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My Dragon Research Paper

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A dragon is an obstacle that everyone has to one day face and overcome. Dragons come in life not to discourage but to encourage. Without dragons, there will be no improvement or growth. In order for me to move forward in life, I have to make many decisions for my future and most of that decision making starts now in my senior year of high school. My dragons are stress, college preparations, and graduating. I want to conquer these dragons because they are the biggest situations that I confront daily. In order for me to be able to deal with other situations that may come later, I have to defeat these dragons. What I will learn from conquering the current obstacles will help me conquer my future obstacles.
Since the beginning of my 12th grade year, I have been struggling due to stress. My stress is coming from me because I make sure all my assignments are complete and done. Completing all of my assignments are great, but I take my time on my homework so I can understand the material. I take a long time to complete my work that has to be done on a daily basis. I get stressed easily because it takes me a …show more content…
Colleges have many qualifications that they expect of students that are applying. Colleges want the best students and it makes it difficult for students like me who do not have the best SAT scores or have an impressive talent. I have many talents as well, just not an extraordinary talent. It becomes stressful because I have to find a college that fits me best. The search for colleges I would like to attend gets difficult because there are so many to choose from. Applying for a college gets tough when a student wants to attend several different colleges. I have to write college essays, finish the work due for my current classes, and make my best score on the ACT or SAT. Every senior has to go through this process and conquer the dragon so all I can do is try my best and make decisions on what college represents

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