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Globalization Argumentative Paper
Rashyeda Lewis
Dwayne Gipson

Globalization is a topic that I was not to certain of but after doing so research I know understand that the term globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies and governments of different nations. This process is driven by trade and investment and aided by information and technology. Globalization will affect and impact any business and how it is run. There are many different types of globalization and every area affects the business in a different. The argument is whether or not globalization is good or bad for a business.
1, Premise – I believe that globalization is good for any business as it relates to market globalization. Market globalization makes it easier for companies to sell products internationally. This is good for business because it allows for expansion in multiple areas of the business and established proven growth in the company. A company that is able to show that they are larger than the local department store that displays volume for the said company. 1, Conclusion - Market globalization is a large key to company growth and expansion.

2, Premise – A second reason that globalization is good for any business is as it relates to Production globalization. Production globalization is the sourcing of materials and services from other companies to gain advantage from price difference in different nations. This simply means that a company has the ability to search the world for the best products and services at the best cost and offer them to their clients. This is good again because it allow for expansion. The business is not limited to just what is in the direct area. 2, Conclusion - Production globalization is very big I would think if you are offering products and services that people are looking for. An example

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