...Conveyor belt From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search This article is about industrial conveyor belts. For information on the global flow of sea currents, see Thermohaline circulation. Point of contact between a power transmission belt and its pulley. A conveyor belt uses a wide belt and pulleys and is supported by rollers or a flat pan along its path. These conveyor structures contain belts for moving bulk sulfur from railcars to storage piles and from the piles to ships. A conveyor belt (or belt conveyor) consists of two or more pulleys, with a continuous loop of material - the conveyor belt - that rotates about them. One or both of the pulleys are powered, moving the belt and the material on the belt forward. The powered pulley is called the drive pulley while the unpowered pulley is called the idler. There are two main industrial classes of belt conveyors; Those in general material handling such as those moving boxes along inside a factory and bulk material handling such as those used to transport industrial and agricultural materials, such as grain, coal, ores, etc. generally in outdoor locations. Generally companies providing general material handling type belt conveyors do not provide the conveyors for bulk material handling. In addition there are a number of commercial applications of belt conveyors such as those in grocery stores. The belt consists of one or more layers of material. They can be made out of rubber. Many belts...
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...A file system (filesystem) is means to organize data expected to be retained after a program terminates by providing procedures to store, retrieve and update data, as well as manage the available space on the device(s) which contain it. A file system organizes data in an efficient manner and is tuned to the specific characteristics of the device. There is usually a tight coupling between the operating system and the file system. Some filesystems provide mechanisms to control access to the data and metadata. Insuring reliability is a major responsibility of a filesystem. Some filesystems provide a means for multiple programs to update data in the same file nearly at the same time. Without a filesystem programs would not be able to access data by file name or directory and would need to be able to directly access data regions on a storage device. File systems are used on data storage devices such as magnetic storage disks or optical discs to maintain the physical location of the computer files. They may provide access to data on a file server by acting as clients for a network protocol (e.g., NFS, SMB, or 9P clients), or they may be virtual and exist only as an access method for virtual data (e.g., procfs). This is distinguished from a directory service and registry. Types of file systems Disk file systems A disk file system takes advantages of the ability to randomly address data on a disk storage media in a short amount of time. Additional considerations include the...
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...Sub: Malegam Committee Recommendations Have One Fatal Flaw & Raise Many Difficult Questions – An Immediate Corrective Action Is Needed THIS IS AN OPEN LETTER TO ALL CONCERNED WITH THIS MATTER From: Dr. Ramesh Bellamkonda Managing Director BSS Microfinance Private Limited, Bangalore. (The Opinions Expressed Here Are Solely Those Of The Author) One Fatal Flaw In Malegam Committee Recommendations: 1. Summary Recommendation 10, (11.12 (c)), that says “Field staff should not be allowed to make recovery at the place of residence or work of the borrower and all recoveries should only be made at the Group level at a central place to be designated” is a recommendation that is absolutely fatal to microfinance. If adopted, this will be a “Death Sentence”, nothing short. If this recommendation is adopted by the regulator, a ll that a borrower has to do to not repay, is to stop coming to the central designated place of collection of repayment. If the MFI staff go to borrowers‟ homes or work places in such a circumstance, the MFI staff would have violated the applicable regulations and the borrowers or others around them can call the police and have such MFI staff arrested. In a relatively short time, people will figure out how to not repay MFI loans. Some borrowers or their families or their neighbours or third parties will surely want to exercise this o ption. Once exercised by some people here and there, this would have an extremely contagious effect on just about...
