...Global warming What is the greenhouse effect, and is it affecting our climate? The greenhouse effect is unquestionably real, and is essential for life on Earth. It is the result of heat absorption by certain gases in the atmosphere (called greenhouse gases because they trap heat) and re- radiation downward of a part of that heat. Water vapor is the most important greenhouse gas, followed by carbon dioxide and other trace gases. Without a natural greenhouse effect, the temperature of the Earth would be about zero degrees F (-18°C) instead of its present 57°F (14°C). However, the concern is not with the fact that we have a greenhouse effect, but it is with the question regarding whether human activities are leading to an enhancement of the greenhouse effect. Are greenhouse gases increasing? Human activity has been increasing the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere (mostly carbon dioxide from combustion of coal, oil, and gas; plus a few other trace gases). There is no scientific debate on this point. Pre-industrial levels of carbon dioxide (prior to...
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...April 2010 A Skeptic’s View of Global Warming Is global warming really happening? Is it something that we should truly fear, and if so, why? Scientists and other climate experts have been trying to answer these important questions and many others concerning global climate change for decades. Before one can truly delve into the details of global warming, it is important to define the concept. The entire study of climate change is difficult to explain, and is not yet fully understood by scientists. However, global warming can be simply described as the process of the earth’s atmosphere increasing in temperature due to the presence of greenhouse gases, which include carbon dioxide and are produced through the burning of fossil fuels and various other means. These gasses are actually part of Earth’s natural processes, for they trap heat that allows Earth’s temperature to sustain life. The effects of this process can be seen as a blessing and a curse. Just the right amount of them helps the earth maintain a somewhat constant temperature; too much may cause temperatures to rise to frightening heights. Since 1880, when instruments used to precisely measure atmospheric temperatures were invented, the Earth’s surface temperature has risen about 0.36° F for each decade up to the twenty first century (Voiland). This information presents a clear warning about the matter: that global warming is present and cannot be ignored. Most extremists feel that global warming will lead to dire consequences...
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...Global Warming: Challenging the “Settled” Science In December of 1997, political leaders gathered in Kyoto, Japan to contemplate a world treaty restricting human production of “greenhouse gases,” in particular carbon dioxide (CO2). They worried that CO2 would result in a severe and sudden increase in earth’s temperatures, leading to environmental disasters on a global scale. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the preeminent body for the assessment of climate change, humans are responsible for the majority of global warming since 1900, including virtually 100% of the warming since 1970 (IPCC, 2007b, p. 39). In the years since Kyoto, there have been major efforts to bring about worldwide agreement to the treaty, including a recent climate summit—much publicized for its failings—held in Copenhagen. But not everyone is going along with the IPCC. Despite a continuing maelstrom of media hype and alarmist politics, the idea that the earth is warming at an unprecedented rate, due primarily to human influence, is quickly losing ground. This global warming backlash is due in large part to a growing chorus of skeptics and climate experts willing to challenge the prevailing science at the core of the movement. Over 31,000 scientists, including over 9,000 PhDs, have raised concerns over the IPCC’s findings. They have signed a petition stating that the organization’s claims are extreme, that the climate system is more complex than what is now known, and...
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...10 Summary & Purpose People said that the global temperature is changing higher and higher. That is global warming which can happen the earth heat up. In addition, people said that the global warming happen because of the increase in the atmosphere of greenhouse gas concentrations like water vapor, carbon dioxide (CO2), methane and ozone. Greenhouse gases are those gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect. The largest contributing source of greenhouse gas is the burning of fossil fuels leading to the emission of carbon dioxide. Therefore, this hypothesis test will show whether or not the global is warming compared by the previous year. In addition, the study will assess whether the global climate is changing at a higher rate compared the previous year. This data is based on NASA’s data of average of global climate, and all of temperatures are in Co degree. Hypothesis 1 H0: The mean global temperature for the period 1961 to 2010(µ1) is less than or equal the mean global temperature for the period 1911 to 1960 (µ2). Ha: The mean global temperature for the period 1961 to 2010(µ1) is greater than the mean global temperature for the period 1911 to 1960 (µ2). Hypothesis 2 H0: The mean global temperature for the period 1981 to 2010(µ1) is less than or equal the mean global temperature for the period 1951 to 1980(µ2). Ha: The mean global temperature for the period 1981 to 2010(µ1) is greater than the mean global temperature for the period 1951 to...
