...24765_KELLOGGS 8/3/07 08:45 Page 1 www.thetimes100.co.uk Using aims and objectives to create a business strategy CURRICULUM TOPICS • Aims and objectives • Branding • Positioning • Communication Introduction When preparing a strategy for success, a business needs to be clear about what it wants to achieve. It needs to know how it is going to turn its desires into reality in the face of intense competition. Setting clear and specific aims and objectives is vital for a business to compete. However, a business must also be aware of why it is different to others in the same market. This case study looks at the combination of these elements and shows how Kellogg prepared a successful strategy by setting aims and objectives linked to its unique brand. One of the most powerful tools that organisations use is branding. A brand is a name, design, symbol or major feature that helps to identify one or more products from a business or organisation. The reason that branding is powerful is that the moment a consumer recognises a brand, the brand itself instantly provides a lot of information to that consumer. This helps them to make quicker and better decisions about what products or services to buy. Managing a brand is part of a process called product positioning. The positioning of a product is a process where the various attributes and qualities of a brand are emphasised to consumers. When consumers see the brand, they distinguish the brand from other...
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...Soccer Club summer tournament: 1) Product Breakdown Structure and Work Breakdown Structure 2) Organisational Breakdown Structure 3) Linear Responsibility Chart 4) Network Diagram 5) Activity Table 6) Schedule 7) Glossary 8) Bibliography 1. Work Breakdown Structure WBS is a diagram used to selectively collect information required in all the project life cycle phases, in order to meet the stakeholders requirements and as a performance measure against the organisation strategic plan. The purpose of the WBS is to subdivide the scope of work into a number of manageable packages that re easier to plan, estimate and assign to a responsible party for completion. Send Tournament Schedule Visit and assess Fields Select Security Procure Reward Procure Banners and T-Shirts Identify EMS Prepare Fields Select Fields Hire Security Engrave the Reward Brand the T-Shirts and Banners Invite EMS Select EMS Teams Entry Fee Payment Register Teams Appoint Referees Contact Colleges Committee agree on reward type Identify Security Present to Sponsor Brief Designer EMS Select Teams Identify and Select Referees Risk Assessment Reward Security Source Fields Entry Fee Agreement Identify Potential Sponsor Hire graphic designer Screen Teams Branding Identify Qualified Referees Facilities Committee Duties Source Corporate Sponsor MANCHESTER UNITED SOCCER CLUB FUNDRAISING TOURNAMENT PROJECT Send Tournament Schedule Visit and assess Fields Select Security Procure Reward Procure Banners...
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...Group Script: Ansoff's Matrix:: Introduction: The founder of this theory is H. Igor Ansoff. Ansoff Matrix is a marketing planning tool, which allows businesses such as Sony and Cadbury to control its business growth, which can be established through products sold and the business market scheme. This can relatively be determined on the conditions of the products being sold; whether it is brand immaculate and weather the businesses market is brand new or it is ancient. The Ansoff Matrix has four alternatives of marketing strategies; Market Penetration, product development, market development and diversification http://www.ansoffmatrix.com/ Diversification The last strategy is Diversification. This growth strategy involves an organization marketing or selling new products to new markets at the same time. It is the most risky strategy among the others as it involves two unknowns, new products being created and the business does not know the development problems that may occur in the process. There is also the fact that there is a new market being targeted, which will bring the problem of having unknown characteristics. For a business to take a step into diversification, they need to have their facts right regarding what it expects to gain from the strategy and have a clear assessment of the risks involved. There are two types of diversification. There is related diversification and unrelated diversification. In related diversification, this means that the business...