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...16 Major Firms May Have Received Early Data From Thomson Reuters September 5, 2:25 PM ET |ByMatt Taibbi Read more: http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/blogs/taibblog#ixzz2fI9gEBD3 Follow us: @rollingstone on Twitter | RollingStone on Facebook Readers may recall an ugly story that broke earlier this summer, when New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman rebuked the news/business information firm Thomson Reuters for selling access to key economic survey data two seconds early to high-frequency algorithmic traders. The story strongly suggested that some Thomson Reuters customers were using their two-second head start (an eternity in the modern world of computerized trading) to front-run the markets. "The early release of market-moving survey data undermines fair play in the markets," Schneiderman said, back in the second week of July. Thomson Reuters suspended the practice of selling two-second head starts after Schneiderman insisted upon a change. Still, the firm defiantly refused to declare the change permanent and insisted that it had the right to "legally distribute non-governmental data" to "fee-paying subscribers." It turns out that there's more to the story. Back in June, journalist Simone Foxman at the global economic site Quartz reported that in addition to the two-second head start some Thomson Reuters customers were getting on the release of the University of Michigan Survey of Consumers, other customers may have been getting their data even earlier...
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...Name_________________________ Snell’s Law—PhET Simulation 1. Go to the PhET website. https://phet.colorado.edu/ 2. Choose “play with simulations.” Next, chose >Physics, >Light and Radiation, and choose >Bending Light. 3. Learn how to turn on the laser. Play with moving the angle to change the angle of incidence. Figure out how to use the protractor to measure angle of incidence and angle of refraction. Use the light intensity meter to figure out how to measure the percent of the ray that is refracted and reflected. Play with how a ray looks different than a wave. 4. Use the “Reset All” button. Align the protractor. Set up an angle of incidence of 60°. • What is the angle of refraction? ________ • What is the angle of reflection?_______ • What is the intensity of the refracted ray?________ • What is the intensity of the reflected ray?_______ 5. Change the upper medium to glass. Change the bottom medium to air. • Use the protractor to measure the critical angle._____ (Remember to measure from the normal, not the boundary.) _______ • What is the intensity of the reflected ray? ________ • Now use the shown indexes of refraction with Snell’s Law to check your measured critical angle. Show all work below. 5. Hit the “Reset All” button. 6. Make the top medium glass and the bottom medium water. • Using the protractor, measure the critical angle for light going from glass into water._____ • Use the indexes...
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...Definition of 'Hot Money'1. Money that flows regularly between financial markets as investors attempt to ensure they get the highest short-term interest rates possible. Hot money will flow from low interest rate yielding countries into higher interest rates countries by investors looking to make the highest return. These financial transfers could affect the exchange rate if the sum is high enough and can therefore impact the balance of payments. 2. Stolen money that is marked so as as to be traceable. | | Investopedia explains 'Hot Money'1. Banks usually attract "hot money" by offering relatively short-term certificates of deposit that have above-average interest rates. As soon as the institution reduces interest rates or another institution offers higher rates, investors with "hot money" withdraw their funds and move them to another institution with higher rates. 2. Hot money might have been involved in a robbery and tracked through dye marks on each bill or through recorded serial numbers. | Definition of 'Foreign Exchange Intervention'A monetary policy tool in which a central bank takes an active participatory role in influencing the monetary funds transfer rate of the national currency. Central banks, especially those in developing countries, intervene in the foreign exchange market in order to build reserves, stabilize the exchange rate and to correct misalignments. The success of foreign exchange intervention depends on how the central bank sterilizes the...
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...Page No. 2 Index Swachh Bharat Mission FEB & MARCH, 2015 AUGUST, 2012 Page No. 4 Insurance Sector In India Page No. 5 Bharat Ratna Award Designed by: Chandan Kumar “Raja” For Advertisement Contact at : 9958790414 Join us at Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/iasexamportal Follow us at Twitter: https://twitter.com/iasexamportal CURRENT AFFAIRS National Issues International Issues India & the World Economy Science and Technology Sports Awards & Prizes In The News 6 14 20 23 39 51 58 64 Disclaimer: Editor and Publisher are not responsible for any view, data, figure etc. expressed in the articles by the author(s). Maps are notational . All Disputes are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of competent courts and fourms in Delhi/New Delhi only. Selected Articles from Various Newspapers & Journals Page No. 67 91 Cyberspace Page No. 93 Regional Rural Banks The Mauryan Empire Model Paper G.S. Paper I 94 117 Join Online Coaching For IAS Pre & Mains Exams http://iasexamportal.com/civilservices/courses Project Mausam and Maritime Silk Route SWACHH BHARAT MISSION Throughout the world around 2.5 billion people do not have toilets to use, out of those 250 crore people 65 crore live in India alone. In order to solve this big challenge government of India has launched “Swachh Bharat Mission” on the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi and former Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri...
