...Case Study: “Google in China” University of Phoenix-MGT/448 November 28, 2011 Case Study: “Google in China” This case study will review and address Google’s entry into China. The following topics will be addressed: legal, cultural, and ethical challenges experienced by Google. This case study will also examine the role of China’s government in Google’s decision to operate globally in China as well as the strategic and operational challenges faced by the management team of Goggle with their decision to operate in China. In an effort to enter business in China and gain access to the world’s largest country, Google began offering a Chinese language service in 2000 from operations in the United States. In 2002, the Google site was blocked by the Chinese government and users were redirected to another site (Hill, 2009). Two weeks later, service was restored with no apparent reason or understanding of why the block initially took place or why it was restored. After the Google site was accessible by Chinese users again, politically sensitive sites were still not accessible, which implied the Chinese government was censoring certain sites. Google realized the need to establish operations in China, which finally occurred in 2005, despite challenges and criticism. Challenges Faced by Google There were many legal, cultural, and ethical challenges facing Google when the decision was made to provide services to China. When Google entered China, locations and hosted servers...
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...Case Study Analysis Template Analyst’s Name: ¶ Levi Mohorich Date: ¶ 2/23/14 Case Study Name: ¶ Google, Inc., in China I. The Pre-Analysis: A. Perspective: 1. Author’s Perspective. Describe the perspective of the author(s) of the case study and possible biases of the author(s): ¶ The case was wrote by Kirsten E. Martin, the Assistant Professor of Business Administration at George Washington University, School of Business. She has her Ph.D. from Darden Graduate School of Business, University of Virginia. Her main research interests are business ethics, privacy, technology and stakeholder theory. It might be possible that she is biased towards China for their privacy restrictions and ethical values. Based on her previous research work, she probably values ethical behavior highly and technology innovations. 2. Analyst’s Perspective. Describe your perspective as the analyst: ¶ My perspective is that of a college student majoring in Marketing and Advertising Management. I am a strong believer in ethics and moral behavior. I have worked for an entertainment company for 8 years and my boss taught me to always do the right thing. I don’t know much about China and the details of their privacy laws or their government regulations. I do know that they block social media sites such as Facebook and YouTube but that's about it. I am an avid Google user though, I probably use Google almost every single day, or at least...
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...Maksudur Rahman BBA 432 Case Study Chap 3 1. What immediate and longer-term issues does Google’s censorship decision create? Google’s censorship decision created a large number of expeditious questions. When Google’s stock fell, many protestors went the google headquarters in California and they assembled in front google office there. About 50,000 letter were sent to the CEO of the company. I those some of the, trying to rebuild the fallen stock of the company and regain the reputation. On the other hand, while maintain business with china they had cope with the government’s censorship relegation. 2. Prior to the launch of Google.cn, what factors should Google have considered in reaching their decision to comply with Chinese government censorship laws? Prior to the launch of Google.cn, google should have analyzed the ethical and legal effects of this. However, they only considered the business opportunities in china without analyzing the analyzing the ethical and legal effects. They should have considered their social responsibilities. They are in business to make profit but it should not be in the expense of others. They should have acted ethically and analyzed their mission more before going china. 3. Assess Dr. Schmidt’s statement “We actually did an evil scale and decided that not to serve at all was worse evil.” Was Google being evil? From my perspective, I believe google was being evil and Dr. Schmidt statement is true. The company’s mission is to make...
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...to the organization he is leading. This paper will examine the effectiveness of the Google CEO as a case study, the leadership style and the CEO organizational value. The ethical behavior of a leader can affect the effectiveness of other workers in the organization as the leader in any organization are often seen as an object of emulation by the employee of the company. Ethical behavior of Google CEO shall be review in this paper as well as the significant value that made the leader a successful CEO. Background of Google CEO (Larry Page) Larry Page and Sergey Brin founded Google in 1998, since inception, the company has recorded a growth of over 40,000 employees worldwide, Larry Page co-founded Google while pursuing his Ph.D. at Stanford University and became the first CEO until 2001growing the company to over 200 employees during the period. From 2001 to 2011, larry became the president of product for the company. He holds a bachelor degree in Engineering from University of Michigan and his masters in computer science from Stanford University. Larry was honored with Marconi’s prize in 2004, He is also a member of National Advisory Committee (NAC) of the University Of Michigan College Of Engineering. Larry Page Leadership Style and Philosophy His philosophy can be best summed up with this quote: “We should be building great things that don’t exist.” (Larry Page, 2013). This is why Google doesn’t pay attention to competition who is working on similar products; it tries to...
