...International Journal of Business and Management; Vol. 7, No. 16; 2012 ISSN 1833-3850 E-ISSN 1833-8119 Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education Cross-Cultural Etiquette and Communication in Global Business: Toward a Strategic Framework for Managing Corporate Expansion Ephraim Okoro1 1 School of Business, Howard University, Washington, USA Correspondence: Ephraim A. Okoro, Department of Marketing, School of Business, Howard University, 2600–Sixth Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20059, USA. Tel: 1-202-806-1545. E-mail: eaokoro@howard.edu Received: March 22, 2012 doi:10.5539/ijbm.v7n16p130 Abstract The expanding scope of business corporations in the first decade of the twenty-first century is drawing much scholarly attention, and the trend has been described as a fact of life that defies the stretch of human imagination. The concept of global economy has expanded consumer awareness, defined new standards and rules of operations, and increased the need for national and corporate interdependence. Multinational organizations are exploring opportunities around the world, demonstrating sensitivity towards cultural differences in order to gain from the proliferation and growth of international enterprise. Recent studies indicate that while some corporations compete successfully in the global marketplace, others have failed to sustain their competitive advantage because of cultural imperialism or inadequate acculturation of their managers on international assignment...
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...79% in an overall economic freedom ranking, while in the United State there is a 76% ranking ("Country Rankings: World & Global Economy Rankings on Economic Freedom," n.d.) . You will find there are some considerable margins of difference between the two countries although they are about equally successful in the business and manufacturing industries. Chile has a business freedom ranking of 70.5% while they are the strongest in property rights at 90% ("Country Rankings: World & Global Economy Rankings on Economic Freedom," n.d.) . However, the Chileans weakest area is their financial freedom coming in at 70% which runs even with the United States over the last three years. Regardless of this information Chile remains of the highest degree of overall economic freedom in South and Central America, including the Caribbean region. This is in part to the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) established January 1, 2004 between the United States and Chile. This agreement allows for commercial trade of goods and services between the two countries as it has reduced the duties and been quite successful with hopes of eliminating tariffs by 2015. Business companies should ensure business with Chile since their economy is flourishing and their ranking in economic freedom continues to be among the top ten in the index ("Country Rankings: World & Global Economy Rankings on Economic Freedom," n.d.) . Chile is also the world’s largest producer of copper and a powerhouse for minerals...
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...GLOBAL PROTOCOL AND CORPORATE ETIQUETTE The importance of the global protocol and corporate etiquette were emphasized during last Saturday’s session. These topics are important since both the business and political worlds have become more global and that relationship selling has become a must for success. It can make or break businesses and political relationships among nations. This importance is even greater for international, multi-cultural enterprises operating in different industries. Face to face contacts are still important in business relations despite tremendous developments in technology. International travels are more frequent than before and this results cross-cultural interaction more intense than in the past. International protocol is commonly described as a set of recognized and generally accepted system of international courtesy. “In Rome, we must do as Rome does”. This is an old English proverb telling the importance of etiquette in travel. The traditions about eating, drinking, dressing, introducing, using titles differ in different parties of the world. Even in close geographies peoples differ in protocol and etiquette. When there are cultural differences, sometimes there are cultural shocks as well. For this reason, adaptation to other cultures and developing a flexible attitude is necessary. An interesting part of the introductory lecture was about flags. A flag symbolizes a nation or a country. It is important to know how it...
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...Be Attuned to Business Etiquette [pic] Prepared by: [pic] Jeshua Johnson Bri Johnson Case # March 21, 2002 Dr. Castro’s International Business Class Executive Summary: Many overlook the importance of knowing business etiquette, especially when dealing with business partners from foreign countries and/or other cultures. Oftentimes, business partners in foreign firms have different cultural practices and customs. Being aware of these various customs and practices is crucial to being successful in an international business environment. The importance of these customs to their cultures can vary into such extremes as describing proper manners in situations to outlining how to live a proper life according to the religious practices of the country. These customs can dictate basic protocol for certain situations, guidelines for proper nonverbal communication, ways to show gratitude correctly, and the words you choose to use. There are six considerations to keep in mind when dealing with business etiquette across cultural boundaries: 1. Be prepared, 2. Slow down, 3. Establish trust, 4. Understand the importance of language, 5. Respect the culture, and 6. Understand the components of culture. These components include aesthetics, attitudes and beliefs, religion, material culture, education, language, societal organization, legal characteristics, and political structures. Understanding these basic considerations and components can improve...