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...Dear ____________, I would like to attend Autodesk University December 2–4, 2014, in Las Vegas. I believe that attending this conference will bring significant benefits to <your company or department>. At AU, I will be able to learn about <_______>, which will help with the <insert current project>. I am also interested in exploring new tools and technologies as well as best practices and new business strategies to make our firm more productive and competitive. I’ve attached a Benefits Worksheet that outlines specific classes and other AU opportunities that will benefit our company. Here are some other tangible benefits to attending AU <adjust to fit your situation>: I’ll help our company stay current with new trends and technologies. By attending forward-looking innovation forums and classes and visiting with the AU Exhibit Hall vendors, I can find out what other companies are doing to stay competitive. I’ll make connections. I will network with peers to understand how other firms are handling common issues. I may be able to find joint venture partners, subcontractors, or new employees who can enhance our business. I’ll learn new skills and share them with my coworkers. I will make a concerted effort to share what I learn at AU. I plan to <insert plan>. Attending AU 2014 will cost approximately <insert cost from worksheet>. This includes all transportation, lodging, classes, events, and meals. This estimate assumes that I register...
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...9-1-1 Call Abandoned 9-1-1 Abandoned Vehicle ABC Violation ABC Investigation Academy Assignment A.C.O.R.N. Test Additional Contacts Administrative Assignment Administration-Officer Meal Break Administrative Duties Alarm – Burglar Residence Alarm – Burglar Non-Residence Alarm – Fire Alarm – Hold up Alarm – Medical Alarm – Panic Alarm - Other Animal Bite Incident Animal Complaint General Animal Complaint-Dead Animal Animal Complaint-Deer Related Animal Call Animal Destroyed by Police Animal Complaint/Deer Related Animal Complaint/Barking Dogs Animal Complaint/Dog Bite Animal Complaint/Animal Bite Animal at Large (Stray Dog) Animal at Large (Other Complaints) Animal-Dogs Defecating Applicant Firearm Applicant Police Auxiliary Applicant Taxi / Limo Applicant All Others Assist Motorist Assist Other Agency A.T.R.A. Attempt to Serve Warrant Attempt to Serve Restraining Order Attended Death Aviation Accident Back-up Other Officer Back-up Other Agency Beat Check Bicycle Stop Blocked Driveway Boating Incident Bomb Scare Building/Business Check Building Code Violations Building/Business Check Open Door Car Wash CCH / III Request Checked Road Conditions (Weather) Child Safety Seat Installation Child Custody Dispute Church Crossing Civil Defense Test Civil Dispute Computer Issue – Vehicle Computer Issue – Desktop Community Policing Detail Consumption of Alcohol in Public Places Construction Hour Violation Canvassing Without...
