...Tim Burton is a popular child and young adult film maker. Burton has created many movies that are popular for their gothic and dark feel. The characters in Burton’s movies are usually happy with dark surroundings. In Tim Burton’s film he is very good at using editing skills, music, and lighting to establish a dark and suspenseful setting with strange characters. These cinematic techniques keep the viewers interested in the film. Tim Burton is a very creative writer, he knows and utilizes several techniques to catch the viewer’s eye. For instance, Burton uses lighting to establish a mood. In the introduction of Edward Scissorhands at Edward’s house he used a lot of low key lighting to give the viewer a creepy, more gothic feel about Edward. Lighting is a very important cinematic technique in movies, especially movies like Edward Scissorhands and Charlie In The Chocolate Factory....
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...Many famous directors spend years developing his own style. Direct do this by using certain cinematic techniques repeatedly. Tim Burton is an american film director,producer,artist,writer,and animator. He is known for his dark,gothic,and eccentric horror and fantasy films. Tim Burton’s style is to use certain cinematic techniques repeatedly in their different films by using lighting,shot frames,and sound. Cinematic techniques that can be viewed in the 1st film in different camera angles. When all the ladies knew about Edward they wanted to know him a lot better, so they went to knock on there door. Burton uses this technique to show us that those girls are crazy and very excited.The lady told Edward to sit down, so she started to take off her...
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