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How Did German Nationalism Lead To World War I?

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Pages 8
Identification and Evaluation of Sources
The process of obtaining a valid research paper requires a thorough investigation of online resources. Extensive research measuring the commitment of German dominance before World War I was gathered by evaluating backgrounds of authors and the reliability of their information. From gathering a variety of evidence of different perspectives, the extent of data was able to confirm the validity of my research question: How did German nationalism lead to World War I? The levity of German dominance before World War I had influenced the continuous opinion of most authors. On the other hand, those who disagreed with the statement were unable to be fully convinced of a more drastic situation. The impact of extreme nationalist efforts, threatening neighboring territories, and Kaiser Wilhelm’s reign had sparked the beginning of World War I. Sources selected to support the thesis were analyzed to the reputation of the website and the author. Identifying the origin …show more content…
From the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand (June 28, 1914) to the Austro-Hungarian declaration of war on Serbia, European prosperity began to falter. This continues with the destruction of the war that eventually brought down four empires. According to, the approximation of damages were estimated: a total of 11,016,00 deaths and $196.5 billion amount of financial reparations. But in the end, who is to really be blamed? The mentality of the German culture influenced their aggressive attempt to become a worldwide superpower, influencing the start of World War I. Despite other claims of minor conflicts that possibly attributed to the start of World War I, the extent of the German nationalism was what truly initiated conflict. The overwhelming amount of nationalism that dominated the forces of Europe drove the Germans into an unstoppable

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