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...Eddjv dh sdh dsh fsdhfs h hs fdhf sh hs fdhsf shf shf shf dh fhs fhsf hf sdgf gfv fvgf vg vgfv fg gfs fgs fgs fgsd gs fgsf sg g fsg fsgf dsg gf sgf sgf sgf gf fg fgs fgs g f sgf sgf f sgf sgf dg sgfs fgs sg fgsf sg g gf sg fg fgs sgs gf sg vbcnb cn cnv cn c cnv cnv cn cnv nc cnc nv ncv cn vnc hs h sd wu sdc dscsd hc hc shc sch ch chdc dhc h ch cb b zbc hvha dh fdh dshf shs sh dhsd hs shf hd hd fhd fdh ssh shd fdhf hs fsh f sh sh shsa bhlbfrk hd hdfhd hd dhd hd dh fdh dh dh dhdf dhf dhfd h fdhf dhf hsdf vsdah h sdh sah vhsa hds dh dsh lah hsdla h asdh fhhf shjfsd hjsd f\s hjf sjf sdhf sjh fshjf jsf shf shf h fdhf dhs sjad sfj fhj fvdhsf dsafhjsa hjsa hds fhds asdhf dhdf fhdr hr hr hg ghr rhg rwehr hgr rh ghr rh gh h sadsdfhadslg afsh hdsabdhshahsdaslsda hd shas gdshj hdsa dhs gdsh dsha gdh agh gdha gh sdha dshgd has ahsd hd gdsah dsh dsh adhs asdh gdh gdsahg dshad sha dsha dgsh gsadh sdahsd aghds ghdsa asdh adshg asdhsa hs ghd shds hds sdhsdhsd ds hsd shfs hs hs fhs sh shs hs sh fshs hsfs hdf shf shs d d fhd fdhf h hfd fhd fhd hd fdhs hs fsh fshf shs hfs fsh shs hs reih rh rs fsdhf fhs fhs f fhsf shf sh sar hfrehre...
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...as and a-level business Get help and support Visit our website for information, guidance, support and resources at aqa.org.uk/7132 You can talk directly to the Business subject team E: business-studies@aqa.org.uk T: 01483 477 863 AS (7131) A-level (7132) Specifications For teaching from September 2015 onwards For AS exams in May/June 2016 onwards For A-level exams in May/June 2017 onwards Version 1.0 19 August 2014 aqa.org.uk G00395 Copyright © 2014 AQA and its licensors. All rights reserved. AQA retains the copyright on all its publications, including the specifications. However, schools and colleges registered with AQA are permitted to copy material from these specifications for their own internal use. AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (company number 3644723). Our registered address is AQA, Devas Street, Manchester M15 6EX. AS Business (7131) and A-level Business (7132). AS exams May/June 2016 onwards. A-level exams May/June 2017 onwards. Version 1.0 Contents 1 Introduction 5 1.1 Why choose AQA for AS and A-level Business 1.2 Support and resources to help you teach 2 Specification at a glance 2.1 Subject content 2.2 AS 2.3 A-level 5 6 8 8 8 9 3 Subject content 10 Strategic decision making (A-level only) 3.1 What is business? 3.2 Managers, leadership and decision making 3.3 Decision making...
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...A walk to survive I think that I am a good student and I like to study. My favorite subject is math. Then I enter the IFE due to my goal is to study this subject in future and to become a respected professional in one of the fields. And I have few friends because I cannot that I communicate with people and get to know new interesting individuals. I am very shy to communicate with new people. If I meet my friends, I am very comfortable for them. But I enjoy my time at school. It is really nice to study and the students are very friendly and ready to help. The atmosphere cannot but make me want to go there every time. I believe that friendship is one of the most important values in human life. We exchange new ideas, find many interesting things about each other and experience new things. I appreciate friendship and people who surround me. And other of most important values in human life is family. I think no one can live alone. We have to support each other in our lives. I am now feeling the importance of it. It is that the family always supports me. Without my family’s support, I may different person. And that it gives me power is media industry. It is my second supporter or interesting after the family. I really attracted music and movies. I like to thinking a lot of things or understanding a lot of things while I listening to music. I have loved watching movie and film since I was small. And I have learned various things through movie and films. The influence of the media...
