which is green for the “green environment”.

Putting expectations up front in writing and not assuming new hires know what is expected is one.

Being very consistent with the policy and procedure can make for a companies success along with the management getting to know who they are hiring to set the tone for how the company is ran. With that and salary compensation good quality product and a perfect team willing to add input and wean out what is not necessary can be ways of success in a business.

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