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Glg 101 Final

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1. Does the end justify the means?
No, because the three boys intention is unethical, so is their action. A person should not do wrong in order to receive something good.
1.1. What are those means?
I believe they kill him for racism reasons or they saw him as a bad person in some way.
2. Are punishment and fear of punishment the only things that keep us from doing wrong?
No. There are other things that keep people away from doing wrong, like fear of people, laws, rewards, self-satisfaction, etc. All other motivations could be gone except fear of God or hope as well.
Did they do right or wrong?
What the three boys did is wrong because taking a person live is absolutely inhumane therefore they have no right to kill him.
2.1. What is punishment?
Is a penalty that should prevent people from …show more content…
Should all economic resources be controlled by individual or communities?
Yes. In order to serve the people. It must be controlled by the community
4.1. Who benefit?
It benefits the people who control the economic resources.
5. Are results all that matter, or do intentions also count?
Intentions if discovered in a person, can be a "rule-of-thumb" when it comes to judging the goodness or badness of an action. In most cases I would assume, intention and result usually coincide. Ultimately the result is what matters. When someone intends to do good, but ends up doing evil we have to judge intentions and results based around how informed the person was before they acted and whether they were aware of their lack of knowledge. Intentional ignorance is no excuse.
What was the purpose?
The three boys intent to kill Charlie Howard. They despite Charlie's screams about his inability to swim. I believe they kill him for racism reason. Since the three boys were high school students I think Charlie Howard was a student in the same school. From my point of view I think Charlie Howard was thumping from society somehow.
5.1. What was original intention?
Their original intention is kill

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