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Mass Supervisor


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Supervisor Update Page

Oracle EBS Technical Team

Purpose of the tool
• To give facilities ownership and visibility of their Supervisor
• To enable the Hierarchy within a Cost Centre to be updated
• To allow many people to be updated at once or just an individual employee or supervisor
• Easy to update supervisor for multiple employees
• Not required HRMS responsibility to update supervisor
• No need to toggle between employee record
• Capable to update supervisor for a particular cost center in one click

Search options
Select a Cost Centre to show all supervisors in it, or
Find all employees with a named Supervisor, or
Combine the two searches

Cost Centre based search

Supervisor Based search

Combined Search

Bulk update
The Apply All button allows you to change all the employees at once

Bulk Update – Even super visor can be added from other facility is possible


Warning message will be shown, but still can go ahead saving the record.

Bulk Update – If more than 10 employee with differenct facility for new supervisor, below warning show. Still can go ahead saving the record.


Single Update
• Update supervisor one by one if necessary

Single Update – Even super visor can be added from other facility is possible.

Warning message will be shown, but still can go ahead saving the record.

Supervisor Hierarchy error – The employee cannot be Supervisor’s Supervisor or cannot be supervisor for the higher hierarchy.


Q : Supervisor / cost center not found in search window?
A : Access not provided for the cost center to update supervisor thus contact HR team to provide access for cost center. •

Q : Error message “Current Supervisor and new Supervisor are same”.
A : An employee cannot supervise himself

Q : Error message “Unable to update Supervisor Error: Employee cannot be Supervisor's Supervisor”.
A : A supervisor loop not allowed; a subordinate cannot become the supervisor of his own supervisor.

Q : Warning message “Future Assignment exists for this employee, please contact HR team to change
Assignment status.”
A : As the employee’s record has a planned future change already, it is advisable to contact HR to make the change. You can change it temporarily, but it will change back in the future if you do not do this.

Q: Warning message “Pending Transaction’’
A: The employee has submitted a Self Service which is outstanding with the current supervisor; do not change the supervisor until that is completed.

•Q: How to get access to the tool
•A: Submit an Application Access Request form to IT HelpDeskrequesting ‘Mass Supervisor Update’ responsibility in Oracle . Ensure you mention the Facility and Cost Centers for which you require access. The form needs to be signed (with stamp) by an Executive Director responsible for the requested Cost Centers.The form can be found in: HICT Gate -> HICT Request Forms -> Application Access Request