...BY STEP GUIDE TO BUILDING REPORTS THAT ACTUALLY ALLOW BUSINESSES TO MAKE ACTIONABLE INSIGHTS PAGE 1 INTRODUCTION HOW OFTEN HAVE YOU LOOKED FOR REPORTING AND ANALYTICS TO GET BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE AND HAVE END UP WITH MOUNDS OF DATA ON EXCEL SPREADSHEETS? MORE OFTEN THAN NOT, YOU FIND YOURSELF WITH AN ENDLESS SUPPLY OF REPORTS BUT ARE STILL UNABLE TO GET ANSWERS TO YOUR MOST CRITICAL BUSINESS QUESTIONS? DON’T WORRY – YOU’RE NOT ALONE. Many companies are faced with the same exact issues that you are. It’s very likely these companies have one or more of the following foundational problems: ›› They don’t tie business results back to business objectives or measure against a set of key goals THE 6 STEPS FOR BETTER REPORTING Instead of diving right in and building another report, I’m going to recommend that you take a step back to outline a measurement framework using the following steps: ›› They lack a cohesive strategy to measure 01 IDENTIFY BUSINESS OBJECTIVES ›› They tend to build reports from the 02 DETERMINE KPIs 03 DEFINE KPI GOALS 04 IDENTIFY SUPPORTING METRICS 05 DETERMINE REPORTING DIMENSIONALITY 06 ORGANIZE INTO A FRAMEWORK their efforts across the entire business ground up and overload their end-users with pages of data and metrics with few next steps or optimization suggestions DO YOU NOTICE A THEME HERE? It boils down to a lack of planning in report development. We’ve been hearing...
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...1. Terms of Reference In this section you should include the following information: Who requested the report? Why was the report requested? What is the purpose of the report? Which areas will the report cover? What is the submission date of the report? 2. Procedures In this section you included: A brief introduction followed by the methods you use to gain information for this report, each method must be listed separately for example: 2.1 Internet Various websites were used to find out information about …… for inclusion in this report. 2.2 Case study for JoC The case study for JoC was referred to throughout this report. 2.3 Library Various books were scanned to enhance the understanding of organisational structures. 3. Findings 3.1 Background of Joy of Chocolate In this section give a brief overview of the organisation. 3.2 JoC Organisational goals and objectives According to xxxxxxx organisational goals are “Quote ……….” Source. This would suggest xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Secondly, organisational objectives relate to the company’s goals as this is where xxxxxx as suggested by the following quote “Quote ……….” Source 3.2.1 JoC Organisational goals and objectives What are JoC’s goals and objectives? Analyse the relationship between organisational goals and that of JOC along with the policies to achieve those goals and objectives. 3.3 Formal and Informal organisation 3.3.1 Informal organisation According to xxxxxxx he/she suggest that the informal...
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...Aaliyah report not knowing the reason for being in foster care. Aaliyah explain being in foster care and no one explained why she is in foster care. The referring agency referral did not state how Aaliyah entered care. Aaliyah entered SAFY care from Palmetto County Behavioral Health. Per referring agency report, Aaliyah met the goals set for her and the facility has to offer. The referring agency did not report any behavioral problems; however, Aaliyah has a history of running away to meet adult men to have sex. PRS: Aaliyah has a history of displaying depression symptoms as deflated self-esteem, sadness and worthlessness. Aaliyah displays argumentative behaviors with peers and adults, resentful, blames others, deliberately ignores authority figures. Aaliyah lack coping skills to maintain healthy relationships, manage...
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...To Achieve Results Assessor name Loganathan Ramasamy Date issued Completion date Submitted on 13/10/2014 30/01/2015 30/01/2015 Assignment title Managing Business Activities To Achieve Results Learning Outcome Learning outcome Understand the importance of business processes in delivering outcomes based upon business goals and objectives Be able to develop plans for own area of responsibility to implement operational plans Assessme nt Criteria 1.1 1.2 1.3 LO1 In this assessment you will have the opportunity to present evidence that shows you are able to: Evaluate the interrelationship between the different processes and functions of the organisation. Justify the methodology to be used to map processes to the organisation’s goals and objectives. Evaluate the output of the process and the quality gateways. Task Evidence no. (Page no) 2.1 2.2 LO2 2.3 2.4 Design plans which promote goals and objectives for own area of responsibility. Write objectives, which are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time based to align people and other resources in an effective and efficient way. Implement appropriate systems to achieve objectives in the most efficient way, on time, to budget and meeting organisational standards of quality. Carry out work activities meeting the operational plan through effective monitoring and control. Version 1.2 LO3 Be able to monitor appropriate systems to improve organisation al performance 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Be able to manage health...