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...The Marketing Mix The four key factors are: • • • • Product Price Place Promotion Introduction Key Stage 4 CCEA Lesson Duration: 1 Hour "The combination of factors used to market any particular product." 1) Write a definition for each of the four key factors using the Glossary in the: Interactive Business CD-ROM "The Marketing Mix" One way of identifying one product or service from another is by brands ie Mars; Cadburys; Coke; Fanta; HP, Heinz, McDonalds or Burger King. This involves using standard colours, a common name, standard size containers or any means of making recognition easy. 2) Write down a list of brand named products you or your family frequently purchases. Activity You are the managing director of a company which manufactures an extremely well-known and popular brand of soft drink. Your branding includes not only the name of the drink, but also distinctive packaging. You have advertised your product extensively, and have a large share of the soft drink market. However, you are well aware that there is a great deal of competition in your sector of the market. a) What is the name of your company? b) What is the name of your product? c) Describe your product. d) Describe your packaging. e) Where do you sell your product? f) How much do you charge for your product? g) Where do you advertise your product? h) Who are your major competitors? i) How do you compete against your competitors ie price, unique product? Take a virtual plant tour at the...
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...order to compete successfully, it is necessary to give consumers a certain value proposition. For example, a firm can offer a product at a lower price or at a higher quality than what is presently offered by other firms. But what if a firm could avoid having to deal with competition altogether? This is exactly what the blue ocean strategy attempts to do – create a new marketplace that is free of competitors. Marketers build an entirely new product or service that is currently unknown to consumers. It is necessary to thoroughly educate the public about the new product in order to gain interest and confidence. Once this has been completed, the new product will be positioned in point that provides no alternatives and allows much more effective branding tactics to be utilized. Modern Examples of Blue Ocean Moves There have been several notable blue ocean moves in modern business recently, particularly in the technology realm. The Nintendo Wii product shook up the gaming world when it was released nearly 10 years ago. Rather than compete with the Sony...
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...blimps, and skywriting.[2] Public speaking and event organising can also be considered as forms of mass media.[3] The digital media comprises both Internet and mobile mass communication. Internet media provides many mass media services, such as email, websites, blogs, and internet based radio and television. 1. Print from the late 15th century 2. Recordings from the late 19th century 3. Cinema from about 1900 4. Radio from about 1910 5. Television from about 1950 6. Internet from about 1990 7. Mobile phones from about 2000 Broadcast The sequencing of content in a broadcast is called a schedule. With all technological endeavours a number of technical terms and slang are developed please see the list of broadcasting terms for a glossary of terms used. Film 'Film' encompasses motion pictures as individual projects, as well as the field in general. The name comes from the photographic film . Video games A video game is a computer-controlled game where a video display such as a monitor or television is the primary feedback device. Audio recording and reproduction Sound recording and reproduction is the electrical or mechanical re-creation and/or amplification of sound, often as music. Internet The Internet...
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...to the economy by encouraging people to buy or invest in new developments. They also inspire competitors to invent new products in order to regain market share. Intellectual property rights (IPR) can be used to protect the technology, brand name, design and creativity behind the concept. It gives the creator sole ownership of the concept, in a similar way to owning physical property like a house or car. Owners can control the use of their intellectual property to gain financial reward. The UK Intellectual Property Office (UK IPO) helps owners and entrepreneurs to protect their concepts or creativity by registering their intellectual property rights CURRICULUM TOPICS • Entrepreneurship • Enterprise • Types of business • Innovation GLOSSARY Research and development: processes that involve investigating new ideas for products and taking them forward to be test marketed. Entrepreneurs: people who use their ideas and energies to invest in a business in return for profits. Value: how much money something could be sold for. Economy: the system by which a country produces and uses goods and money. Competitors: other producers supplying similar goods and services. Market share: the percentage of sales within a market that is held by one brand or company. Intellectual property: the rights of the owner to protect their ideas. Return on investment: the return on the funds invested in the business. Patent:...
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...services in such a way as to make them desirable” (Microsoft Encarta, 2007). Marketing needs channels of distribution to sell and deliver products or services to buyers which may include distributors, retail markets, and wholesalers (Kotler, Keller, 2006, pp. 25-26). A marketer uses a service channel, which may include storage brokers, transportation facilities, warehouses, banks, and insurance agencies who work as a liaison for the marketer (Kotler, Keller, 2006, p. 26, 89). There are two branches to marketing that are impacted by regional influence: domestic marketing and global marketing. The current author found two definitions for a branch of marketing known as domestic marketing. An online investing and financial advisement glossary states that domestic marketing are the activities comprised of a system of trading assets for businesses within a nation (InvestorGuide, 2000). The investor reference web site also details many factors that manipulate how marketing is handled within a nation, such as taxation by region, stock...
