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Grad Student


Submitted By ESCKEY
Words 2304
Pages 10
Leadership, Ethics and Corporate Governance In order to identify the definition of a leader, one must first define an accurate representation of the meaning of leadership. There are many ways to define leadership. For example, Webster’s dictionary defines leadership as, “1. The office, position or function of a leader, and 2. The quality of character and personality giving a person’s ability to gain confidence of, and lead others,” While this definition presents an accurate meaning of the word leadership, it greatly lacks the detail in truly defining the meaning of leadership. “There are many ways to define leadership. In fact, there are almost as many different definitions of leadership as they are people have tried to define it" (Stogdill, 1974, p. 7). The definition of leadership has evolved over the years, for example in the early 1900s, leadership was defined as, “the ability to impress the will of the leader of those who lead and induce obedience, respect, loyalty, and cooperation” (Moore, 1927). Today, leadership scholars agree that there is not a single common definition for leadership (Rost, 1991). The process of leadership is the interaction conducted between the leader and the followers whereby the leader influences a group of followers to achieve a common goal. Leadership and management are not synonymous. In numerous ways, leadership is a process similar to management. Both leadership and management involve influence, working with people, and effective goal accomplishments. The process of management was developed around the turn of the 20th century, as a way to eliminate disorder and confusion, and bring efficiency into an organization. Of course, along with similarities there are differences between management and leadership processes. Management is about seeking order and stability. Leadership is about seeking adaptive and constructive change

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