...UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI SCHOOL OF BUSINESS MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION TERM PAPER TOPIC: ISSUES IN GLOBAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT DSM 602: By DR. YABS NGETICH MONICAH D61/69197/2013 INTRODUCTION The scope of strategic business issues faced by companies and organizations striving to operate and be successful internationally has widened due to an increasingly broad geographic scope and the increasing complexity of technology. Strategic issues arise not only through the formal, periodic strategic planning processes in companies but also can, and quite often do arise unpredictably due to new insights, unexpected advances in technology or competitive activities in the market place. All companies have their way of identifying and dealing with these being their most critical strategic questions. However, theprocess of managing emerging strategic issues is typically non-structured, not necessarily optimally suited to enable the effective identification of the most critical questions and the appropriate allocation of top management attention and corporate intelligence support to answer the identified strategic questions. Despite the past research during 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s into the domain of strategic issues (SI), strategic issue management (SIM), and strategic issue management systems (SIMS) there is a scarcity applicable approaches for firms to use in improving their attention focus and distribution in strategic issue management processes. The underpinnings of strategic management...
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...globalization. This paper will outline the impact of globalization in the context with the international business. The information will be useful as it will highlight the issues that are closely related to globalization and identify the existing gaps. A valid conclusion will be drawn with the recommendation that should be considered in future researches as far as international business is concerned. Technology and policies will be referenced in the explanation of how financial flows, foreign direct investment and the international trade liberalization have evolved. The discussion will therefore be based on how the changes that have been brought by globalization have influenced international business in various ways. Trade The world trade is on rapid expansion when compared to the gross domestic product. This has been manifested over the past two decades when the globalization was rampant. However while the impact of globalization was meant to bring more economic prosperity by increasing the competition of the products in the global market, the effect is not uniform. This therefore means that the benefits that are associated with the expansion of trade in the world are not shared by all the states. In fact, a research conducted in the sub Saharan and least developed countries showed that the products from the regions faced decreased market share. The unequal enjoyment of the trade liberalization benefits could only...
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...NAME : JAWAD KARIMI ID NUMBER :05048569 INSIDE JOB: Inside Job is a 2010 documentary film about the late 2000’s financial crisis . The film is in five parts the film explores how changes in the policy environment and banking practices helped create the financial crisis. The movie starts with showing the Iceland bank where it all started from the land scape is shown green and fresh but then as the corporations moves into the country it becomes muddy and dry land with pollution. In a context of global economic crisis, everyone appears to be blaming the other in order to find who is responsible for such a global decline in growth, important rate of unemployment, rising protectionism... Thus, it seems relevant to wonder about the key stages of what has been called “The Great Recession” which began approximately on 15th September 2008 with a huge “domino effect” that was born right after the US government allowed the investment bank Lehman Brothers to go bankrupt. Indeed, the American firm implanted in London did not follow UK law, which caused its loss and is one of the numerous convincing facts showing that economic issues are directly linked to business law. After that, people started looking for elements that should have alarmed them. The example of the Greenbury Report (published in 1995) was destabilizing since it showed that corporate governances were already concerned about excessive executive remuneration because of previous cases...
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...Global Finance Environment Paper FIN/403 May 4, 2008 Globalization refers to the merging of national markets into one huge global marketplace. In today’s market, selling internationally is much easier due to falling barriers in cross-border trade. Now businesses don’t have to be industry giants to operate and succeed in global markets. Although it can be beneficial to offer a standard product that can be used worldwide, significant differences still exist between national markets such as cultural differences, consumer taste differences, product preferences and legal regulations. It is important to define and understand these differences when merging into national markets. Globalization is inevitable and it’s happening at an astonishing speed in nearly every market possible. The technology era that we are in has enabled businesses to join forces like never before and we are seeing significant changes in the global marketplace. There are main drivers in globalization and this paper will define three of them, as well as describe the risks associated with financial investing, and explain the importance of cultural sensitivity and ethics in global finance. Drivers of Globalization Market drivers Domestic markets are saturated and growth opportunities are often times limited. Expanding globally opens up many new opportunities allowing for real growth within a business. The following lists in detail the specific market drivers that play a key role...
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...their business. JPMorgan raised more than $2.1 trillion in capital for its clients, and more than $75 billion of these capital expenditures went to nonprofit and government entities. Since the 2004 merger with Bank One, JPMorgan has done well against other financial companies and performed slightly below the S&P 500. The company’s tangible book value per share has steadily increased over time, showing a promising future for JPMorgan. Legal and regulatory costs have decreased the value of JPMorgan’s stock, which has lead to a lower price/earnings ratio. Though these legal matters have presented a formidable obstacle, JPMorgan is determined to overcome them over time to make sure the quality of its business shines. Overall, JPMorgan’s four franchises have strengthened their leadership positions, increased their market share, and have continued to deliver on their commitment to improve customer satisfaction and foster innovation. Scope The data and analysis within this report comes from the audited financial statements by PricewaterhouseCoopers for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2014. Findings 1) JPMorgan has an outstanding franchise that has emerged as an endgame winner a) Recent JPMorgan financial results have shown its great ability to adapt to both marketplace and...