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...For Google in 2005, from a business perspective, what are the arguments for and against entering China? The decision of whether to censor data in exchange for access to a multi-billion dollar market or to maintain a level of international integrity was a dilemma Google faced with their opportunity to enter the Chinese market in 2005. Two years after their inception in 1998, Google had enjoyed positive growth leading to them owning 25% of market share in the Internet search market; once search results became censored in 2004, Google experienced the complexities of working with a dictatorship when posed with the opportunity to enter a communist market, China. In 2005, Google’s Board of Directors met to discuss the pros and cons, and the costs and benefits, of entering the Chinese market, knowing that they would be required to limit the information they made available to Chinese users. If Google chose to enter into agreement with the Communist Party, they would be able to tap into an enormous market opportunity. Google would thereby be able to establish a dominant presence within one of the world’s most rapidly growing countries, getting potential access to over 1.3 billion people and 103 million Internet users. Furthermore, China has been able to break barriers in every market, quickly demanding the attention of foreign investors: “As a result of these [Mao’s successors] reforms, China’s GDP grew tenfold over three decades” (Ibid., 471). Worsfold’s Google in China case...
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...their decision making because each and every decision they make will depend upon the character of person which differ from person to person. Character of a person includes their inborn talents, learned and acquired traits which were imposed upon them by life and experience. Leaders are models and mentors to their followers therefore they follow the path way set by their leaders. In a large organisation the top level managers or CEO are considered to be the executive and supervisory leader. The CEO should have strong commitment towards ethics and ethical conduct and should give a constant leadership in renewing the values of an organisation. They play a key role in creating, maintaining and changing the ethical culture. It is necessary for the leader to set good examples, and follows ethics. One such good leader is JRD Tata who set a good example for his successor and they still follow it. Where there are good leaders there will be good ethical practices in business. Corporate governance: is the set of systems and processes that a company follows to ensure that it is in the best interest of the stake holders. Stakeholders are the shareholders, employees, customers, creditors and the community. Sustainability has three components according to john elkington's triple bottom line concept they are economic, social and environmental. According to elkington the business does not have one single goal of attaining profit but to extend the goal set by adding environmental and social values...
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...Case Study 2B: Google Takes on the World (2) You should have a good feel for the Google organization after case 2A. We will extend the analysis in this case by adding some more in depth and up to date questions. You will need to do some research on the web to find answers for these questions. Each student is required to answer just one of the following questions. You will receive individual feedback on that question as a (very rough) guide as to how you are doing. Don’t forget to reference any claims that you assert or any another sources of information that you use. (Web journals might be useful information sources in this case.) 1. If Microsoft’s were to take over Yahoo, what likely impact might we see on Google’s business and its business model? Analyse it by starting with Porter’s competitive forces model and suggest how the model could inform Google’s defensive strategy. 2. How can Google extend its value chain by leveraging Web 2 concepts? (Hint: Allowing third party access to Google Maps is an example of creating mashups.) 3. What opportunities are there for Google in the mobile device market for its products and services? Apply Porter’s competitive forces model to Google in relation to the mobile market. 5.4. How successful do you think Google will be in the mobile market? Justify your argument. (Hint: Using references will make your argument stronger.) 4.5. Google recently purchased You Tube but You Tube contains a substantial amount of...