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...Running head: Workplace Etiquette Workplace Etiquette: Is our system broken Abstract The lack of workplace and office etiquette has plagued organizations of various sizes for several decades now. In fact, rude and inappropriate behavior has become a common problem in today’s business environment. I believe much of our problems have come from the fast-paced high-technology age we now live in, which has become a gift and a curse. This paper will attempt to examine the term workplace etiquette and the many social and official levels which the term encompasses. Workplace Etiquette: Is our system broken Workplace etiquette covers a wide range of topics in today’s business environment. Business leaders are expected to fully understand office and business etiquette, email etiquette, international etiquette, etiquette utilized in dining, etiquette utilized in business meeting and etiquette used with contacts outside of an office setting, just to name a few. Additionally business leaders must comprehend the value of diversity and understand cultural differences. Workplace etiquette can range from how to conduct yourself in the workplace, to how early to arrive for a business appointment, to the appropriate way to utilize email. First, I would like to take a closer look at office etiquette. Office Etiquette is basically minding your manners in the workplace. It can also be defined as the “showing of respect to others who share...
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... Doing business in a foreign Country can be a very difficult thing to do if you are not familiar with proper business etiquette in the Country in which you are doing business. It also helps to have a good understanding of family life and the culture, ad well as social customs in the new country. This report will tell you, our valued employee’s, how to be successful in Spain, the home of our newest expansion branch. The figure to the left shows the current trends in the unemployment rates in Spain compared to the US, Portugal, and the UK. It is very important with the constant rise in unemployment in Spain that you go to the new branch prepared and therefore everything in this report should be considered important. Business Etiquette The first thing that you need to know when doing business in Spain is how to properly introduce yourself in a business setting. The most common and accepted way to professionally introduce yourself in a business setting in Spain is with a firm handshake with direct eye contact being kept throughout the gesture. Men should wait for women to extend an offer to shake hands if she wishes. When verbally addressing people in the business setting “Try to address people by their title and last name until invited to do otherwise.” (Coleman, 2011) For people in Spain, calling them by their title and last name is a sign of respect and this will go along way with them. These are two small things that will gain you the respect of your business partners...
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...Marchea Ingram Global Marketing Assignment # 2 Aug. 31,2015 Chapter 2 Define totalitarianism and describe the four major types of totalitarianism. Totalitarianism is known as dictatorship. A political system in which one person or party exercise full political control over the population. There are four kinds of totalitarianism. ● Common totalitarianism which is a communist party. ● Right wing totalitarianism is depicted by its intense hatred communism. ● Theocratic totalitarianism is the monopolization of political powers in the hands of one religious party or group. ● Tribal totalitarianism indicates to one tribe or ethnic group (which may or may not be the majority of the population) monopolizing political power and oppressing other tribes or ethnic groups. Describe the difference between democracy and totalitarianism. Democracy is a political system in which citizens can decide representation to rule the country. Having the freedom to express yourself is a sense of democracy.Totalitarianism is when a person or group exercise total political control , it can be considered communist, right wing, theocratic or tribal. Totalitarianism has a higher degree of political risk than democracies do. Describe the differences among the three economic systems. ● Pure market economy is identified by laisse fair and complete control by market forces. ● Pure common economy is identified by government ownership, and control means of ...
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...the global business community would not able conduct business and produce products. In all aspects of business, ethics and morals have to be the foundation but where the rubber hits the road, business etiquette will aid in maintaining high job satisfaction and keep customers coming back. With the vast majority of business operations having a foothold in technology there is a severe need for e-etiquette. What is Driving Technology in Business? In today’s era of business there would be a severe lack of production if the power goes out. With the advancement’s and availability of computer technology in business, there has been a significant shift in the way day-to-day business operations are conducted. The introduction of the computer and data processing capability to the business world transformed the workplace. Unlike the traditional typewriter, the computer brought with it the ability to easily store and correct documents without having unsightly spots of “white-out”. The usage and utilization of computers, computer systems and information technology (IT) applications in every aspect of business is now routine. Wide-ranging means of connecting to and access technologies with computing interfaces expedite communication between employees and with business partners, suppliers, customers, or other stakeholders. With the plethora of software, production tools and networking applications installed in computers, it enables employees in a business to...
