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Octopus Research Paper

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Our part one and part two articles with first 15 facts about the octopus really blew your mind, but these final eight facts are even more impressive! The unique secrets of the octopus sure are intriguing, and there is so much to be discovered about this amazing creature when you keep reading! You have been eagerly awaiting, and now it is time to reveal the ultimate eight mind-blowing facts you never knew about the octopus!

Number Eight: Impressive Strength. The tentacles of an octopus are really quite amazing. Each of the creature’s eight “arms” has an average of 240 “suction cups”; a moderately sized suction cup can hold a weight or force of up to 35 pounds. That’s just per suction cup! The suction cups also have an extremely effective ability …show more content…
In addition to those functions, the suction cups also have the ability to smell the octopus’ surroundings. Can you imagine having 240 noses on each arm?

Number Six: Arm Brains. A partial reason for the impressive intelligence of the octopus is that not all of the creature’s neurons are located in the brain, or even head. Actually, about two-thirds of these neurons are located within its tentacles. So, the octopus uses its arms to essentially think, too.

Number Five: Odd Appendages. To be honest, that isn’t the only (or even the most important) feature of octopi tentacles. Female octopi are considered to have an “extra” tentacle, as one of the tentacles on male octopi serves as his reproductive organ, if you know what we mean.

Number Four: Cannibalistic Tendencies. Like many animal species, octopi have been known to enact in cannibalism. Often, it is an adult attacking young. However, female octopi have been known to occasionally eat their mate… violently.

Number Three: A Hen and Her Eggs. As confusing as it seems, a female octopus is deemed to be a “hen”. A hen can produce up to 400,000 eggs at a single time. While pregnant, the hen refrains from eating. This in addition to the effects from birth cause the body of the new mother to deteriorate from the inside out, almost

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