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...organizations? The evidence of caring leadership is all over the place in today's modern organizations because modern organizations see the value in modern leadership. To see value in caring leadership you must first know what caring is an a good qoute that represents what caring is about is the following "You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you."-- Dale Carnegie. An to flip that qoute into something more relatable you can make workers more productive by caring about them than you can by yelling at them. So before we get into the evidence of caring leadership I'd like to get into what are some things or ways to show caring leadership. Listed from the website are a few ways to show caring leadership(Entrepreneur, 2014) "The start of the day is a great time to demonstrate high levels of enthusiasm for the new workday. Go out of your way to greet your employees. Deliver compliments early in the day to put your employees in a positive frame of mind as they face their day. "In fall of 2013 I took part of an ethical study audit of a company for a MGMT 4500 class with professor Paul. In that ethical study audit we found that complimenting which right above was suggest by the article does indeed increase productivity. In the audit we had found a coefficient of determination at 88% showing that complimenting does indeed correlate with higher productivity. This shows why Caring leadership...
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...Case Study Kizowanda Staples University of Phoenix MGT/448 Dale Hetrick November 08, 2011 Google is a political and cultural imperialist to change china is an Internet system that has rules and regulations. China legal system plays different roles in their culture and idea will only be ridiculous. China ethical codes for Google has a principle for their company touchstone it is don’t be evil it means that him or her is allowed to make any amount of money as long as they do not do nothing wrong. China is to see that Google will provide the China with the best service that Google have to offer to the Chinese cultural. The roles that Google plays in china is that it has built a highly profit adverting company. The other roles that Google play in china it is an Internet search engine company. It allows certain people in some area of china to gain access information. Google play very important active role in exporting culture, value, and ideas Google is an ambition change to china Internet service and rules. Baidu have also leaded the Internet market in china Google must comply with china legal laws. Google discover that china was an important strategically market in the world. The main strategic and operational challenge is that with the strategic...
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...at Duke Universit y Business Ethics GOOGLE IN CHINA “The Great Firewall” Prepared by Kristina Wilson, Yaneli Ramos, and Daniel Harvey under the supervision of Professor Wayne Norman (edited by Professor Chris MacDonald) In early 2006, search-engine giant Google struck a deal with the People’s Republic of China and launched Google.cn, a version of its search engine run by the company from within China. Launching Google.cn required Google to operate as an official Internet Service Provider (ISP) in China, a country whose Communist government requires all ISPs to selfcensor, removing content that is considered illegal from search results. From a financial perspective, China represented for Google a dynamic and fast-growing, though increasingly competitive, market. Google’s decision to self-censor Google.cn attracted significant ethical criticism at the time. The company’s motto is “Don’t Be Evil,” and prior to entering China, Google had successfully set itself apart from other technology giants, becoming a company trusted by millions of users to protect and store their personal information. The choice to accept self-censorship, and the discussion and debate generated by this choice, forced Google to re-examine itself as a company and forced the international community to reconsider the implications of censorship. This case was prepared as the basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate either the effective or ineffective handling of an administrative situation...
Words: 7843 - Pages: 32
...Procedures. Study Guide The study guide shows you how to move through the SPED Law and Legal issues Course in six weeks. You will want to tailor the weekly activities to your personal schedule and time commitment. Section Read View Study Activities Getting Ready to Pass Be sure you can access: 1. Course of Study (COS) 2. Learning Resources: Vital Source Text: Henley, M. R., Ramsey, R. S., & Algozzine, R. F. (2009). Characteristics of and strategies for teaching students with mild disabilities (6th ed.) UWillTeach Courses 3. External Websites: ParentCenter Hub IRIS Resource Locator 1. Watch the Welcome Video 2. Review the course competencies: Historical and Philosophical Foundations of Special Education Professional and ethical Practice Characteristics of Individuals with exceptional Learning Needs Special Education Law and Ethical Issues Special Education Policies and Procedure Connect with Course Mentors Email links: Dr. Amy Hughes x4920 Dr. Lynn Renz Brogan x4110 Set up a binder or online writing space for your Special Education Resource Manual Section Read View Study Activities Section 1 Historical Overview: Societal and Historical Issues, Landmark Court Cases and Laws Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) TEXT: Characteristics of Teaching Students with Mild Disabilities (Vital Source) Read: Chapter 1 Foundations of SPED Court Cases: pg. 3-13, pg...