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...extensive training will be needed to make this expansion lucrative and rewarding for the company. Our primary goal for this assignment is to become acquainted with the culture of Mexico by reviewing the culture, values, beliefs, and religion. In addition, to aid with the learning process, we will apply the skills outlined under the scholarly work of Geert Hofstede dimensions. We will them examine cultural dimensions that appear to stumbling blocks for us, and devise a plan of action to overcome the cultural differences. Since this is the first operation of possible expansion, we have determined that it would be feasible to employee a Mexican citizen that is knowledgeable, understands the system, and can assist with the mission at hand. Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness is the foundation that has been established to aid multinational corporations to identify and succeed in countries beyond their home base. Based on research, as an American expatriated manager in Mexico, the first priority is to engage in cross cultural...
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...Course Global Comparative Management http://homeworklance.com/downloads/bus-606-entire-course-global-comparative-management/ All Tutorials will be E-mailed immediately after the Payment, Please Check your inbox or Spam Folder and can also be Downloaded by clicking on Tutorial Bucket. For More Tutorials Visit Website: HOMEWORKLANCE.COM For Any Other Inquiry Feel Free To Contact Us: Lancehomework@gmail.com BUS 606 Entire Course Global Comparative Management BUS 606 Week 1 DQ 1 Global Leadership Global Leadership. Identify three leadership challenges in a global world. Support your answers with examples and/or professional experience. Discuss how you would develop a global mindset in five central areas: General perspective Organizational life Work style View of change Learning. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings. BUS 606 Week 1 DQ 2 Globalization Globalization. Discuss advantages and disadvantages of globalization. How has globalization affected cultures and cultural identities? Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings. BUS 606 Week 1 Globalization and Cultures Globalization and Cultures. In a 3-5 page, APA style paper, complete an article review. Your article should come from one of the Ashford online library resources. Your article should cover one or more of the following topics that were introduced in your readings: the impact of globalization cultural differences leadership challenges in a global market ...
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...different aspects like etiquette, cultural, communication and so on. Therefore cross-cultural training is essential to the victory of the planned expansion into Latin America and East Asia. Communication In business, successful communication is the key to achievements and being able to relate to one another is important. Even in the same language, communication miscues can happen (Stoller, 2007). The way us Americans communicate is different in other countries. It is crucial in cultural communication to gain knowledge about ways to communicate so that it will be easier to interpret what others mean (Adler, 2008). The way people in East Asia and Latin America communicate is not the same as our country. Some people in their country are “collective,” the need for group affiliation (Ader, 2008). This is one of the six dimensions of culture in Adler. According to Adler (2008), each culture assumed things differently. In our culture we feel that we should worry about ourselves rather than the group (Adler, 2008). If we feel that something is wrong, we challenge it (Khols, 1984). Now, in East Asia and Latin American culture they are more focused on the group. They have the same question in their mind, “Is this what the groups wants?” If we go to their country with our mentality, things may go wrong. “Every day, deals are jeopardized or lost when foreign associates are offended by Americans unaware of other countries' customs, culture or manners, or etiquette” (Stoller, 2007). We...
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...Expanding Hybrid Car Business in the United Arab Emirates Jason Maasen Athens State University March 5, 2013 Abstract This paper examines the subject of expanding the business of Toyota Motor Company’s hybrid vehicle, the Prius. The company is looking to expand the sales area of the Prius into what has become a highly developed and strengthening country that is open to the world of hybrid cars. The country that Toyota is targeting is the United Arab Emirates. With its quick pace and solid economic system, Toyota Motor Company believes this to be a perfect candidate for expansion. This paper will go into why this expansion will be a success. Expanding Hybrid Car Business in the United Arab Emirates Toyota Motor Company is looking to expand its hybrid car sales into new areas. As a whole, hybrid cards are beginning to gain more popularity. With higher gas prices worldwide, hybrid cars use less gasoline with advanced technology. Also, being more environmentally friendly has become more of a necessity with loss of natural resources, talk of global warming and damage to the ozone layer. The United Arab Emirates is a target that Toyota feels would be the perfect situation to expand the Prius footprint. An analysis of international business in the United Arab Emirates shows a nation that is exploding with new culture and opportunities to expand. With an influx of new architecture and businesses, and a country that is working to improve its environmental standards...
