...Furthermore, I would say women overwhelmingly occupy lower positions within the organization and thus are less represented in executive positions, especially within my job at the dealership. I knew this term coming into class but it is referred to as the "glass ceiling" affect, in which management discriminates against the promotion of specific employees, whether knowingly or unknowingly. I can relate to this term due to learning it in an Ethnic Stdies course taking previously along with the information that in 1991, the Federal Glass Ceiling Commission was commissioned in order to asses the barriers hindering "the advancement of women and minorities to management and decision-making positions," and to make recommendations toward dismantling them. At the time I was much more focused on the ethnic side of this problem but this class has made me make a connection with the glass ceiling affect and women. In the United States, discrimination within the workplace is illegal; nevertheless, I have seen that it survives in the form of salary inequality. I believe that people view that women are still often not expected to have the ability, or particular managerial know-how, needed to compete for and be successful in the same ranks as men. After being educated on the gender wage gap, the wage gap is closing. Though...
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...years, after some progress regarding women’s advancements in corporate settings has been made, it is found that only one tenth of the senior roles in companies are filled by women. The idea of the glass ceiling started in the 1980’s, when the phrase was used in multiple different books to describe an invisible barrier imposed on people because of race, gender, or any other “limiting” factors that may socially inhibit one from reaching their goal (Lewis). This is a socially constructed limit on these people, and is very prominent in corporate environments. When the Americans were asked if most people thought that barrier has been broken, 86 percent thought that the glass ceiling has not yet been broken, if even cracked (Lewis). Women’s salary, rank, and reputation in the workforce has consistently changed over the years. Fair treatment at the office has been a constant struggle for women in today’s society. Breaking...
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...and policy; regulation of stock exchanges and the role of SEBI; banking sector reforms, challenges facing public sector banks; growth and changing structure of non bank financial institutions; problem of non performing assets in Indian Banks. UNIT-IV Trend and pattern of India's foreign trade and balance of payments; latest EXIM policy-main features; policy towards foreign direct investment; globalisation trends in Indian economy; role of MNC's; India's policy commitments to multilateral insitiutions - IMF, World Bank and WTO. NOTE : The question paper will be set by the external examiners. The external examiner will set 8 questions in all, selecting not more than two questions form each unit. If a case study in included in the question paper then it will carry marks equivalent to two questions. The candidates will be requited to attempt five questions in all, selecting atleast one question from each unit. However, in question paper (s) where any deviation is required, special instructions will be issued by the Chairman, PG Board of Studies in...
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...A critical evaluation of Women in management- the glass ceiling at the St. Lucia Fire Service Executive Summary The topic of the glass ceiling has been of great interest in recent years especially in the field of management. The problem is that women demonstrate successful qualities over years and despite the qualities that they possess, the glass ceiling still continue to exist in organizations that are male dominating and find it difficult to break into management. The purpose of this research is to identify the barriers that exists impeding women’s career progression in the fire service and to make recommendations that the St. Lucia Fire Service may implement to increase capacity in senior management level. It is important for women to be part of senior management since women currently make a proportionally larger percentage at the workplace and also because the government has established that in any form of recruitment into the fire service, women should make up twenty percent of the capacity. This research examined how the concept of the glass ceiling is unavoidable in the fire service. Two stages of data collection and analysis were carried out. By using descriptive research the status of women in the fire service will be presented. A questionnaire was developed and delivered to two hundred fire personnel. An analysis of answers from the questionnaire was analyzed to assess the opinions about the impact of females on promotions to senior management. To...
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...Breaking thru the Glass Ceiling GEB 452 Organizational Ethics Introduction For too many women, discrimination still plays a role in the jobs they get, the wages they are paid, and the promotions they receive. The base of this paper is on the ‘glass ceiling’ metaphor, which is the invisible barriers women experience in their rising career, which prevents them from reaching the top of an organization or making it difficult to get there. Even though we have come a long way from how it was fifty years ago it’s undeniable that women still today are not accepted as an equal. Most women seem under-represented in upper management levels in many companies and getting paid less for the same work done by men. This paper will examine some of the obstacles that women have to face during their climb on the corporate ladder and once they arrive. I will also discuss how the gender discrimination has improved thru the years and explain what women are doing to try to break thru the glass ceiling. The Glass Ceiling Women have come a long way during the past century. They have flown alone across the Atlantic Ocean, they have been given the right to vote, they have gone in a rocket into space and they have even been elected to Congress. Even though all they hold all these achievements, women are still facing barriers and gender discrimination in the workplace. It has been shown that even if a woman has received the proper education and credentials, they are often not considered for the...
