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Good Life. Philosophy. Blog


Submitted By Fess25
Words 341
Pages 2
In order to answer the question whether philosophical reflection essential or at least helpful to living a good life we should define what is good and bad. In the essay of Bertrand Russell it is stated that philosophy gives does not give particular answers as for example math gives. In the essay it is stated that in order to understand philosophy, people should free their mind from the prejudices of what are wrongly called ‘practical’ men (Bertrand Russell). From my point of view in this world not many things could be defined as good or bad. Good or bad things are defined by society and put limitations of people’s view. So basically, people are afraid very often to do something because of the judgment from the society. Philosophy calls to get rid of these barriers put by society. That is why I think that philosophy is essential for living good life. In Bertrand Russell’s essay is stated that “man who has no tincture of philosophy goes through life imprisoned in the prejudices derived from common sense, from the habitual beliefs of his age or his nation, and from convictions which have grown up in his mind” (Bertrand Russell). I fully agree with this statement. A good example would be taking risk by changing job. For example, you have a good job, but you were offered a new one, with better conditions, better salary and etc. However the person can be so afraid of changing something in his life or judgment of other people, that he will refuse this opportunity. Philosophy can help us to enrich our intellectual imagination and broaden our worldview. Philosophy views problems from different perspective and not only from one. That is why I think that philosophy is essential for living a good life.
To sum up I would like to say that philosophy in whole is important in order not to stick to the norms established by society, but to seek for the truth for yourself and form your own opinion about the world around you.

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