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Submitted By sabbat
Words 1175
Pages 5
PPQ parts needs best software packages for its Firms. They need to choose materials requirement planning (MRP), capacity requirement planning (CRP), and enterprise resource planning (ERP) to run firm smoothly. Before choosing any software we need to see what each device does and what its benefits are.
Materials Requirement Planning (MRP)
MRP is used for planning projects. It is a system to plan productions. It helps to manage inventory and control parts of inventory. It helps to control Manufacturing details in the system. This system works through electronics. MRP is worked through computers methods. It can also be done manually as well but can take more time. MRP system needs to be sure about available material and when will it be ready for production and available for customers. This system helps maintain small amount of supplies in the stores. Quality production is necessary for system whether it is in manufacture, delivery and purchasing.
Epicor software
There are software’s available to accomplish these task. Epicor software is one of the solutions as this software known’s that manufactures has to produce quality products due to competition available in market. Manufacturers also face Economic fluctuations, market governance and compliance mandates on daily basis. Epicor also produce ERP solution This software comes in different price. Price range is from $4000 to $50000. Software price depends on the users and what version of software company uses. This software is designed for organizations like PPQ Parts with different operating systems. (Epicor (2012)
Capacity Requirement Planning (CRP)
Capacity Requirement Planning (CRP) is system in which manufacturers can track what materials will be needed for productions. This lets manufacturer aware about changes in the inventory items overtime. There is inefficiency in results, If there is

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