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Service Learning Reflection

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After completing Junior Achievement for the first time, I was pleasantly surprised to realize that I learned a lot about myself through the experience. I learned that I am a more effective communicator with children than I thought I was prior. Initially, I was very intimidated by children and going into this experience, because I have not spent a lot of time around kids before. And in regards to my own personal family dymanics, I am one of the youngest causing my exposure to children to be even less. However, I learned that by portraying a confident, enthusiastic and friendly person, I was able to gain the classes’ attention and keen participation in discussions during each lesson. Also, I learned that I can articulate clearly and effectively …show more content…
This organization’s mission is to assist visually impaired children to be able to adapt to normal life with bearing as little trauma as possible living with a disability. The Anchor Center prepares children to enter the public school system and being successful in all aspects of their life regardless of their situation. Additionally, children can receive eye exams at the Anchor Center to better determine what treatment is best for their condition. Beyond the diagnosis, the organization offers very hands-on and effective approaches such as music therapy and small group. Also, family support services can be obtained through the organization as well, which I personally recognize to be extremely important. I believe any parent who has a child with a disability suffers emotional distress that required professional support as well. This would make an ideal service learning project because the Anchor Center serves a very unique group. Many people take their good standing health for granted, and they don’t always think twice about how fortunate they are to wake up every day and visually see the world around them. I believe volunteering with blind children will undoubtedly offer a new perspective for volunteers and empathy for the children. Lastly, I wholeheartedly believe that this is a foundation which was formed on altruistic motives which is reassuring and it gives me hope in humanity especially during difficult

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