...Running Head: PYTHAGOREAN QUADRATIC Running head should use a shortened version of the title if the title is long! All capital letters for the title and the words Running and Head should be capitalized as well. 1 Pythagorean Quadratic (full title; centered horizontally & vertically) First Name Last Name MAT 221 Dr. xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx Date PYTHAGOREAN QUADRATIC 2 Pythagorean Quadratic Be sure to have a centered title on page 1 of your papers!! [The introductory paragraph must be written by each individual student and the content will vary depending on what the student decides to focus on in the general information of the topic. YOUR INTRODUCTION SHOULD CONNECT MATH CONCEPTS AND REAL-WORLD APPLICATIONS. DO NOT INCLUDE THE DIRECTIONS IN THE INTRO! The following paragraph is not an introduction to the paper but rather the beginning of the assignment.] Here is a treasure hunting problem very similar to the one in the textbook (Dugopolski, 2012). This problem involves using the Pythagorean Theorem to find distance between several points. Spanky has half of a treasure map, which indicates treasure is buried 2x + 9 paces from Leaning Rock. Buckwheat has the other half of the treasure map, which says that to find the treasure one must walk x paces to the north from Leaning Rock and then 2x + 6 paces east. Spanky and Buckwheat found that with both bits of information they can solve for x and save themselves a lot of digging. How many paces is x? Even though Spanky’s...
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...Cognitive Dissonance Paper Donnie Robertson is a man that has always worked diligently to provide for his family, and was a well-respected man in his community. The following is a narrative on how this dedicated and honest father, husband, and friend made resolutions based on the circumstances in his life that would encroach on his values, beliefs, attitudes, and morals. The areas of social, cultural, and spiritual impacts on his conduct will be discussed, along with his personal ethics. Furthermore, a reciprocal relationship between his attitudes and behavior will be addressed. Finally, it will be illustrated how Donnie applies cognitive dissonance theory to justify his actions. Describe Situation Donnie Robertson started working at one of the top automobile industries in his area right after college. He married his high school love, and over a twelve year period had three children. Everything in his life was perfect until economic issues caused the company to shut its doors. Although many in the community lost their jobs to, most came from wealthy families and did the face the strains of the loss as Donnie and his family did. Donnie was able to draw unemployment for a while but during this time his wife passed away from an aneurysm. What little he was getting from unemployment was not enough to cover the medical and funeral bills. After several months of trying to pay, everything off he ran out of unemployment, and he could not find work because he did not have...
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...Summary of A Doctor’s Journal Entry for August 6, 1945 by Vikram Seth A Doctor’s Journal Entry for August 6, 1945 by Vikram Seth is a remarkable poem describing the horrors of the aftermath of an atomic bomb explosion. This tragic poem describes the condition of the survivors of the atomic bombing by the United States on Hiroshima during the end of the World War II on 6th of August 1945. The narrator in the poem, A Doctor’s Journal Entry for August 6, 1945, is a doctor. The poem begins with a calm and serene note. The doctor says that it was dawn and he was in his bed, not fully clothed. When he stretched out and looked outside, he saw shining leaves and shadows. In the next moment, there were two sudden flashes of strong light and the old stone lantern in his room lit up by itself. The doctor wondered whether the flashes were magnesium flares seen during a war. In the next moment, the doctor finds out that the roof and wall of his building has collapsed and the debris were scattered all over. Dust covered up the whole place and clothes disappeared from his body. They were burnt. The doctor was wounded on his cheek, thigh and he was bleeding. A piece of glass had entered into his body which he removes ‘detachedly.’ He was wondering what suddenly took place and what had happened to him. The narrator called out his wife, ‘where are you, Yecko-san?’ Yecko-san looked pale, frightened and had blood stains on her body. The doctor assures his wife that they would be fine and they...