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...As, Business and Administrative Communication Ninth Edition, states culture provides patterns of acceptable behavior and beliefs (Locker & Kienzler, 2010, p. 140). When planning assignments in a foreign country, successful communicators need to be aware of the values, belief, verbal/nonverbal behavior, and sensitivity to the differences among individuals within a culture (Locker & Kienzler, 2010, p. 140). There are many topics that are to be considered when assigned to Chile beside the language barrier. History of Chile Chile is surrounded on three sides by virtually impassable mountains and remained largely unknown to the outside world until the middle of the fifteenth century, when the Incas began their great conquests of much of the continent (www.geographia.com, 2010). The Incas encountered the Mapuche, one of the three Araucanian peoples who occupied the Rio Maule in the Lake District. The Spanish landed in 1541 and in February, Pedro de Valdivia, founded Santiago. In 1817 Chile gained independence from Spain after seven years of war. General Augusto Pinochet Ugarte seized control of the government with help from the United States Central Intelligence Agency in 1973 and maintained control for the next decade and a half. Population Chile's population is composed predominantly of mestizos, who are descended from marriage between the Spanish colonizers and the indigenous people (www.geographia.com, 2010). The major ethnic groups in Chile are...
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...INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Assignment 1: Cultural Differences Country selected: Afghanistan GONG YUWEI (Sophia) • Physical or spatial distances ( during conversation) In Afghanistan, it is always wise and more acceptable that you keep a proper distance, which means be as close to the person as he or she can hear you and you can hear them. • Greeting protocol (method) In Afghanistan, the most common form is handshake on greeting. Afghans also place their hands over their hearts and nod slightly. When talking, they always talk about things like a person's health, business, family, etc. • Gift giving a. Choose gift: In Afghanistan, first rule of gift giving is to never give alcohol, unless you know from first hand experience that the receiver drinks you may do so. If you go to someone's house for tea for the first time, it is appropriate to bring a small gift. If you are invited to lunch or dinner, bring fruit, sweets or pastries. Make sure the box is wrapped nicely. b. Give gift: When bringing a gift to someone’s house, do not immediately give the present but rather discreetly place it near the door or where you sit down. c. Open gift: There is no special protocol when it comes to wrapping gifts • Attitude toward timeliness Afghans adherence to Islamic law, paid great attention to courtesy. They always arrive on time. • Attitude toward relationship building a. Not showing pride and arrogance. b. Not addressing people with undesirable titles. c...
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...Business Etiquette Author’s Name Institutional Affiliation Introduction Amazingly, American companies are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to send their managers to etiquette seminars—often $2500 a day—to help them learn how to mind their manners in a variety of business situations (Buhler, 2000). Over 50% of the business transactions are closed over a meal? If you’re focusing on how to eat, you may have trouble focusing on the business at hand! Today, I’m going to talk to you about why knowledge of business etiquette is important. Major Point 1: Why a Knowledge of Business Etiquette is Important Recent economic conditions have brought changes to the function of all employment with layoffs occurring in fields that have traditionally experienced shortages (Kermis and Kermis, 2010). With the increased difficulty in getting a job—along with the increased difficulty of keeping a job—the importance of soft skills has similarly increased. Even in the field of accounting, technical skills, while certainly critical, are not enough for a …”career that includes an individual’s selection, retention and advancement” (Kermis and Kermis, 2010, p. 1). Acquiring these important soft skills will help create a polished professional presence regardless of your career field. Soft skills include knowledge of business etiquette, strong interpersonal skills, and the ability to handle difficult situations, adaptability to change and diversity (Marsh, 2012). Soft skills are a blend...
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