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...future of our world economic? And where are we now? In this essay I’m dividing the process of globalization into three stages which are globalization, deglobalization and reglobalization. Every stage on globalization process had caused many changes in global world. I’m going to explain when, why, and how each stage of globalization affect the world. Let me started with the first stage which is what we called as “Globalization”. We can describe Globalization as “A widening, deepening and speeding up of worldwide interconnectedness in all aspects of contemporary social life such as economic, politic, and culture. It took place about a century ago between roughly 1850 and the start of World War I in 1914. We can defined "economic globalization" as the opening and deregulation of commodity, capital and labor markets which led to the present neoliberal globalization. "Political globalization" named the emergence of a transnational elite and the phasing out of the nation-state. "Cultural globalization" was the worldwide homogenization of culture. Globalization happened when transport costs rapidly declined making it economically efficient to boost international trade. In globalization, political leadership was critical in shaping global institutions and norms in a pro-trade direction. Globalization happened because countries are willing to expand their influence around the world, they want more sources, and they need to gain more in economic, social, even in political dimensions....
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...for advice arises) 1.5 (Xiao & Fu 2009) 1.5 Table 1.1 - Characteristics Of Different Sized Organisations 1.6 (SE MSE LE - organisation, strategy, customer/community, financial, governance, work force, IT processes) 1.6 Requests For Advice: Operational - Srategic - Global 1.7 (improving operational performance, greater strategic role, globally relevant issues) 1.7 Example 1.1: A Busniess Dilemma 1.7 Counterpoint (opposing arguement, soft skills, first: make the right decision about the services they perform - second:) 1.7 Providing And Implementing Advice (technical skills, soft skills) 1.8 Figure 1.1 - Providing Business Advisory Services 1.8 (issue, requirement, request, investigation, advice, decision, implementation) 1.8 (recommend actions should be well supported, identify key stakeholders) 1.9 Figure 1.2 - The Chain Of Events For Business Advisory Services) 1.9 Example 1.2: Succession Plan - Please Help 1.9 Accounting Roles 1.10 (5 roles as identified by the International Federation of Accountants) 1.10 Example 1.3: Specialist Accounting Roles 1.11 Providing Strategic Advice 1.12 (accounting roles either: reactive or proactive) 1.12 Example 1.4: The First Strategic Decision 1.12 (Hertz, Beasley & White 2009) 1.12 (types advice provided by accoutants: financial management, productivity...
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........................................................ I . I1 . 3 4 10 10 11 13 14 14 17 19 THE GLOBAL AGENDA .......................................................................................... PROGRESS IN THE IFA AGENDA ....................................................................... The Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) ............................................. The Reports on the Observance o f Standards and Codes (ROSC) ....................... The Financial Sector Reform and Strengthening Initiative (FIRST) .................... The Financial Sector Reform and Strengthening Initiative (FIRST) .................... Combating Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (AML/CFT) ................. Debt Sustainability & Debt Management ............................................................. Social Protection................................................................................................... A. B. C. C. D. E. F. ANNEX Accounting and Auditing ........................................................................................... Corporate Governance ............................................................................................. Insolvency and Creditor Rights ................................................................................ 22 28 33 2 INTRODUCTION 1. In response to major financial crises in the 1990s, the international community embarked o n a range o f initiatives to help prevent...