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...American Literature Journal Writing Tabish Jaleel Shaikh March 10(Saul Bellow- Seize the Day) Seize the Day was a comparatively easy read, and seemed like a very real life depiction of American life, from the eyes of the two generations, Tommy Wilhelm and his father, Dr. Adler. Comparing it to one of the first novels I read in this course, Death of a Salesman, I realize that Seize the Day also has the theme of the broken myth of the American dream embedded in the story. Also the title of the novel struck me at first, but I could not remember where I had read or come across this phrase before. Upon searching online, I remembered that it has its origin in one of the poems of a Latin Poet Horace, the word being “Carpe diem” in Latin. I remembered that I had read this back in high school, the stanza of the poem was: While we speak, envious time will have {already} fled Seize the day, trusting as little as possible in the future. It’s interesting how just a small phrase can carry so much meaning. Saul Bellow has very effectively depicted the philosophy of carpe diem by narrating a real life scenario of war stricken America where maximizing the utility of time is the very important. Although the theme of alienation and isolation is prevalent throughout the book through Tommy’s life events, Saul could not make me feel sympathetic towards Tommy. Tommy’s inability to judge himself, and be self-aware of his strengths and weaknesses causes his downfall. He is always...
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...Lin Manuel-Miranda: A Progressive Voice for History History is frequently the bane of many students’ academic careers. To some, history is arid, nothing more than the tedious repetition of events long passed. The somniferous lectures and dense readings found in the history classroom further serve to perpetuate the myopic perception of history as stale and purposeless. Through the medium of the stage, Lin-Manuel Miranda challenges this attitude with an impeccable tone of drama, introspection, and spontaneity, breathing new life into the carcass of historical narratives by grounding Hamilton’s story in the universal aspirations and struggles of mankind. Lin weaves together his boundless excitement for telling Hamilton’s story with...
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...Some definitions of literary devices, techniques and style from searching via http://www.ferretsoft.com/ LITERARY DEVICES http://mrbraiman.home.att.net/lit.htm Literary devices refers to any specific aspect of literature, or a particular work, which we can recognize, identify, interpret and/or analyze. Both literary elements and literary techniques can rightly be called literary devices. Literary elements refers to aspects or characteristics of a whole text. They are not “used,” per se, by authors; we derive what they are from reading the text. Most literary elements can be derived from any and all texts; for example, every story has a theme, every story has a setting, every story has a conflict, every story is written from a particular point-of-view, etc. In order to be discussed legitimately, literary elements must be specifically identified for that text. Literary techniques refers to any specific, deliberate constructions of language which an author uses to convey meaning. An author’s use of a literary technique usually occurs with a single word or phrase, or a particular group of words or phrases, at one single point in a text. Unlike literary elements, literary techniques are not necessarily present in every text. Literary terms refers to the words themselves with which we identify and describe literary elements and techniques. They are not found in literature and they are not “used” by authors. Allegory:...
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...accused of stabbing his father. Throughout the film, the audience becomes familiar with each of the jurors and is quickly introduced to topics at issue such as discrimination, iniquitous motives, and concerns about the American judicial system. As the twelve jurors deliberate to reach a verdict, the film epitomizes the validation and condemnation of the American justice system. There are many responsibilities of a jury: to achieve fair and impartial decision, determine guilt or not guilt, give people voice in the government, and to protect the rights of the accused. In other words, the main point of the jury system is not to provide innocence but eradicating or sustaining reasonable doubt. The presumption of innocence is a key theme in the narrative that reflects one of the distinct characteristics of the American justice system. As much as this film is about lessons of discrimination, fate, and impartiality, it is also a lesson of the American justice system. Although this film demonstrates many imperfections in the court system, as imperfect human beings, perhaps it is necessary that justice call upon such a system. As shown in Twelve Angry Men, the American justice system, although seemingly flawed, works for us imperfect human beings Aside from the opening courtroom scene where the audience is introduced to the judge and defendant, the film mostly takes place in a room with the twelve jurors. The names of each juror are not revealed but addressed in the order in which they are...
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...Sammy’s Journey As a “Professional Sidekick” ENG 99B: Senior Honors Essay Aaron Mitchell Finegold Professor Caron Irr Spring 2009 Chapter 1: Introduction, What Is a Sidekick? Something about The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay’s syntax sounds like a comic book itself, not unlike the two characters of Detective Comics who are always billed as Batman & Robin. “Robin & Batman” makes no sense, since Batman (Bruce Wayne) is the protagonist of the story and Robin (Dick Grayson) is his ward. The ordering of names is indicative of both their working style as superheroes as well as their living arrangement, which caused a great deal of controversy both in the context of the novel and some of the historical events it references. For Sammy Clay, the sidekick role apparent in the ordering of his and Josef’s names provides him a creative and continual outlet for his sexual desires, until the final crisis of the novel in which his learning of this very trend allows him to break free of his role and live his life in fulfillment and contentment. The connection between Kavalier & Clay and Batman becomes apparent not only through linguistic observation, but also through several references Chabon makes in the novel comparing one or both characters. Arguably, the interrogation Sammy faces at the trial about Wayne and Grayson’s relationship is the most explicit in that they both live together and they work as a team to achieve a common...
