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George Stanley Halas

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OEAE #1: Who was the most significant figure in the creation of the NFL? George Stanley Halas, known as “Papas Bear” is one of the most significant figures in the creation of the NFL. He was a big part of the NFL community and how they got big. E-”George Stanley Halas is one of the most significant figures in the creation of the NFL. For sixty one years, Halas was affiliated with the Bears in one capacity or another he named the Bears, played for the Bears, coached the Bears. By the time he retired as a coach in 1968, he had compiled the best coaching record in the history of professional football:321 wins, 142 losses and 31 ties. Hala’s team became known as the "Monster of Midway”. A-George Halas helped the NFL to get where they are today …show more content…
Walter Camp is the most significant figure in the creation of the NFL. Walter came to be a great football player and he had a big impact on it by changing the rules. E- “The college game was under attack for causing too many severe injuries and deaths, and football rule makers tossed around ideas for reforming play to make it compelling, yet safer, including the adoption of what we have come to know as the “forward pass”. Camp worried that aerial play would compromise the one-on-one confrontations of football that, for him, were the essence of the game. Nevertheless, he conceded variations of the forward pass to get the rule maker to agree to his “down and distance” principle, which required the offense to advance ten yards in four tires or surrender possessions.” A-Camp is the most significant figure in the creation of the NFL because he made variations of the forward pass in order to get his first downs, which changed the game to what it has come to be now. Camp made the first, second and third downs and on the fourth down you must surrender possession of the ball. Camp's ideas were not as popular at the time, but with his perseverance and determination he was able to make a significant contribution to the NFL. It is very clear that Camp made the structure and rules of football in the article. Camp used variations of the forward pass to show his yards and placement of where the ball stopped. A forward …show more content…
Walter Camp is the most significant figure in the creation of the NFL. Walter came to be a great football player and he had a big impact on it by changing the rules. E-”The rules of football as we know it today, however, originated in the mind of Walter Chauncey Camp (1859-1925). Camp was a rugby player and coach who revised the rules of rugby to create a new game. He decided that each side should have 11 players and have four downs to advance the ball 10 yards. Camp played on Yale University's new football team from 1877 to 1882. As Yale's coach from 1888 to 1891, he further developed the game's rules.” A-Camp started out as a rugby player and coach that wanted to make a new game. He took some components of rugby and made football. He made the rule of having 11 players on each side and he also made the down system. His rules still made the football seem more like rugby, so he continued to add more rules along the way of making his new game. Before Camp came up with his rules, they would play football games like rugby with 20 players on each side. “The invention of football” by Scholastic Inc, portrays Camp’s contribution to making football. This source is accurate because it shows how Camp contributed and was significant to the making of

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