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...서울대학교 法學 제51권 제3호 2010년 9월 125∼180면 Seoul Law Journal Vol. 51 No. 3 September 2010. pp. 125∼180 글로벌 금융위기와 금융산업의 구조재편* - 금융산업의 역사와 발전전략 1) 金 和 鎭 요 약 ** 이 논문은 글로벌 금융위기 이후 진행되어 온 미국과 유럽 금융산업의 재편 동향을 정리하고 그로부터 정책적 시사점을 찾기 위한 것이다. 특히, 미국에서 투자은행업과 상업은행업을 재분리하려는 개혁 움직임이 2010년 7월에 제정된 미국의 금융규제 개혁법에 어떻게 반영되었는지를 역사적 배경과 함께 살펴보았다. 현재 국내에서 진행 되고 있는 유니버설뱅킹과 메가뱅크 논의가 미국과 유럽에서의 움직임으로부터 어떤 영향을 받을 것인지를 진단하였고 미국과 유럽의 주요 은행들의 사례를 검토하였다. 이 논문은 미국에서의 논의는 미국 특유의 정치적 상황의 부산물이므로 미국에서의 제도변화 동향에 지나치게 민감하게 반응하지 않으면서 메가뱅크 계획보다는 유니 버설뱅크 계획을 추진하는 것이 바람직하다고 결론 내린다. 이 논문은 상업은행업과 투자은행업간의 업무 경계획정 기준은 상업은행은 국가가 제공하는 안전망의 보호 하에 있기 때문에 그를 망각하지 않는 범위 내에서만 영업활동이 허락되어야 한다는 것으로 설정하자고 제안한다. 주제어: 상업은행, 투자은행, 유니버설뱅킹, 미국 금융규제개혁법, 헤지펀드 * 이 논문은 필자가 2010년 4월과 8월에 각각 한국금융투자협회에 제출한 연구보고서의 일부에 기초하였다. 이 논문에 귀중한 코멘트를 해 주신 심사위원님들께 감사드린다. ** 서울대학교 법과대학⋅법학대학원 부교수. 126 서울대학교 法學 제51권 제3호 (2010. 9.) I. 머리말 1. 문제 2008년 글로벌 금융위기 이후 새로운 국제금융질서를 모색하기 위한 범세계적인 노력이 전개되고 있다. 특히, 자본시장과 금융회사들에서 발생한 리스크가 적절히 통제되지 못하고 금융위기의 직접적인 원인이 되었으므로 이에 관한 문제의 포착과 해법의 발견에 많은 노력이 기울여지고 있다. 과도하게 복잡해지고 지나친 레버리 지를 사용한 금융상품의 거래 비중이 높아졌으나 그에 대한 각국 정부의 감독부족과 시장 투명성 확보 실패, 금융회사의 내부통제 기능 마비가 문제였음이 지적된다. 통상 서브프라임 모기지 시장의 붕괴와 파생금융상품의 과도한 판매와 유통이 금융 위기의 직접적인 원인이 되었다고 지적되나1) 글로벌 금융위기는 아직도 계속되고 있기 때문에 그 원인에 대한 본격적인 학술적인 연구는 아직 출현이 이르다. 금융 위기의 과정과 거대 금융기관들의 몰락, 구조조정을 다루는 책과 논문들이 이제 서서히 등장하고 있을 뿐이다. 아마도 이는 후세의 역사가들에게 1차 세계대전의 원인이 어디에 있었는지를 규명하는 작업처럼 어려운 과제가 될 것이다. 글로벌 금융위기의 발원지인 미국에서는 포괄적인 금융개혁이 진행되고 있으며 그 중 가장 중요한 것으로 상업은행업무와 투자은행업무를 다시 분리시키려는...
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...Page 23 TRANSFORMATION FROM WITHIN: THE CDBG CASE Scott Johnson, Northeastern State University David Kern, Northeastern State University Katie Haight, Northeastern State University Ryan Haight, Northeastern State University CASE DESCRIPTION This case is designed for the study of leadership and organizational change within a unit of a larger organization. As such it provides an important learning experience for students who are already managers or who aspire to that level of responsibility. The primary learning opportunities address building a vision at the unit level, restructuring for success, overcoming resistance to change internally and across other units of a larger corporation, building support with powerful sponsors, and the importance of communication and persistence where authority is limited. The case has a difficulty level appropriate for undergraduate seniors and graduate students, and is designed for courses addressing organizational change, leading change, and leading teams. It can be covered in a one hour class. Preparation for the case is expected to require 3-4 hours. CASE SYNOPSIS The case begins with the recognition by a senior vice-president that the inadequacies of a seemingly insignificant compliance unit could jeopardize the overall growth strategy of BOKF, a large regional bank holding company. Paula Bryant-Ellis agrees to take on the transformation of the CRA department into a modern Community Development Banking Group (CDBG) that ...
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...azon.co.uk “I WAKE up every single night thinking, ‘What could I have done differently? What could I have said? What should I have done.’ And I have searched myself every single night. And I come back to this: at the time I made those decisions, I made those decisions with the information that I had. I can look right at you and say, this is a pain that will stay with me for the rest of my life…” When Dick Fuld delivered these words to Congress, he was loudly berated for being insufficiently sorry for his role in the demise of Lehman Brothers—America’s biggest bankruptcy—in September 2008, a bankruptcy that triggered the near collapse of the global financial system. Yet Vicky Ward’s history of the last 25 years of the Wall Street investment bank, the final 15 under Mr Fuld’s watch, broadly supports the former chief executive’s assessment of himself. It offers no evidence of the alleged wrongdoing for which many people want to see him in court. Indeed, writes Ms Ward, a contributor to Vanity Fair magazine, “despite appearances and the endlessly self-perpetuated myth of being a mighty gorilla, Dick Fuld was never truly synonymous with Lehman.” Instead of the domineering king of the Lehman jungle, Mr Fuld was in reality merely a “lieutenant” to two more powerful leaders of the firm who technically served under him, Chris Pettit and then Joe Gregory. Well, maybe. Ms Ward’s account is engaging enough, though it suffers from the fact that both Mr Fuld and Mr Gregory refused to...