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...the quantity of data that users generate - 2 000 queries on Google and 48 hours of video uploaded every minute are just some of the examples of the humongous size of information created online. This data is valuable due to the increasing number of e-commerce businesses employing the Web as their main platform for exchanging goods for value. Moreover, online data has become a topic of interest for marketers, researches, advertisers and publishers trying to gather as much information as possible in order to improve target advertising and deliver tailored content to their clients. Hence the information of a single browsing user is highly demanded due to the fact that it can provide insights into different online behaviors and optimize online campaigns. In 2006, the EU calculated that the value of open data in Europe (i.e. releasing all government information for free) would be € 27 billion (Dekkers) that is € 55 per European citizen. With a valuation of around $ 100 billion, the value that Facebook holds in 2012 is roughly $ 120 (€ 90) per active member. (NY Times) Personal data online is tracked by cookies, which are small pieces of code placed on the browser that remember the user and its information with a unique identification. Legislation in a lot of countries is unclear on their privacy and cookie laws, leaving the user unaware of the ways their information is stored and also the value of their browsing data. A study by Princeton Survey Research Associates in 2009 that was using...
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...at Duke Universit y Business Ethics GOOGLE IN CHINA “The Great Firewall” Prepared by Kristina Wilson, Yaneli Ramos, and Daniel Harvey under the supervision of Professor Wayne Norman (edited by Professor Chris MacDonald) In early 2006, search-engine giant Google struck a deal with the People’s Republic of China and launched Google.cn, a version of its search engine run by the company from within China. Launching Google.cn required Google to operate as an official Internet Service Provider (ISP) in China, a country whose Communist government requires all ISPs to selfcensor, removing content that is considered illegal from search results. From a financial perspective, China represented for Google a dynamic and fast-growing, though increasingly competitive, market. Google’s decision to self-censor Google.cn attracted significant ethical criticism at the time. The company’s motto is “Don’t Be Evil,” and prior to entering China, Google had successfully set itself apart from other technology giants, becoming a company trusted by millions of users to protect and store their personal information. The choice to accept self-censorship, and the discussion and debate generated by this choice, forced Google to re-examine itself as a company and forced the international community to reconsider the implications of censorship. This case was prepared as the basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate either the effective or ineffective handling of an administrative situation...
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...never before, from web-search to connecting us. The cyber industry is conquered by different industries or individuals, under numerous domain names. Search engines, social medias, blogs, e-commerce sites and news sites are one of the networks we can find on the cyber industry. Google search engine and Facebook social-network are the global core leaders of the cyber industry. Facebook with more than 642.5 million users , and Google with more than 620million visitors daily. Like any other business as big as they are, they are facing external as well as internal issues, from managing their stakeholders to the geographical segmentation matters. The globalisatin business strategy sometime has a great impact to the coperate business, which sometimes the busnesses have no control over. Only the internal factors and issues are easy for a company to deal with. Case Study 1 Introduction: Google was found in 1998 as a research project by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Ph.D. students in coincidences of developing a singular integrated universal digital library; the Stanford Digital Library Project (SDLP). Its first headquarters are in Mountain View California. Google has built up a strong brand name or domain and it is a leader in the cyber industry, particularly in terms of its excellent web service and its very rapid growth. Google’s popularity...
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...1) There are five steps involved in an ethical analysis. The first is identifying and clearly describing the facts, which will be used to help define the solution. Second, you must define the conflict and identify the higher-order values involved. This is because the parties usually claim during a dispute they are all pursuing higher values. Third, stakeholders should be identified so you can figure out what they want, which might also be used later when figuring out a solution. Fourth, you must identify the options that you can reasonably take, even though this may not satisfy all the stakeholders. Finally, you must identify the potential consequences of your actions. This would include looking at the consequences from various points of views. There are also six ethical principles that can be used to help. One principle is called the Golden Rule, which is to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Another principle is Descartes’ Rule of Change. This principle states that if an action cannot be taken repeatedly, it is not right to take at all. Another principle would be the Risk Aversion Principle. This one says you should take the action that produces the least harm or least potential cost. There is also Immanuel Kant’s Categorical Imperative, which first has you evaluate the action. If the action is not right for everyone to take, then it is not the right one to take at all. Another principle would be the Utilitarian Principle, which says that one should do the action...
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