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...last decade, the corporate "glass ceiling" still appears to be an obstacle to their advancement into senior leadership. We have done a qualitative research on the factors that are responsible for glass ceiling and the factors that help women find a way to get around the glass ceiling. We have followed an exploratory research design approach wherein we have used interview as the basis to get down to the factors. Background of the Problem Historically, India has been a male-dominated society. But in the past few decades, certain changes in our society have widened the arena for women. Be it managerial roles in corporate world, academics, politics, women are increasingly becoming more visible. Globalization has also helped bring concepts such as gender diversity in leadership roles. As opportunities for women have increased so now women are entering professions which were previously seen as the domain of men in the corporate world .But there are invisible and artificial barriers that impede women from advancing to senior leadership positions which is popularly known as “Glass Ceiling” .Glass ceiling describes the barriers that women face in the workplace. The word "ceiling" suggests that women are blocked from advancing in their careers due to many factors, and the term "glass" is used because the ceiling is not always discernible. Although many women hold management positions, few have made the breakthrough to top-level positions. Glass ceiling has been extensively studied...
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...This suggests that something beyond just sex differences in career patterns must be at work to account for the huge difference in the number of men versus women in top management positions. Although women as a whole may place less emphasis on career success than men, there are a considerable amount of women who strive for top management positions and are unable to attain them. In a recent study almost three-fourths of women and two-thirds of men believe that an invisible barrier (a glass ceiling) prevents women from attaining top management positions. In this report we have tried to find out the barriers causing women advancement in organizational top levels referred to as “Glass Ceiling.” We have conducted our research among some of the top level organizations which are United International University (UIU), MERCANTILE BANK Limited (MBL), Islamic Bank Limited (IBL), and Mutual Trust Bank Limited (MTBL). Without their support we couldn’t have completed this report. Here we have conducted research about some of the factors which correspondents have identified as the major factors. The main intention of this report was to find out the actual barriers (if there is any) causing women to stand back in line, although they are well qualified to move up in the line. Based on the responses of the participants\correspondents we have tried to put up this report. 1. Introduction In this era of globalization women are close to dominating every field of work they are in. They...
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...Stefanie da Silva April 4, 2014 BUS 410 – Maher Research Paper ------------------------------------------------- The Glass Ceiling: An Ongoing Problem and Its Solutions The Wall Street Journal coined the term “glass ceiling” about twenty-five years ago. The glass ceiling refers to invisible barriers that prevent women and minorities from reaching the top of the corporate ladder. Traditionally, throughout the United States and the world, men instead of females have held the vast majority of leadership positions. It has been found that the higher the position, in both private and public sectors, the less likely a women would hold it. For example, a study shows that women hold just 2% of positions on the board of directors of large companies in the United States of America and Britain. A second study, conducted in 1995, found that 95% of all top management positions were held by males; a staggering number considering women accounted for 45.7% of American jobs during that year. Additionally, of the Fortune 1000 companies recognized in 2003, only seventeen are led by women CEOS. So the main question at hand here is why do women lag so far behind men in moving up the managerial ladder? More women are in the workforce than ever due to the Civil Rights Act barring sexual discrimination in the workplace. However, very few of those women actually hold top leadership positions. Women’s development programs exist to help females move up in the ranks of corporate America, but...
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...Iranian Journal of Management Studies (IJMS) Vol.6, No.1, January 2013 pp: 77-97 Glass Ceiling and Women Career Advancement: Evidence from Nigerian Construction Industry Obamiro John Kolade1*, Obasan Kehinde2 1. Department of Business Studies,Covenant University, Ota,Ogun State, Nigeria 2. Department of Business Administration,Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye Ogun State, Nigeria (Received: 9 December 2011; Revised: 19 February 2012; Accepted: 26 February 2012) Abstract Despite the fact that women possess the required knowledge, skills, competencies, training and experiences to perform effectively and efficiently in construction industry, they experience entry and career advancement barriers. This research examines the effects of glass ceiling syndrome on women career advancement in construction industry. Data were obtained through structured questionnaire distributed to workers of selected construction companies. The findings reveal that some of the barriers mentioned in the literature against women career advancement in construction are prevalent in Nigeria, except the existence of equality in respect of male and female in terms of employment and career development opportunity. Also, low women participation in Nigerian construction industry begins in choosing course, education and continues throughout recruitment process. The aim is to encourage women's participation in construction industry and employers to tackle the industry‟s environmental issues by introducing flexible...
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...|RESEARCH WINDOWS ON GENDER MAINSTREAMING | | | | | | | |Dr.M.Neeraja Venkat MBA,PGD-IRPM,Ph.D | |Worked as an Assistant professor, Dept.of Business Administration, | |Sri devi women’s Engineering college ,Hyderabad . | |Mobile: +254771888277, Email:tummalaneeraja@gmail.com. | | | | | |...