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...do more international trade, it will make the globalization and the globalization has more benefits. For example, it can reduce the goods costing, which some countries can open the factories on China. However, the globalization has some disadvantages. For example, the global financial crisis occurred on 2008. This essay is going to analyses how globalization and global financial crisis in the business environment impact on the organization you work in and the tasks you undertake. The globalization refers to the system of contact among the countries of the world in order to improve the global economy. The globalization is the amalgamation of economics and societies all over the world. Globalization including economic, technological, political, and cultural exchanges made possible largely by advances in communication, transportation, and infrastructure (Hotbabefacthicks, 2010). The global financial crisis refers to a widespread economic emergency that began in 2007. Beginning with the crash of the United States financial system, the crisis quickly spread worldwide, thanks to the interconnected marks of modern global trading systems. It is still impossible to fully explain the effects of the global financial crisis, as the disaster continues to damage and impede markets worldwide even several years after the initial event (wiseGEEK, 2003-2012). To make the information more clear, we have an interview with two businesses Page 1 people, first...
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...today's viewpoint Financial Crisis It’s commonly believed that the financial crisis happened during 2008~2009 is one of the most serious financial events in human history. A collapse of the US sub-prime mortgage market and the result of the housing boom in other industrialized economies have had a ripple-effect around the world. Furthermore, the other failures in the global financial system have surfaced. Some financial products and instruments have become so complex and twisted, that as things start to unravel, trust in the whole system started to fail. All of this comes at a price From 2006 to 2009, our economic world have been changed. Comparing the activities of 2006 and 2009. first, real GDP was essentially unchanged, making 2006-2009 the worst three-year period science 1946-1948. in spite of an essentially zero increase in production for the 2006-2009 period, personal consumption grew by almost 2 percent. however, private investment fell by more than 30 percent. on the other hand, the banks charged off $27 billion in bad bet for 2006, but this exploded to $191 billion in 2009. personal and business bankruptcies field in federal courts accelerated dramatically over the 2006-2009 period, with personal bankruptcies increasing by 136 percent, while business bankrupts increased by 209 percent. Since the outbreak of the financial crisis, the American banking system and the whole financial industry's problems have been exposed: many United States financial institutions went...
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...Strategy Map – DEPARTMENT – Funds Department The following illustration depicts the strategy map of the DEPARTMENT – Funds (R&S) Department. The business unit, reports under the Financial and Distribution Services Division of DEPARTMENT. The key responsibilities of the Funds Department is to facilitate the collection of sales amounts due from Travel Agents, and settling of the funds due to Airlines, this process is done through the Hinge Bank Account while ensuring the funds of the Airlines are safeguarded against any risk. The business unit is comprised of a Central Team in XXXX, managing the coordination and development of the process, combined with a Regional Team responsible for execution of the daily operations. The development of the strategy map, allows the Funds department to address the following areas: ➢ Identification and Alignment of the Funds objectives with the “DEPARTMENT Strategic House” and Vision. ➢ Communication Tool to allow the stakeholders to understand the key areas the department are focusing on. ➢ Identifying the cause and effects of implementing certain processes and strategies, and how this would contribute to driving the organizational objectives. [pic] [pic] Learning and Growth Perspective People, Performance & Development: ➢ One of the key objectives of DEPARTMENT is to deliver its mission, by making the organization a great place to work through living and upholding its values on an everyday...
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...G-20 Finance Officials to Urge Spending Ramp-up, Economic Overhauls By The world’s top finance officials meeting in China this week will urge their counterparts to ramp up spending and speed economic overhauls to revive flagging growth, worried about an overreliance on easy-money policies that could spell trouble for the global economy. A series of global market routs and rising recession risks have raised the stakes for the Group of 20 leading economies as they try to craft a coordinated strategy to boost the world’s economic output and calm investor jitters. The problem is figuring out how to revive demand in a world where central banks are running out of gas and most of the world’s biggest growth engines are downshifting, idling or struggling to get out of first gear. The solution, many G-20 officials have indicated in recent days, is a stronger effort to restructure stagnating economies and increase investment in infrastructure. “We have to commit to using all policy levers,” said U.S. Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew in an interview. “The burden shouldn’t be on any one of the policy levers, either excessively or certainly not exclusively.” Worried about a dimming outlook, the International Monetary Fund on Wednesdaycalled on the G-20 to engineer “coordinated demand support, using available fiscal space to boost public investment and complement structural reform.” The temptation, however, will be to keep relying on monetary policy or even currency depreciation to spur exports...
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