Premium Essay

Geovany Ragoyti A Short Story

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Pages 3
Geovany Ragoytia went to school in fear almost everything day as he would get teased even though he was born in the u.s. They would say he hopped to the border and he lives with like 30 people in the house and they steal all the jobs and mostly mown lawns. One day he went to school he was getting teased they said stop crossing the border dude and he said I was born here and they laugh and he was getting mad and he said to shut up I was born here , they said shut up you beaner and geovany hit him and they started fighting as classmates called the teacher to come stop them and it was a three on one geo had a unfair disadvantage but he was determined to still defend his name and his culture.
After the teachers met with the students that fought Geo their names was rob , bob , cob, they all met with the principles to see the consequences and their parents were called and both sides had to defend themselves however geovany won because the students were bullying him and they do not tolerate that as the parents chat but Geo and the three others still dislike each other. …show more content…
they said yes they are illegal immigrants as soon as the officer heard that he called their parents to tell them they need to discipline their child

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