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...Business Basics A Introduction A sign posted beside a road in Colorado states, “Failing to plan is planning to fail.” Playnix Toys posted the sign after successfully completing its 20th year in the toy business in Colorado. The company’s mission is to provide a superior selection of high-end toys for children of all ages. When the company began, it generated interest by using unique marketing strategies and promotions. The toy business has a lot of tough competition. Large chain stores such as Wal-Mart and Target offer toys at deep discount prices. Finding the right strategy to remain competitive is difficult in this industry, as FAO Schwarz discovered when it filed for bankruptcy after 143 years in the toy business.1 This plug-in introduces basic business fundamentals beginning with the three most common business structures—sole proprietorship, partnership, and corporation. It then focuses on the internal operations of a corporation including accounting, finance, human resources, sales, marketing, operations/production, and management information systems. A.1 LEARNING OUTCOMES A. 1. Define the three common business forms. A. 2. List and describe the seven departments commonly found in most organizations. A. 3. Describe a transaction and its importance to the accounting department. A. 4. Identify the four primary financial statements used by most organizations. A. 5. Define the relationship between sales and marketing, along with a brief discussion of the marketing...
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...www.thetimes100.co.uk Locating a business to enhance the customer experience Curriculum Topics • Location of business • Influences on location • Return on investment • Environmental benefits Introduction One of the most important decisions a business has to make is where to locate. The location of the business can have a significant effect on how it performs. Businesses will aim to operate from locations that provide the maximum competitive advantage. These decisions need to be reviewed regularly. By selecting the best location, a business could get more customers, improve its efficiency and generate greater profits. For example, choosing an out-of-town shopping park instead of a high street may allow a retail business to have greater shop space, better overheads and attract more customers because parking is easier. Multinational businesses need to make many decisions about the location of their operations. At an international level, they might need to choose which countries or territories to operate within to maximise opportunities. Within each country, they would need to locate the head office. At a more local level, they may need to choose whether to locate within or around major cities. Enterprise Rent-A-Car is an internationally recognised brand, operating within the United States, Canada, the UK, Ireland and Germany. It is the UK’s largest car rental company. As the company has developed, it has sought to retain the personal feel of a smaller business. The company...
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...So U: Marketing Plan Robin Postell June 7, 2014 MBA Fulfillment in the Requirement for MKT 500 Strayer University Dr. Issac Owolabi, Ph.D. TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Executive Summary II. Mission Statement III. Branding, Pricing, and Distribution IV. Company Major Competitor V. Differentiation Strategy VI. Leader or Follower VII. Macro-Environmental Issues VIII. Predicts Trends and Formulate Strategy IX. Implementation Strategy X. Five Year Expansion Plan XI. Social Media XII. Performance Standards XIII. Potential for Company XIV. I. Executive Summary: Mobile phones and smart phones are growing in popularity all around the world. Mobile technology has become important in the developing world, by allowing it to “shoot ahead” and take advantage of advances in information and communication technologies without land lines. Many development projects are currently underway to bring information services via mobile phone and other devices to emerging societies. (Wei, 2014) So U is a small manufacturing company which creates customize carrying cases for the mobile technology industry. So U converts leather into any type of mobile carrying case that can be universally use to carry any small to large mobile device manufactured under brand names such as Apple, Sony, and T-Mobile; but with the clients own engraved style choice which reflects their life style. Established in 2012 from the basement of my home, my brother...
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...Introduction The variables in a marketers strategic tool box is the 4P’s which make up the elements of marketing mix. The numerous competitors that Caltex compete for market share are BP, Coles Express, Mobil, Shell Woolworths and United Petroleum in the retail environment, Product A product can be a physical object, services, persons, places organisations and ideas. The nature of a product can be tangible for instance a vehicle, and non tangible, a service. A product has the capability to satisfy a consumer’s wants and needs.2 (MAANZ Glossary) There are three distinct layers that make up a product with the first being the “core” product which is the intangible benefit or service received by the purchaser from using the product, The next layer is the actual product which is the product itself or the service being rendered. The actual product unique features supplies the core product benefit. The combination of the actual product and its other features of value the product has to offer is the augmented product layer. “A product is everything beneficial that a customer receives in an exchange”.3 (Solomon, et al. 2011, p.183). By determining the main product the retail petrol outlets sell, petrol, we can further classify petrol as a non-durable product as it provides a benefit over a short period. The frequency the consumer purchases petrol could also be in the category of convenience products. 4 (Solomon, et al. 2011, p. 186). The actual product is the physical product...