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...of this bibliography is to find the changes of gender in leadership. With the development of society, the number of female leaders is increasing in recent years (Michelle and Elaine, 2008). According to (Stewart, 2009), there are more difficulties facing female leaders than male leaders, which makes it difficult to involve more females in the leading positions. A research (Hilary, 2009) indicated that although the number of female leaders is increasing, the ratio of female leaders in leadership is not balanced and more females should be involved in management positions. According to Kaycee (2010), the changes of gender in leadership have been in the process, which can be proved by the changes of people’s attitudes to female leaders. Reference | Michelle M & Elaine Y(2008), The trend of female leaders in organisations, Journal of Management, 23, 7, pp 105-124 | Type of Article | Literature review | Aim\purpose | The purpose of this article is to find out the changes of female leaders in the past decade and explain the reasons of the changes and then predict the trend of changes. | Approach | This paper reviews previous theories about the necessary of involving female leaders and then it presents the process of female leaders entering the management field. It highlights the trend of changes of gender in leadership based on four reasons which are given step by step. | Conclusion | The number of female leaders has increased in the past decades and in the future...
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...The research conducted “controls for occupation, major, hours worked, parenthood, and many other factors to reveal that college-educated women working full time were paid an unexplained 7% less than their male counterparts were paid one year after graduation”. (Graduating to a Pay Gap, 2012) Therefore, this analysis shows that when men and women choose the same occupation and have the same level of education for some unexplained reason there is still a gap between their salaries. This discredits the widely used argument that women dominate different fields and that is why they are ultimately paid less. A new catalyst census of Fortune 500 companies gathered data regarding the glass ceiling in the year 2013 and the results were alarming. They found that “Women held only 16.9% of corporate board seats in 2013, indicating no significant year-over-year uptick for the 8th straight year. Women held only 14.6% of Executive Officer positions—the 4th consecutive year of no year-over-year growth. And 10% of companies had no women serving on their boards.” (Catalyst 2013 Census,...
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...performance. The main aim of this study is to see the effect of these gender discrimination dimensions which include glass ceiling, salary gap and discrimination in facilities on the productivity of female employees with the mediating effect of job commitment and job satisfaction. The research is focused on the private education sector. The population frame is the female teachers in the private education institutes. A sample of 130 female teachers is collected for this study. The framework is developed for our study for checking the impact of glass ceiling, salary gap and discrimination in facilities on the productivity of female employees. The hypotheses are developed and after the data analysis some of the hypothesis are rejected and some of the hypothesis are not rejected. The hypotheses that the glass ceiling, discrimination in facilities and salary gap has negative impact on employee productivity is accepted which made us to conclude that these discrimination has a big impact on employee productivity and ultimately organizational performance. This study will give some guidelines to the managers and policy makers in any organization that how to reduce these discriminations. Key words: Gender discrimination, Glass ceiling, Employee productivity, salary gap, discrimination in facilities, job satisfaction, job commitment, Paper type: Research Paper 1. Introduction 1.1 Significance/Rationales of study The study came up with the solutions to the problem...
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...Gender Inequality in the Workforce Abstract Over the last nine decades women have battled to become identically tantamount with men in all aspects of life and work. Women have made enormous advances in edification and vocation but parity in pay and promotions in the workplace still elude them. It is well documented, prominent and discussed that women earn less. Why is this transpiring and is inequality as skewed as most cerebrate? If there is a “glass ceiling”, why is it there? And what can women do to navigate around it to become prosperous top level executives with matching emolument? What can managers do to ascertain that women have as many opportunities as men and equal pay? Introduction Parity sought by women was something that commenced in the 1800s. With the passing of the 15th amendment in 1865, African-American men were given suffrage following the civil war. It would take another 55 years afore women would be sanctioned that same right. The women’s movement known as feminism commenced in 1848, when the first women’s rights convention was organized. During this time in American history, women had very few rights and constrained edification, due to not having very many colleges they were sanctioned attend. They were withal considered to be the property of their husband or father. This denoted that anything they owned did not genuinely belong to them. Women fought hard to gain the first step in the ...
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...Media Role Research Paper October 13, 2014 Rosamar Mallari Professor: Deanna Shelby SOC 101: Introduction to Sociology Moraine Valley Community College – Blue Island Learning Center Media Role Research Paper The inequality between men and women is not limited to past civilizations or to certain cultures; however, is constantly present in modern society. Moreover, the biological components with which individuals are born will not only work as their master status within society, but it will also dictated the socially acceptable behavior for the individuals within that civilization (Helsin, 2009, p. 294). Additionally, in modern society the media can also reinforce the gender stratification barrier or break it. Therefore, to have a better understanding of the media effect in gender stratification an episode of the television sitcom “Last Man Standing” will be analyze in the following paragraphs. Episode Background “Last Man Standing” is a comedy show in which the father of three girls offers his perspective regarding day-to-day situations that families are dealing with, in today’s society. In the episode “Here’s the Kicker” the family has to deal with the decision of the youngest female member of joining the men varsity football team (Shipley & Pasquin, 2014). Gender Stratification in Today’s Media According to Helsin (2009), “It is not the work that provides prestige, but the sex with which the work is associated” (p. 303); therefore, as Linton and Rosaldo noted...
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