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...INDIA, CHINA AND AMERICA INSTITUTE 1549 CLAIRMONT ROAD, SUITE 202 ● DECATUR, GA 30033 USA WWW.ICAINSTITUTE.ORG An Exploration of Human Resource Management Information Systems Security Humayun Zafar, Jan G. Clark & Myung S. Ko Journal of Emerging Knowledge on Emerging Markets Volume 3 November 2011 1 Zafar et al.: An Exploration of Human Resource Management Information Systems S Produced by The Berkeley Electronic Press, 2011 2011 JOURNAL OF EMERGING KNOWLEDGE ON EMERGING MARKETS ● WWW.ICAINSTITUTE.ORG PAGE 489 An Exploration of Human Resource Management Information Systems Security Humayun Zafar Kennesaw State University Jan G. Clark The University of Texas at San Antonio Myung S. Ko The University of Texas at San Antonio Journal of Emerging Knowledge on Emerging Markets Volume 3 November 2011 uman resource (HR) information systems are employed extensively by modern day firms. They are designed to support the HR functions such as attracting job applicants (Stone, Lukaszewski, & Isenhour, 2005) automating training and development, managing employee performance, and administering benefits systems (Burkhard, Schooley, Dawson, & Horan, 2010; Strohmeier, 2007). HR information systems can help meet employee needs, streamline operating procedures, reduce operating expenses, and also increase information accuracy and accessibility. They also aid in improving the professional standing of HR professionals in the organization (Hussain, H 2 ...
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...Motherboard 使用手冊 M2A-VM T3088 1.00 版 2007 年 4 月發行 版權所有•不得翻印 © 2007 華碩電腦 本產品的所有部分,包括配件與軟體等,其所有權都歸華碩電腦公司(以 下簡稱華碩)所有,未經華碩公司許可,不得任意地仿製、拷貝、謄抄或轉 譯。本使用手冊沒有任何型式的擔保、立場表達或其它暗示。若有任何因本 使用手冊或其所提到之產品的所有資訊,所引起直接或間接的資料流失、利 益損失或事業終止,華碩及其所屬員工恕不為其擔負任何責任。除此之外, 本使用手冊所提到的產品規格及資訊僅供參考,內容亦會隨時更新,恕不另 行通知。本使用手冊的所有部分,包括硬體及軟體,若有任何錯誤,華碩沒 有義務為其擔負任何責任。 使用手冊中所談論到的產品名稱僅做識別之用,而這些名稱可能是屬於其 他公司的註冊商標或是版權。 本產品的名稱與版本都會印在主機板/顯示卡上,版本數字的編碼方式是 用三個數字組成,並有一個小數點做間隔,如 1.22、1.24 等...數字愈大表示 版本愈新,而愈左邊位數的數字更動表示更動幅度也愈大。主機板/顯示卡、 BIOS 或驅動程式改變,使用手冊都會隨之更新。更新的詳細說明請您到華碩 的全球資訊網瀏覽或是直接與華碩公司聯絡。 目錄內容 安全性須知 .......................................................................................................................6 電氣方面的安全性 ..............................................................................................6 操作方面的安全性 ..............................................................................................6 關於這本使用手冊 .........................................................................................................7 使用手冊的編排方式 .........................................................................................7 提示符號 ..............................................................................................................7 跳線帽及圖示說明 ..............................................................................................8 哪裡可以找到更多的產品資訊 ......................................................................8 代理商查詢.......................................................................
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...Bank of America is one of the world's largest financial institutions, serving individual consumers, small and middle market businesses and large corporations with a full range of banking, investing, asset management and other financial and risk-management products and services. The company provides unmatched convenience in the United States, serving more than 59 million consumer and small business relationships with more than 6,100 retail banking offices, more than 18,000 ATMs and an online banking with more than 25 million active users. Bank of America offers services to more than 4 million small business owners through a suite of innovative, easy-to-use online products and services. The company serves clients in more than 150 countries and has relationships with 99 percent of the U.S. Fortune 500 companies and 83 percent of the Fortune Global 500. Bank of America Corporation stock (NYSE: BAC) is a component of the Dow Jones Industrial Average and is listed on the New York Stock Exchange. In late-2008, Bank of America acquired Merrill Lynch, a long-standing, global investments and financial services firm. Even if you are not a Bank of America customer, you have probably used some bank’s ATM system and/or online banking services. The following instructions require you to consider the business processes delivered to you as a consumer of banking services via an ATM and to help you explore the underlying information management requirements of an ATM system. Assignment: ...
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