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...STUDIES IN PROFESSIONAL LIFE AND WORK Mike Hayler University of Brighton, UK Autoethnography, Self-Narrative and Teacher Education examines the professional life and work of teacher educators. In adopting an autoethnographic and life-history approach, Mike Hayler develops a theoretically informed discussion of how the professional identity of teacher educators is both formed and represented by narratives of experience. The book draws upon analytic autoethnography and life-history methods to explore the ways in which teacher educators construct and develop their conceptions and practice by engaging with memory through narrative, in order to negotiate some of the ambivalences and uncertainties of their work. The author’s own story of learning, embedded within the text, was shared with other teacher-educators, who following interviews wrote self-narratives around themes which emerged from discussion. The focus for analysis develops from how professional identity and pedagogy are influenced by changing perceptions and self-narratives of life and work experiences, and how this may influence professional culture, content and practice in this area. Autoethnography, Self-Narrative and Teacher Education Autoethnography, Self-Narrative and Teacher Education STUDIES IN PROFESSIONAL LIFE AND WORK The book includes an evaluation of how using this approach has allowed the author to investigate both the subject and method of the research with implications for ...
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...than outer time d)Search for identity e)Treatment of religion f)Treatment of sexuality Conclusion James Joyce (from February 2, 1882 to January 13, 1941) was one of the most preeminent Irish authors of the 20th century. He is known for his literary innovation strictly focused narrative and indirect style. James Joyce matriculated from University College of Dublin in 1903. After moving to Paris, Joyce planned on studying medicine. The lectures were conducted in a technical French but Joyce’s education had not prepared him for it. Despite his mother’s attempts to get him to return to Catholic Church, Joyce remained unmoved even after her death. Joyce studied at Clongowes Wood College from 1888 until 1892. When the family’s financial state devolved, Joyce had to leave the school. After a brief time at Christian Brothers School, Joyce was enrolled at Belvedere College in 1893. In 1898, Joyce began studying Italian, English and French at University College Dublin. At this time, Joyce also began his entry into the artistic life of Dublin. His literary reviews appeared in Fortnightly Review. His review of Henrik Ibsen received a positive personal response from Ibsen himself. In addition to his reviews, he also wrote some pieces of drama that have since been lost. The writings of James Joyce include Chamber Music, Dubliners, The Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Ulysses, Exiles, Finnegan’s Wake. 1914...
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...public events” where memory is defined as “the faculty by which events are recalled or kept in mind”. Thus history and memory interrelate as history can be seen as the contextual justification for memory. “The Fiftieth Gate” is a poignant interweaving of history and memory. The text follows protagonist, Mark Baker an historian, son of Holocaust survivors Genia and Yossl (Joe), on an historical journey through memory, to uncover the origins of his past and act as a catalyst for future generations to also connect with their history. Mark Baker’s journey through history and memory is also executed through his conventional ideas that memory is biased and less valid than history. There are numerous references to the discrepancies between the personal memories of his parents and the documented history Mark as an historian believes. In this way it is apparent that Mark is on a quest for verification, “my facts from the past are different”. This displays the flaw Mark traditionally notes in memory and his need for historical evidence. As responders accompany Mark on his journey, they also encounter the complexity of simultaneously being a son and an historian. This attested via the following when Mark collates his parent’s memories with documented historical evidence “His was a past written on a page…mother couldn’t point to anyone”. This quote represents the way Mark requires documented evidence, history. This is because he believed his father’s memories only when had had evidence...
