Janessa Joy Mendoza May 4, 2012
I. Introduction
A. Our life was full of mystery. B. Music is an inspiration to me, my life, and as a rhythm that we can compare in every aspects of our daily life. II. Body
A. Music as rhythm.
1. It is a movement marked by the regulated succession of strong and weak elements. 2. It is the timing of events in a human scale of musical sounds and silences. 3. It also refers to the visual presentation and a common language of pattern unities rhythm with geometry.
B. Music as my life
1. Music calms me down when I am pressured. 2. It makes me forget my problems and helps my heart heal. 3. Its takes me far away from where I need to be.
C. Music as my inspiration.
1. Music can be my inspiration while doing the things that I am supposed to do. 2. Music gives me inspiration and relaxation. 3. Music washes away from the soul the dust o our everyday life.
III. Conclusion
Our life was full of mystery. We need to find something that can fulfill our life. We have so many things to compare in our life like music. I can say that music is an inspiration to be and as a rhythm. Like in life we’re all different, sometimes we can find people that has the same attitude like ours. We need to know our limitation in life, like in music we need to know the right tone of the song we sing.
Janessa Joy Mendoza
“Music is my Life”
Our life was full of mystery. Music is an inspiration to me, my life, and as a rhythm that we can compare in every aspects of our daily life. “ Life is about trusting your feelings and taking chances losing and finding happiness, appreciating the memories learning the past and realizing that people change”. Some of the people said that music changed their lives and their emotions. Music inspires me everyday. My life is not complete without hearing the music.
Music is rhythm in which it is a movement marked by the regulated succession of strong and weak element. It is the timing of events in a human scale of musical sounds and silences. It is also refers to the visual presentation and a common language of patter unities rhythm with geometry. Rhythm is made up of sounds and silences that put together to form a pattern of sounds which are repeated to create a rhythm. It has a steady beat but it may also have some different kinds of beat. For example 4 quarter notes (= 4 beats), 3 quarter notes (=3 beats). Some beats may be stronger, longer, shorter or softer than others. In a single piece of music, a composer can use many different rhythms.
I can say that music is my life because I can’t live without music. Music also makes me relax every time. Music calms me down whenever I am pressured, it makes me forget my problems and helps my heart heal. Music follows me where ever I go even if night and day. It takes me far away from where I need to be, it takes me away and relax, it souths my soul, it is also my addiction. Music is the one that complete my everyday life. Music is my strength that you found in me. Music is the air that I breath. Musical intelligence will always be an important skill in my life. Music is the art which is most nigh to tears and memory. I love to listen to songs while studying. It helps me to forget my burdens in life. I listen to music just to help me focus on my task or to help me mellow out and relax. Music also improved my moods and emotion. Like many people, music is a huge passion of mine. I love listening to music as creative outlet and for entertainment. I listen to music to lift my mood when I’m down, and brighten my day. Music brings back positive good memories in our life but some music recall my past. It makes me happy and complete r everyday life.
Music is an inspiration to me because it brightens my everyday life. Music can be my inspiration while doing the things what I need supposed to do. It inspires me everyday. Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday. Music is my addiction. I feen for it, Music is the air that i breath, Music is the strength you find in me, Music flows through my body. My urges start to ring. "Music gives a soul to the universe,wings to the mind, flight to the imagination,and life to everything." usic, the greatest good that mortals know, And all of heaven we have below. Music can noble hints impart, Engender fury, kindle love; 40 with unsuspected eloquence can move, and manage all the man with secret art. When Orpheus strikes the trembling lyre, the streams stand still, the stones admire ; the listening savages advance, the world and lamb around him trip the bears in aukward measures leap, and tigers mingle in the dance, the moving woods attended as he played and Rhodope was left without a shade.
Our life was full of mystery. We need to find something that can fulfill our life. We have so many things to compare in our life like music. I can say that music is an inspiration to be and as a rhythm. Like in life we’re all different, sometimes we can find people that has the same attitude like ours. We need to know our limitation in life, like in music we need to know the right tone of the song we sing. I believe that by achieving a deeper understanding of the relationships addicts form with music, we can assist them in discovering more of their inner selves as manifested in their music. By rehabilitating their music-listening habits, they can begin to incorporate music into their lives as a source of enjoyment and enrichment. Music is an inspiration to me, my life, and as a rhythm that we can compare in every aspects of our daily life. We should cherish and appreciate the songs that we have heard everyday.