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...MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS To Caroline, Arthur, Dan and Becky MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS JOHN EGAN Australia G Canada G Mexico G Singapore G Spain G United Kingdom G United States Marketing Communications John Egan Publishing Director John Yates Production Editor Lucy Mills Typesetter Newgen, India Text Design Design Deluxe Ltd, Bath, UK Publisher Jennifer Pegg Manufacturing Manager Helen Mason Production Controller Maeve Healy Printer Rotolito Lombarda S.p.A. Italy Development Editor Tom Rennie Marketing Executive Leo Stanley Cover Design www.mulcaheydesign.co.uk Copyright © 2007 Thomson Learning The Thomson logo is a registered trademark used herein under licence. For more information, contact Thomson Learning High Holborn House 50-51 Bedford Row London WC1R 4LR or visit us on the World Wide Web at: http://www.thomsonlearning.co.uk This edition published 2007 by Thomson Learning. All rights reserved by Thomson Learning 2007. The text of this publication, or any part thereof, may not be reproduced or transmited in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storage in an information retrieval system, or otherwise, without prior permission of the publisher. Every effort has been made to trace all the copyright holders, but if any have been inadvertently overlooked the publisher will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity. Please contact the...
Words: 39131 - Pages: 157
...Apple introduced its first phone into the market in 2007. This new product was introduced to consumer as the iPhone and item became a flagship product of the company that attracted consumers from the start. The company offered an innovative smart phone which allows users to not only make calls but to move seamlessly from listening to music, to browsing the web, checking emails and back at the touch of a finger The company presented its product based on four pillars. It offered a small amount of products, focused on the high end, give priority to profit over market share and created a halo effect that makes people starve for new Apple products (Nielson, 2014). Apple surprised consumers with the release of the iPhone and today it continues to dominate by continuously reinventing its product. In this paper I will present a business proposal for the iPhone that addresses market structure, price elasticity, marginal cost and marginal revenue, suggested non-pricing strategies, barrier to entry and fixed and variable cost. Additionally, I will recommend an appropriate pricing and non-pricing strategies for the iPhone based on the projected economy's stage in the business cycle and the prevailing projected economic conditions for one or more macroeconomic factors. Market Structure According to InvestorWords, market structure is defined as the collection of factors that determine how buyers and sellers interact in a market, how prices change, and how different levels of the production...
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...Introduction: Automative industry in India, the sixth largest in the world, has produced more than 3.5 million vehicles in 2010 alone. The Indian automotive industry in mainly includes the industries associated with the manufacturing of two wheelers, three wheelers and four wheelers-such as cars and trucks. The major Indian players include Maruti, Mahindra and Mahindra, Tata Motors, Ashok Leyland, Bajaj Auto and TVS Motors. In 1990s and after, Indian automotive industry saw many foreign players establishing their manufacturing and assembly plants in India, catering to the Indian market. Major foreign players include Toyota, Hyundai, General Motors and Volkswagen Group. Major automotive hubs in India are Chennai, NCR and Pune. As the operations of automotive industry are increasing rapidly in terms of volume and complexity, companies in India need to follow global standards and best practices for achieving optimization of their supply chain. One of the practices, which are followed by leading companies, is fourth party logistics (4PL) company, or a lead logistics provider (LLP) Need for 4PL 1) Concept Definition: Lead Logistics provider or 4PL 4PL is term introduced by Accenture in 1996.It describes 4PL as an "integrator that assembles the resources, capabilities, and technology of its own organization and other organizations to design supply chain solutions". 4PL i.e fourth party logistics provider is a company which re-designs a manufacturer’s or retailer’s supply chain;...
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