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...• give your day-to-day work a focus, • help you set priorities, • provide you with a sense of order and control, • help get the chief staff executive and staff to support your program, • protect you against last-minute, seat-of-the-pants demands from staff and members, and • prevent you from feeling overwhelmed, offering instead peace of mind. What Is a Communication Plan? A communication plan is a written document that describes • what you want to accomplish with your association communications (your objectives), • ways in which those objectives can be accomplished (your goals or program of work), • to whom your association communications will be addressed (your audiences), • how you will accomplish your objectives (the tools and timetable), and • how you will measure the results of your program (evaluation). Communications include all written, spoken, and electronic interaction with association audiences. A communication plan encompasses objectives, goals, and tools for all communications, including but not limited to: • periodic print publications; • online communications; • meeting and conference materials; • media relations and public relations materials; • marketing and sales tools; • legal and legislative documents; • incoming communications, including reception procedures and voice mail content; • committee and board communiques; • corporate identity materials, including letterhead, logo, and envelopes; • surveys; • certificates and...
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...TOUR 140 – TOURISM CO-OP WORK EXPERIENCE REPORT On completing the 500 hours of your co-op work experience, you are asked to submit a written report. Inadequate reports will require re-writes before credit is assigned for TOUR 140. Report due: September 10, 2014 – Wednesday by 5pm. Turn in to Christy Dodds in CE318. Mandatory co-op debrief workshop: September 15, 2014 – Monday 6-9pm (LB322) Report Objectives 1. To allow students to re-visit original work objectives and evaluate them against their actual work experience. 2. To provide documentation of the co-op work experience to assist faculty in evaluating the work placement. 3. To provide a resource to assist future students in their co-op job search. 4. To provide faculty the ability to become familiar with your work term learning experience. Report Evaluation Criteria Your report should: Follow standard report format – the body of the document should use 12 point Ariel or Calibri only, use 1.5 spacing, set your margins to 2cm or 1” on all sides, include a table of contents and a cover page, include page numbers. Be factual and accurate; source if you are using information that is not your own Be free of spelling errors and typos Be between 5-8 pages in length. The Real Story The work term report is meant to do several things. It is a legacy piece long engrained in the community-based culture of the School of Tourism Management. First, your report out of the company/organization that you worked for, as well as the...
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...fell under the BC Ministry of Advanced Education, which changed to the Ministry of Advanced Education, Innovation and Technology by the time the results were reported in 2012-2013. In Alberta, during the planning part of the accountability cycle in 2012, post-secondary education was the responsibility of the Ministry of Advanced Education and Technology but changed slightly to be the Ministry of Advanced Education and Enterprise by the reporting time in 2013. In all cases, the Ministries had the responsibility for the oversight of the publically funded universities and other post-secondary institutes within their respective provinces. Since the portfolios changed slightly from planning to reporting, I focused only on the post-secondary objectives, measures, and results. Overview: While the governments of the day in BC and Alberta are politically not that similar, they both have well developed planning and reporting processes. As a result, both Ministries that I reviewed scored high in many of the categories. Based on the information available on the government websites, this maturity in process is evident across the government as a whole and not...