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...Global Warming Nowadays the human life is developing continuously in every field like technology, science, education, art, society and so on. Besides that, these developments have generated many negative effects. One of these biggest problems currently is global warming, that the whole world is facing with. According to Theodore C. Sorensen, an American presidential adviser, “Global warming is for real. Every scientist knows that now, and we are on our way to the destruction of every species on earth, if we don't pay attention and reverse our course”. In fact, global warming is happing and humans are causing it. Global warming will largely affect human in the future, so it is worldwide concern. However, none all of us know exactly the definition, the reasons, the impacts of global warming, and the solutions for global warming. What is the global warming? Global warming is a gradual increase in temperature of Earth’s surface, oceans and atmosphere. Scientists have documented and accepted the global warming as fact since 1800s. According to the lasted (January 2014) analysis from NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), Earth’s average temperature has risen by 0.8 degrees Celsius (1.4 degrees Fahrenheit) since 1980. Temperatures are predicted to rise another 1.133 to 6.42 degrees Celsius (2 to 11.5 degrees Fahrenheit) over the next 100 years. These statistics of temperature change are based on many independent scientific analyses from observations of the climate system...
Words: 1966 - Pages: 8
...Running Head: Is global warming a real phenomenon? Is global warming a real phenomenon? Western Governor’s University Is global warming a real phenomenon? Global warming is the raising of average global temperature due to the increased concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere due to human emissions. While there is a general consensus among the scientific community that global warming is currently occurring due to human emissions, there is also opposing arguments by skeptics that do not believe that global warming is happening or point out that previous warming periods have occurred in the past for a variety of reasons that may still be in play now. There have been dramatic changes to environmental systems throughout the world since human emissions increased at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution that directly demonstrate that global warming is occurring. Not only have there been immense changes in the past, but there is further evidence to indicate the changes the environment will continue to change in colossal ways in the future. This warming also is set apart by the vast differences in behavior and effect for previous warming periods in the past. Research indicates that global warming is a true phenomenon that can be explained by evidence including ongoing massive environmental and atmospheric changes since the industrial revolution, scientific model projections, and the differences...
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...OUTLINE Subject: The Effects of Global Warming; the problems of water in the world 1. Introduction 1) Hook: industrial development 2) General Idea: industrial development has caused serious damages to the environment. 3) Thesis statement: Global warming causes negative environmental problems, particularly various problems of water in our lives. 2. Body Paragraph 1) Global warming (1) The reasons of global warming phenomenon (2) The effects of global warming phenomenon 2) The problems of water by global warming (1) Sea levels rise (2) Water shortages (3) Flood from heavy rains 3. Conclusion 1) The efforts of each countries and organizations Abstract In the twentieth century, using fossil fuel, industrial development has caused serious damages to the environment. This is one of the main factors in the formation of global warming that is closely linked to human activity, and it is caused by the greenhouse effect. Global warming has caused many negative effects to natural environment, especially problems of global water. In other words, the first serious problem of global warming is the rising sea levels, secondly negative problem is water shortages and last one is flooding from heavy rains. Each problem is made by climate changes and global warming by increasing surface temperature. For instance, melting Antarctic and Arctic glaciers have affected sea level rise, and decreasing rainfall and rising temperature have influenced water shortages and...
