...Introduction 1. what is Terrorism 2. Definition from the Arab Convention for the Suppression Terrorism 3. Types/forms of Terrorism • State Terrorism • Bio Terrorism • Cyber Terrorism • Eco Terrorism • Nuclear Terrorism • Narco Terrorism • Suicide terrorism(psychological warfare) Islam and prohibition of Terrorism 1. Meaning of word ISLAM: derived from word “Salam” meaning: peace 2.Quranic Verses 3.Ahadith 4.Examples from Islamic History 5. Misunderstaing of Islam • False media projection 6.How to remove false misperception • Mass awareness • Reconstructing OIC Terrorism past & Present Scenario 1. Terrorism as a Religious Imperative 2. Trends in Terrorism 3. The Future Terrorist Threat Pakistan’s role in the war on Terror 1. Wazirastan 2. Actions 3. Effect of Pakistan role in war • On international level • Within Pakistan • Western involvement in terrorism in Pakistan 4. Future concern Causes of Terrorism 1. Social and political injustice 2. Psychological Causes of Terrorism, Violence and Extremism 3. Educational Causes of Terrorism and Extremism 4. Rapid modernization and urbanization 5. Discrimination on the basis of ethnic or religious 6. Repression by foreign occupation or colonial powers 7. Historical antecedents of political violence 8. Poverty & Economic deprivation 9. Undemocratic Governments 10. Free flow of weapons 11. Indoctrination 12. Hopelessness 13. Charities that Aren't Charities/ Business Terrorism 14. Training...
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...Introduction Globalization is a very integrated and comprehensive topic that is in constant evolution. Scholars have stepped in to conduct studies and researches in relation to globalization so to shed light essential in comprehension. The impact of globalization is a motion that is endless. The supporters argue that globalization has brought economic prosperity in the world in many ways while opponents associate most of the adverse effects with globalization. This paper will outline the impact of globalization in the context with the international business. The information will be useful as it will highlight the issues that are closely related to globalization and identify the existing gaps. A valid conclusion will be drawn with the recommendation that should be considered in future researches as far as international business is concerned. Technology and policies will be referenced in the explanation of how financial flows, foreign direct investment and the international trade liberalization have evolved. The discussion will therefore be based on how the changes that have been brought by globalization have influenced international business in various ways. Trade The world trade is on rapid expansion when compared to the gross domestic product. This has been manifested over the past two decades when the globalization was rampant. However while the impact of globalization was meant to bring more economic prosperity by increasing the competition of the products in the global...
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...UNIT -1 GLOBALIZATION AND INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS Chapter 1: Globalization and International Business Prof. Madan Survase Globalization & International Business Learning Objectives To explain the concept of globalization To elucidate factors influencing globalization To discuss global business expansion strategy for emerging market companies To explicate the concept of international business To delineate motives for international business expansion To expound the strategy for managing business in the globalization era Globalization & International Business Chapter 1: Globalization and International Business Prof. Madan Survase Globalization of Business: A Historical Perspective In the initial years of human history, there were hardly any formal barriers, such as tariffs or non-tariff restrictions, for the movement of goods or visa requirements for the people. The concept of globalization can be traced back to the phenomenon of a nation-state. Globalization & International Business Chapter 1: Globalization and International Business Prof. Madan Survase Concept of Globalization The process of integration and convergence of economic, financial, cultural and political systems across the world. Globalization & International Business Chapter 1: Globalization and International Business Prof. Madan Survase Definition of Globalization Dictionary of Trade Policy Terms, WTO: “The increasing integration of national...
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...Industrial Marketing Management 43 (2014) 67–76 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Industrial Marketing Management The establishment of industrial branding through dyadic logistics partnership success (LPS): The case of the Malaysian automotive and logistics industry Nor Aida Abdul Rahman a,⁎, T.C. Melewar b,1, Amir M. Sharif c a b c Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysian Institute of Aviation Technology (UniKL MIAT), Lot 2891, Jalan Jenderam Hulu, 43800 Dengkil, Selangor, Malaysia The Business School, Middlesex University London, The Burroughs, Hendon, London NW4 4BT, United Kingdom Brunel Business school, Brunel University, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB8 3PH, United Kingdom a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t Logistics partnerships across dyadic and triadic relationship networks have been the basis of extensive research in the extant literature. It is well understood that competitive advantage within logistics and distribution and within supply chains are driven by value-adding aspects of not only the core competencies of each tier in the network, but also via tangential supporting factors. It is also well understood that there is a strong relationship between logistics and distribution and marketing functions, particularly in product-based organisations. In addition to deepening our understanding of how successful partnerships throughout the source– make–deliver continuum can be optimised, this research also seeks to identify how a supporting element...
Words: 11932 - Pages: 48
...With the emerging of various electronic media and the rapid development of modern transportation, the world is shrinking into a global village. People have more and more chances to go outside and keep in touch with the outer world. However, in despite the huge convenience it brings to us, some problems emerge out unavoidably. A lot of skilled human resources are immigrating to abroad especially from developing countries to developed countries. This essay will elaborate brain drain in China as well as some solutions to alleviate the current situation. In recent years, the number of Chinese students overseas continues to be higher and higher. In 2012 the number of internal students is expected to reach 410 thousand. However, among these oversea students, only a few can return back due to the higher salary, better working conditions and training opportunities overseas. Brain drain now has become increasingly serious in China. Therefore, there is a need to reflect on the reasons behind the exodus and come up with some solutions. Firstly, Chinese government should offer bigger incentives for those who return from overseas. Due to the big attraction that foreign enterprise offers many students overseas do not want to come back. Chinese government can launch more projects and programs in which overseas students are able to enjoy favorable treatment in terms of salary, subsidy and especially housing. Apart from the attractive tratment in physical level, enterprise shouls also enhance...