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...All businesses have certain goals and criteria in mind. It is important to be able to meet a company’s goals and needs. It is important to run at full capacity and efficient. What Are Some of the Issues the Host Foreign Country Could Face As A Result of the Expansion? Businesses have precise objectives and goals. Many businesses have vision and mission statement that incorporates their goals. It doesn’t matter the type business, nonprofit or profit. The goals can be to serve specific constituents or to get the best out of the owner’s goals. The business goals create a need for information. The business gathers past and future information from internal and external sources. This data is used by the managers with authority over the company’s resources. What Cultural Barriers and Diversity Issues Are Commonly Encountered By International/Multinational (MNC) and Global Organizations? The information used by management is created for planning and control decisions. The process used to create accounting reports influences management strategy, and the structure of those reports significantly impact management strategy. There should be certain characteristics in these reports: •Importance of Timeliness -- The competitive environment demands immediate access to information, so timeliness is essential. •Identity of Decision Maker – Information should be given to the decision makers. •Oriented toward the Future -- Management should make objective decisions in the best interest...
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...Process evaluation is used to help you create infrastructure that supports your project or organization, and to evaluate how effectively that process functions. It will also help you assess short-term changes in skills, attitudes, and knowledge of the participants. Because changes in circumstances may require you to make adjustments in your plan along the way to meet your goals, you and your program officer may review your process evaluation during the term of your grant. You may find that your process evaluation is a springboard to developing other materials. For instance, it may help you generate checklists and timelines, which you can share with project staff, potential partners or funders, your clients, and the community. For capital grants, the process evaluation may be as simple as showing that funds were spent for the intended purpose and that the project was completed. Your program officer can help you determine how basic or developed your process evaluation should be. Before You Begin Your process evaluation helps you organize your thoughts about how you will meet your project goal and objectives through your activities, which should all be logically connected to each other. It is helpful to diagram these connections in a conceptual map of the project, or “logic model”. The logic model serves as a guide to help you define how your program will make a difference. We have included a sample logic model on the following page. The steps of the model are as follows: 1. Define...
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...simple organization chart. Many enterprises use a database warehousing approach for the creation of accounting information systems. This approach, coupled with user-friendly software, allows management and other designated employees access to information to create a variety of accounting reports, including required external financial reports. For example, detailed cost information about a production process is used by the production line supervisor to help control production costs. A process design engineer, when considering the best configuration of equipment and employees, uses the same information to reduce costs or to increase efficiency. Finally, production-related cost information appears in the external financial statements used by investors and creditors. OBJECTIVES OF MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING INFORMATION |Each enterprise has implicit and explicit goals and objectives. Many enterprises have mission statement that describes their | | |goals. These goals can vary widely among enterprises ranging from nonprofit organizations, where goals are aimed at serving | | |specified constituents, to for profit organizations, where goals are directed toward maximizing the owners’ objectives. For | | |example, the American Cancer Society, a nonprofit organization, has the following mission: | | The American Cancer Society is the nationwide community-based voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives...
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...effectiveness and efficiency | ------------------------------------------------- Learning Outcome | Learning outcome | Assessment Criteria | In this assessment you will have the opportunity to present evidence that shows you are able to: | Task no. | Evidence(Page no) | LO1 | Understand theimportance of businessprocesses in deliveringoutcomes based uponbusiness goals andobjectives | 1.1 | Evaluate the interrelationship between thedifferent processes and functions of theorganisation. | | | | | 1.2 | Justify the methodology to be used to map processes to the organisation’s goals and objectives. | | | | | 1.3 | Evaluate the output of the process and thequality gateways. | | | LO2 | Be able to developplans for own area ofresponsibility toimplement operationalplans | 2.1 | Design plans which promote goals andobjectives for own area of responsibility. | | | | | 2.2 | Write objectives, which are specific,measurable, achievable, realistic and time based to align people and other resources in an effective and efficient way. | | | | | 2.3 | Implement appropriate systems to achieve objectives in the most efficient way, on time, to budget and meeting organisational standards of quality. | | | | | 2.4 | Carry out work activities meeting theoperational plan through effective monitoring and control. | | | LO3 | Be able to monitorappropriate systems toimprove organisationalperformance | 3.1 | Design systems to...