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...educate citizens about global warming via a comprehensive slide show that, by his own estimate made in the film, he has given more than a thousand times. The film highlights Al Gore’s efforts to spread out the seriousness regarding Global Warming and Climate Change i.e. how we humans have brought this upon us by increasing CO2 emissions and how our situation can be improved. He first highlights the vulnerability of the Earth’s Atmospheric Shell which is being filled with pollution and is so thin that we’re capable of changing its composition. As said by him “The sun's radiation comes in the form of light waves and that heats up the Earth. And then some of the radiation that is absorbed and warms the Earth is reradiated back into space in the form of infrared radiation. And some of the outgoing infrared radiation is trapped by this layer of atmosphere and held inside the atmosphere. And that's a good thing because it keeps the temperature of the Earth within certain boundaries, keeps it relatively constant and livable. But the problem is this thin layer of atmosphere is being thickened by all of the global warming pollution that’s being put up there. And what that does is it thickens this layer of atmosphere” He explains using an animated video (on watching which even a layman would understand what global warming is) that greenhouse gases are the main cause of global warming and mocks politicians on their finding shortcuts to tackle global warming and not considering...
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...American Intercontinental University Unit 1 Individual Project BUSN 300 – Lower Division Capstone 1/7/2012 Global Warming Outline 1. What is the theory of global warming? 2. Theory of man-made global warming is credible a. Evidence b. Causes c. Effects of global warming 3. Theory of man-made global warming is not credible Global Warming Global warming is a hotly debated theory that states that there is an increase in the earth's average atmospheric temperature (Global Warming). The tedious bickering over if global warming is occurring has stopped with science showing that average temperatures have risen. The argument has now shifted to whether humans are contributing to the warming. Also at debate is whether or not global warming is causing Earth’s climate to change. Both sides of the debate attempt to use science and logic to support their viewpoints. Proponents to the belief that humans are causing global warming attribute the earth’s temperature rise to emissions/pollutants that collect in the atmosphere, trapping the sun's heat and causing the planet to warm up (Global Warming Basics). .The science behind global warming is simple. Global temperatures have shown a temperature increase over the last 100 years, with a very steep increase in the last three decades. Likewise, NASA has shown the average United States temperatures have increased steadily over the same time period. Other scientists and science organization, from around...
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...the iPhone and the Facebook. Of all the issues that have taken center stage of debate worldwide in recent decades, one issue, ‘Global Climate Change’, stands apart from all the rest; the reason being the sheer magnitude of the consequences it can have. There is no greater substantial threat to the earth that we know today, than the climate change. Though there is some debate on the theory of global climate change being driven by our civilization, there are enough evidences that prove it’s not only too late to question its reality but it might already be too late to reverse...
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...Global warming and climate change can both refer to the observed century-scale rise in the average temperature of the Earth's climate system and its related effects. Multiple lines of scientific evidence show that the climate system is warming. More than 90% of the additional energy stored in the climate system since 1970 has gone into ocean warming; the remainder has melted ice, and warmed the continents and atmosphere. Many of the observed changes since the 1950s are unprecedented over decades to millennia. Scientific understanding of global warming has been increasing. In its fifth assessment in 2014 the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reported that scientists were more than 95% certain that most of global warming is caused by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases and other human activities. Climate model projections summarized in AR5 indicated that during the 21st century the global surface temperature is likely to rise a further for their lowest emissions scenario using stringent mitigation and for their highest. These findings have been recognized by the national science academies of the major industrialized nations. Future climate change and associated impacts will be different from region to region around the globe. The effects of an increase in global temperature include a rise in sea levels and a change in the amount and pattern of precipitation, as well as a probable expansion of subtropical deserts. Warming is expected to be strongest in the...
