Premium Essay

Globalization and Its Discontinents


Submitted By rinkarin
Words 144836
Pages 580
F u r t h e r Praise for Globalization and Its Discontents
" Development and economics are not about statistics. Rather, they a re about lives and jobs. Stiglitz never forgets that there are people at t he end of these policies, and that the success of a policy should be d efined not by h o w fast international banks are repaid, but by h o w m u c h people have to eat, and by h o w much better it makes their lives." — Christian Science Monitor

" [An] urgently important new book."

— Boston Globe

" Whatever your opinions, you will be engaged by Stiglitz's sharp i nsights for a provocative reform agenda to reshape globalization. A m ust read for those concerned about the future, w h o believe that a w orld of decent work is possible and want to avert a collision course b etween the haves and the have nots."

—Juan Somavia,

d irector-general of the International Labour Organization
" [Stiglitz s] rare mix of academic achievement and policy experience m akes Globalization and Its Discontents w orth r e a d i n g . . . . His passion a nd directness are a breath of fresh air given the usual circumlocutions of economists."

— BusinessWeek

" T h i s smart, provocative study contributes significantly to the o n g o i n g globalization debate and provides a m o d e l of analytical r igor c o n c e r n i n g the process of assisting countries facing the challenges of e c o n o m i c development and transformation. . . . Impassioned, balanced and i n f o r m e d . . . . A must-read."
—Publishers Weekly
" A n insightful analysis of why globalization has been failing too m any of the world's poorest citizens and h o w to build and manage a m o r e inclusive global economy. Timely and provocative."
— M a r k Malloch Brown, a dministrator, United Nations Development Program

" A great tour of the complexities of economic policymaking.

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