Words: 1863 - Pages: 8
...any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details. Performance objective The candidate will demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to identify change requirements for an organisation. Assessment description Using the scenario information supplied, the candidate will identify strategic change needs, review existing policy, monitor trends in the external environment that impact on organisation’s objectives, identify operational change objectives, prioritise change requirements and consult experts or specialists to assist in identification of change requirements and opportunities. The candidate will then write a report to management outlining the change requirements. Procedure 1. Review the scenario information provided (in the Appendix of this task) for Fast Track Couriers. 2. Prepare to write a report on change requirements for Fast Track by following steps 3–10 below. 3. Analyse the organisational objectives provided in the scenario to identify the change requirements for Fast Track Couriers: a. Identify requirements for change b. prepare an explanation of how your identified change needs link to the organisation’s strategic plan goal/s. 4. Review the organisation’s current state to understand how the current policies, practices and operations deliver against the organisation’s strategic goals. Review the organisation’s performance against objectives with regards to its: a. people b. processes c. technology ...
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...Unit 15 - Managing Business Activities to Achieve Results Module Handbook 2013/14 Module Leader: Andy Humphries 01244 656371 Email: a.humphries@west-cheshire.ac.uk CONTENTS | PAGE NO. | 1 | WELCOME AND INTRODUCTION | 3 | 2 | MODULE RATIONALE | 3 | 3 | LEARNING OUTCOMES | 3 | 4 | OUTLINE CONTENT | 3 | 5 | TEACHING AND LEARNING APPROACH | 4 | 6 | ASSESSMENT | 5 | | | | 7 | EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES | 9 | 8 | ACADEMIC SUPPORT | 9 | 9 | EVALUATION | 10 | 10 | SCHEME OF WORK | 10 | 11 | READING/LEARNING RESOURCES | 12 | 1 WELCOME AND INTRODUCTION The overall function and direction of an organisation is determined by the nature of its corporate strategy. Strategy provides the goals, objectives and guidelines for the structure and operations of the organisation. It is by means of structure that the purpose and work of the organisation are carried out. Some structure is necessary to make possible the effective performance of key activities and to support the efforts of staff. Structure provides the framework of an organisation and its pattern of management. The manager needs to understand the importance and effects of organisation strategy and structure. The aim of this unit is to provide learners with the understanding and skills to manage their | activities in the business workplace to improve their effectiveness and efficiency. | This unit focuses on the effective and efficient planning and management of business...
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...especially heads of SAIs and managers to carry out their functions strategically, tactically and operationally. They do this by introducing the basics of planning, examining the types of objectives and differentiating the types of plans consisting of the corporate plan, strategic plan, business plan and operational plan for the management of their offices. PASAI recognises the importance of having these strategic management plans as it is top level management’s responsibility to define the SAI’s positions, formulate strategies and guide long term organisational activities. This is one of PASAI’s initiatives aimed at developing SAIs within the region. The guidelines have been produced to assist PASAI members in the effective, efficient and economic planning and management of their resources annually and in the long term. It provides guidance to SAIs in establishing and enhancing their strategic management functions. The guidelines look at: the fundamentals/characteristics of strategic planning; the strategic planning framework and makes reference to relevant legislation and the founding principles for SAIs proclaimed in INTOSAI’s Lima Declaration that underpins these guidelines with the relevant ISSAI Levels 1 and 2 standards; how to develop or evaluate vision, mission, goals, objectives, analyse internal and...
Words: 44943 - Pages: 180
...success. Strategic planning requires an awareness and contribution by all members of CanGo. Every challenge, problem, or action requires an assessment from the perceptive of the broader context. This framework will provide improved decision-making and ensure that goals and objectives are cohesive, integrated, and are aligned throughout CanGo’s employee infrastructure. The significance of thinking strategically promotes the process of developing and evaluating every decision and action that concedes with current and future endeavors, the direction you want to go in, and the results you want to achieve. CanGo has a several short and long term initiatives, sustain and strengthening their online gaming division, automating their storage and retrieval system, transition from private to public company with the launch of their IPO, and product diversification. Implementing a strategic plan will provide focus and direction as it relates to short and long term objectives. The process will enable CanGo to analyze the impact each decision has an on the other. CanGo will have to make decisions which have a short term impact, such as maintaining profits and stock market share price choices that impact their long term objectives. If, the company doesn’t invest into research and development, there...
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