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...Capitalism and Economic Globalization In a perfect world there would be no hunger, no poverty, and no crime, but no such world will ever exist. There will always be suffering, hurt, anguish, and despair. Yet, shouldn’t we strive to provide a good future for all? This concept of the most amounts of good for the most amounts of people is call Utilitarianism. Contrary to popular belief, the United States doesn’t believe in such a state of being. Instead, through capitalism and economic globalization the United States has proven to believe in the exact opposite of utilitarianism. The United States has always been based on the principles of capitalism; however, the present economy is far from being the free enterprise system it was once envisioned as. The major change the United States made was directing the system away from competition. The result is a society dominated by mega corporations that control demand rather then respond to the demands of the marker. To break down the previous statement the corporations are so “in control of their products price that they can charge whatever they see fit”. The reason for this is lack of competition in a capitalistic society. Karl Marx a social theorist of the 1800’s believed that the basis of social order in every society is the production of economic goods. “The concepts of what is produced, how it’s produced, and how it’s exchanged determines the differences in people’s wealth, power, and social status”. Marx...
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...Globlization Tara Heyano WGU GLT1 Globlization India gained its independence from English rule in 1947 after more than 200 years of colonial rule. The Chines Communist gained control of mainland China in 1949 after a prolonged civil war, in 1949 just after these two events took place China and India were some of the poorest nation on the planet. Most of the population of these countries were considered rural dwelling 85% of China’s population and 90 % of India’s population lived in the country. The average household income for both countries was about sixty dollars. Basic standards of living were virtually nonexistent. Outbreaks of disease and famine took a great toll on the weakest and most susceptible of the people. Both countries faced enormous challenges to building a stable economy and nation. Even those these two nations gained their independence after centuries of domination by colonial powers and resistance to it these nations took profoundly different paths in developing there new governments. India developed after long deliberations developed the worlds largest democracy. However India’s republic faces substantial trials in this age of globalization. In contrast to this on 10/1/1949 Chairman Zedong leader of the Chines Communist Party (CCP) declared the Chinese were now masters of their own fate, he promised the CCPs main objective would be to overcome the toll the civil war had taken on the nation and it would build a China that was modern economically...
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...Chinese education industry Technology In Chinese education industry, China is playing a role of follower when comparing with most of the western countries. Although the increasing speed is very fast, there is still a long distance. Studying abroad is the most popular way for Chinese to have a higher education. However, large sums of families are not able to afford such high tuition fee and living cost for their children being abroad. As a result of it, online courses and distance education tend to be developed as a substitute product. Some of the universities have already opened distance education towards public. Besides that, there are more and more videos of open classes which are given by famous professors who had been posted online. The internet provides people a wider channel which is more convenient and covers a huge amount of education resources. To be educated through internet is becoming a mainstream of education industry in the future. August 2012 AppStore Newly-Added Apps by Category Source: Software Game Hunter AppStore Data Monitoring Report August 2012 (Deloitte, 2013) The pie chart above shows that 10.22% of newly-added application is education related. It is only 6% behind game segment in the second place. The online education segment grew more than 20.7% only in one year in 2007 from 14.5 billion CNY to RMB17.5 billion CNY. China had about 12.2 million people using online education 5 years ago. (Global, 2010) The total number of computer and portable...
Words: 706 - Pages: 3
...Western food Name: 中诚纯子 Number: 120090202203 Department: Foreign Language Department Class/major: 09’ English-2 Finish Time: 2011-12-21 [Abstract] During the 5000-year-old glorious history, China has got rich and profound food culture. In the other hand, western nation has created its self-system food civilization as well. Nowadays, high-level restaurants and cafeteria here and there are the place that white collar get together, and the popular KFC and McDonald’s becomes children’s favourite. Under the globlization, the diet structure and the eating habit of mankind has been converted with the expansion of culture.The paper aims to make an analysis to the differences of food culture between the Chinese and Western as well as the mutual supplementation and combativeness of these food cultures under the globlization. It also can promote the mutual understanding between the people of the East and West. A thorough analysis with the contrasting methods of the differences of these different food culture has been made. [Key word]: Chinese and Western food cultures; Cross-cultural communication; Differences [摘要] 5000年的历史使中国早已有了博大精深的饮食文化;而另一边,西方国家的逐渐崛起也使它们拥有了自成体系的饮食文明。 然而今天除了中国传统的小吃外,西方的食品在中国也随处可见了,高级的西餐厅﹑咖啡馆成了白领的聚集地;更明显的是那些肯德基、麦当劳,几乎已经成为小朋友的最爱。在全球化的条件下,人类的饮食结构甚至是习惯开始随着文化的发展而逐渐变化着。本文旨在通过分析中西方饮食文化的差异以及在现代社会的影响下这些饮食文化的互补和兼容来了解饮食文化的方方面面。这样做的目的同样还能增进中西方人民的相互了解,促进交流。这份报告通过对比的方法深入说明饮食文化的差异,并进行了分类分析。 ...
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