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Submitted By kboonchye
Words 790
Pages 4
Consumer to business
The most important activity in e-commerce isn’t selling.It’s buying.Consumer to business,is the most recent services to companies who are prepared to purchase them.This business model is the opposite of the traditional B2C model.There are many unique elements involved in this new and unique business model.First,it is a unique e-commerce business model in which consumer offer goods or services to companies in exchange for money.Furthermore,the advent of this new method of business has helped to make it the fast growing platform,a fact that is unique among all business platforms that exist today.C2B model is implemented in many ways across the internet.The airline ticket website is a website allows customers to bid for tickets and offer their own prices.Shopping site such as, and also are C2B.Indeed,demand is still directed by the consumer;supply provided by the company,nothing really innovative.Online advertising sites like Google Adsens,affiliation platforms like Commission Junction and affiliation programs like Amazon are the bes example of C2B schemes.Individuals are directly commissioned to provide an advertising/selling service to companies.Blogs that offer links or ads back to partner businesses and are paid for the consumers that they refer to businesses they partner with in the process.For instance,Nano-publishing is a concrete application of C2B and C2C schemes using a blog as a support medium,amateurs talk about precise subjects concerning their area of expertise through vertical blogs and are remunerated per published posts or commissioned on advertising or affiliation revenues generated by traffic on their blog(,Podcasting,video casting,RSS and other blog related technologies help to provide more opportunities to develop new economic systems and to generate alternative revenues.Google Adsense Program pays Webmasters by sending them checks in dollars,incurring Shipping fees for Google and currency conversion fees for non-us users.Some companies use wire transfers to remunerate their members.Paypal company offers a solution enabling payments between individuals and companies or between two individuals via a virtual account identified by an email address.They offer the cheapes and most practical way to send money to anyone anywhere.The new C2B business model is a revolution because it introduces a new collaborative trading scheme paying the way for new applications and new socio-economical behaviours.
Nike has integrated everything on the page in a visually seamless manner.They’ve got well over ten unique sections on a single page,yet it looks completely cohesive.Stacking randomly-sized banners promoting different items on top of each.Nike has one primary banner that rotates between tree messages.Prebuilt libraries like jQuery make this type of rotating content a cinch and can really make an otherwise static page come alive in a subtie,non-annoying way.Nike has put all the section below the main banner on a continuous background color to avoid that “dropped in”look you get with the sale item boxes in Kmart’s design.
Ikea wins the prize for the most interactive shopping experience.Ikea experience has been carefully structured so that flipping through the catalog is just like walking through their showroom.Instead of being presented with individual item,you can see custom photography of an entire room completely made up of Ikea products.They give you helpful breakdowns of what each item costs as well as the cost of buying the entire room as a set.This helps normal people who don’t know much about interior design create beautiful rooms.Ikea has transferred this experience to their online store.What you get is an experience that’s a lot like flipping through the catalog,only much more interactive and dynamic.Ikea is shooting for a shopping experience that is not only enjoyable,but could even be considered fun.

Becoming a C2B business requires commitment and culture change.However,the organizations that have already embarked down the path have recognized that it offers big opportunities to those who get there first.The”outside in”approach of C2B makes organizations more responsive,more agile,and better able to create delighted customers who come back again and again.These are organizational qualities that have driven the long-term success of the world’s best organizations.Help all stakeholders to embrace the Big shift by integrating social intelligence with business intelligence,broadcasting and sharing function-spectifc successes.Use a social media P&L as a way to validate the business mandate for predictive,actionable metrics and to mature your enterprise social intelligence platform.

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