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God and Poetry


Submitted By sollerw
Words 1299
Pages 6
William Soller
God and Poetry
Throughout human experience, we have sought ways of understanding the universe. Stories of gods appeared as an answer to a multitude of questions. These gods began guiding the world into the realm of creation, from monuments of belief to the passing of belief through the written word. Christianity grew out of Judaism with the coming of Jesus Christ. Four Gospels were written as tribute to his life as the New Testament, and, with the combination of the Torah as the Old Testament, the Bible was crafted.
The distinction between the Old and New Testaments create very different images of God. In the Old Testament, there is a God a vengeance and power. In the New Testament, God is merciful and full of love. Poets, such as William Blake, Countee Cullen, and Robert Frost have commented on this duality, inscribing their own beliefs onto paper.
William Blake shows the contrast in God’s creations through two poems, The Lamb and The Tyger. The Lamb opens with a question: “Little Lamb, who made thee?” The speaker questions the lamb on how it was made, how it obtained its “clothing” of wool and its “tender voice.” In the next stanza, the speaker answers his own question: the lamb’s maker “calls himself a Lamb” and who resembles both the lamb and the speaker, a child.
While the child’s question is an innocent one, it resounds as the constant philosophical question of creation that religion tries to explain. In the first stanza where the child poses the question, he approaches a literal lamb that by no means can answer. But by answering his own question, the child expresses a bold and joyful confidence in Jesus Christ as his creator. The lamb is a traditional metaphor for Jesus Christ, portraying values of meekness, peace, and love. The comparison given of Jesus, the lamb, and the child show a love and companionship found throughout the

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