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... April 18th 2016 Global Warming The issue of global warming is one that affects every one of us, it is defined as the gradual increase in the average temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere and oceans. Temperatures on earth have increased 1.4° since the early 20th century, during this time period, levels of greenhouse gases such as carbon monoxide have noticeably increased. Many believe this increase in atmospheric gases has caused the earth’s rising temperature. Although, many believe that gases cannot be the cause of this because of evidence that human generated greenhouse gases are not impactful enough to substantially change the earth’s climate because the planet is capable of absorbing these increases. The idea that humans are responsible for global climate change is an idea that many people in the scientific community support, the 2010 Anderegg study found that 97-98% of climate researchers agree that human activity is primarily responsible for the change in our earth. The rising level of human produced gases that are released into the atmosphere create a greenhouse effect that traps heat and causes global warming. Scientists argue that CO2 levels did not rise until the mid- 20th century, the rate at which the levels are rising have to be a direct result of burning fossil fuels. Also, the specific type of CO2 that is increasing in the earths atmosphere can be directly connected to human activity. The average temperatures on earth have increased at a rate...
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...What is climate change? The Earth's climate has changed over the last century. Increases in average temperatures have been seen around the globe and there is new and stronger evidence that most of the warming observed in the last 50 years is due to human activities. While climate change is a global issue, it will affect us all. Climate change has the potential to adversely affect our environment, our communities and our economy unless we take action now to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and prepare for the impacts. Climate change will alter global and local climates. In Victoria, this means a warmer and drier future, with an increasing likelihood of more extreme events such as heatwaves, bushfires and storm surges. Climate change is the greatest threat facing our planet today. A warming planet alters weather patterns, water supplies, seasonal growth for plants and a sustainable way of life for us and the world’s wildlife. Climate change has already started, but it’s not too late to take action. There’s still time for us all to be part of the solution. A continuous flow of energy from the sun heats the Earth. Naturally occurring gases in the atmosphere, known as greenhouse gases – this includes carbon dioxide (CO2) - , trap this heat like a blanket, keeping the Earth at an average of 15 degrees Celsius – warm enough to sustain life. The overuse of fossil fuels is increasing CO2 in the atmosphere, trapping more and more heat and warming the Earth. As a result, we’re...
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...Rudolph English 102 13 December 2011 Warming Up Topic The issue of global warming has been front page news for over a decade from magazines, newspapers, journal articles, books and even local news channels. This has begun 20 years ago when a Global Warming treaty was signed at the United Nation Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992(Qtd. Harf p. 141). Global warming is the unusual rapid increase in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere and is responsible for changes in global climate patterns. It occurs when greenhouse gasses including carbon dioxide, methane, black carbon, and other toxic gasses trap the heat and light from the sun in the earth's atmosphere, which increase the temperature. Some scientists agree that human consumption of the earth's natural resources and activities over the years had contributed to the earth's current state of being. However, opposing sides claim that there is no evidence to support this; rather it is just a bogus statement. They believe human action has nothing to do with the earth’s hot temperature. The controversy involves a disagreement over the fact, cause and consequences of the global warming. Both sides of the issue can find multiple experts to support their case that the earth is or is not warming, that global warming is either the consequences of human activities or a cyclical phenomenon and that global warming will be good for us or will bring tragedy. Global warming has created awareness amongst the public and government...
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...Climate change is a significant and lasting change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns over periods ranging from decades to millions of years. It may be a change in average weather conditions, or in the distribution of weather around the average conditions (i.e., more or fewer extreme weather events). Climate change is caused by factors such as biotic processes, variations in solar radiation received by Earth, plate tectonics, and volcanic eruptions. Certain human activities have also been identified as significant causes of recent climate change, often referred to as "global warming". Scientists actively work to understand past and future climate by using observations and theoretical models. A climate record — extending deep into the Earth's past — has been assembled, and continues to be built up, based on geological evidence from borehole temperature profiles, cores removed from deep accumulations of ice, floral and faunal records, glacial and periglacial processes, stable-isotope and other analyses of sediment layers, and records of past sea levels. More recent data are provided by the instrumental record. General circulation models, based on the physical sciences, are often used in theoretical approaches to match past climate data, make future projections, and link causes and effects in climate change. Terminology The most general definition of climate change is a change in the statistical properties of the climate system when considered over long periods...
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