Words: 23607 - Pages: 95
...English Writing Subject Code: ENW315109 List of Contents TQA Student ID: 13X35189 1. Title: Reflective Statement Word Count: 1095 2. Title: Teenage Dream Genre/form: Narrative Word Count: 3534 3. Title: Tradition? Genre/form: Narrative Word Count: 1141 4. Title: Family Genre/form: Narrative Word Count: 900 Total Word Count: 6670 Please Note: • • The Writing Project must be clearly identified. The ‘List of Contents’ must be the first page of the electronic folio. Tasmanian Qualifications Authority English – Writing ENW315109 TQA Student ID: 13X35189 Reflective Statement Expressing my own thoughts into writing has never been a real enjoyment; it probably has to do with my school education where we were asked to refer to the context of the books as learning materials as opposed to pure enjoyment. Education in Australia is very different to where I come from; it requires selflearning and self-reflection for overall development and self-improvement. Obviously the word “self” is important in education in Australia and from this perspective learning has become so much more real and enjoyable. One of the main reasons to choose English Writing is to express my thoughts, opinions and arguments in writing which I have never been encouraged to do before. Over the course of study I have developed various skills learnt different literary techniques and increased my vocabulary. This course is a very good platform for me to prepare myself...
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...GURU NANAK KHALSA COLLEGE OF ARTS, SCIENCE & COMMERCE APPLE INC. APPLE INC. formerly Apple Computer, Inc., is a multinational corporation that creates consumer electronics, computer software, and commercial servers Under the supervision of: Sameer Velankar Index Serial No. Particulars Page No. 1. Introduction 2. History 3 Management Board Steve Jobs 4. Apple Products 5. Apple’s comeback 6. Small Solutions & Alternatives 7. i Products 8. Acquisitions 9. SWOT Analysis 10. SWOT Analysis Conclusion & Recommendation 11. Strategic Management the Steve Jobs Way 12. PORTER’S Five Forces 13. Microsoft, Apple & Google 14. Fundamental Analysis 15. Financial History 16. Graph Analysis 17. Case Study: Apple’s lawsuit on Samsung, what happened? 18. The components of the lawsuit 19. Bibliography Apple Computer, Inc. The idea fell from a tree, literally. Steve Jobs had returned from visiting a commune like place in Oregon located in an apple or hard. Apple co-founder and jobs pals, Steve Wozniak ,picked him up from the airport. On the drive home, Jobs simply said “ I came up with a name for our company- Apple”. Wozniak said they could have tried to come up with more technical sounding names but their vision was to make computers approachable. Apple fits perfectly. INTRODUCTION APPLE INC.. , formerly Apple Computer, Inc., is a multinational corporation...
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...AS English Language [pic] [pic] [pic] Fiction style models and tasks – 2012/2013 Style Model Workbook Style models are examples of a type of writing used to give you an idea of the features used when adapting a particular style and form. As you will be required to include a fiction and non-fiction annotated style model as part of your coursework folder we have compiled a selection of materials to give you a head start. The two booklets (one fiction, one non-fiction) will contain the type of extracts you should be looking for and the questions that accompany them will help you to annotate the materials appropriately. You will be given some of the extracts to study in class and some to complete as homework tasks. There may be some materials that you haven’t been directed to by your teachers, these will make very good additional preparation and you should look at these in your own time. All the resources, and some additional style models, can be found in the AS Language section of Moodle. AS LANGUAGE COURSEWORK You must keep all work during the production of the coursework in your folder. You will need all drafts and style models for part of your final grade. Criteria • Two pieces of your own writing • Each piece must have a different audience and purpose • You should write with a specific genre in mind • Pieces should be designed with a real publication in mind • Two...
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...e Runner begins with our thus-far nameless protagonist explaining that the past cannot be forgotten. A single moment in time defined him and has been affecting him for the last twenty-six years. This moment was in 1975 when he was twelve years old and hid near a crumbling alleyway in his hometown of Kabul, Afghanistan. When the protagonist's friend, Rahim Khan, calls him out of the blue, he knows that his past sins are coming back to haunt him even in the new life he has built in San Francisco. He remembers Hassan, whom he calls "the harelipped kite runner," saying "For you, a thousand times over." Rahim's words also echo in his head, "There is a way to be good again." These two phrases will become focal points for the rest of the novel and our protagonist's story. Chapter Two The protagonist remembers sitting in trees with Hassan when they were boys and annoying the neighbors. Any mischief they perpetrated was the protagonist's idea, but even when Hassan's father, Ali, scolded Hassan, he never told on the protagonist. Hassan's father was a servant to the protagonist's father, Baba and lived in a small servant's house on his property. Baba's house was widely considered the most beautiful one in Kabul. There Baba held large dinner parties and entertained friends, including Rahim Khan, in his smoking room. Though the protagonist was often surrounded by adults, he never knew his mother because she died in childbirth. Hassan never knew his mother, either, because she eloped with...
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