...are considered a variable which in this case is a whole number between 0-25. Another variable is the amount of time the students took to study for the test. In this case, the variable varies between a second, minute, hour, or maybe even a tenth of a second. So, variables can differ depending on the situation or the information which is given. Now two types of numerical variables2 are discrete and continuous. Discrete3 is like IQ scores, SAT scores, a person’s shoes size, and so on. Continuous4 is more along the lines of height, weight, and age. Sometimes in the real world the distinction between continuous and discrete variables can be a blur. Height, weight, and age are considered continuous in theory, but they always seem to be rounded off to the nearest inch, ounce, or year, at which point they become discrete. On the other hand, money, which in theory is a discrete variable (because the difference between two values can’t be less than a penny), is mostly thought as a continuous variable because in most real life situation a penny can be thought of as an insignificantly small amount of money. Variables can also be used to describe gender, hair color, nationality, and so on. These variables are called categorical (or qualitative) variables5. Now in some situations categorical variables must be treated differently from numerical variables. They can’t be added, multiplied, or averaged up. In other ways, you can say that both categorical and discrete variables can be treated similarly...
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...Radical Pedagogy (2002) ISSN: 1524-6345 An Analysis of the Study Time-Grade Association Orlando J. Olivares Department of Psychology Bridgewater State College oolivares@bridgew.edu Abstract Our intuition, and perhaps our experience, suggests that study time should be positively associated with grades. However, the study time-grade association literature has provided inconsistent findings: some researchers have found a positive association, others a negative association, and yet others no association between study time and grades. The present research sought to better understand the nature of the study time-grade association by examining the effects of student, teacher and course characteristics on study time, grades, and the study time-grade association. Results show that study time and grades were inversely associated (r = -.19). Regression analyses indicate that grade inflation was the best predictor of study time; that is, as grade inflation increased study time decreased. Course difficulty was the best predictor of grades; as perceptions of course difficulty increased expected grades decreased. And, course difficulty, grade inflation and student cognitive ability moderated the study time-grade association. Thus, data suggest that the study time-grade association may be spurious. Implications for future research are discussed. Keywords: study time-grade association, spurious, moderators, motivation, facilitating conditions Introduction The study time-grade literature...
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...MBA 5652, Research Methods Course Syllabus Course Description Business research methods will guide students in advancing their knowledge of different research principles and their applicability in social research. Students will investigate a business-related issue in their content area and design a publishable research proposal. Course Textbook Zikmund, W. G., Babin, B. J., Carr, J. C., & Griffin, M. (2013). Business research methods (9th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western. Course Learning Outcomes Upon completion of this course, students should be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Design and plan a research study. Apply statistical methods to business research. Apply research techniques to commerce and business issues. Differentiate between descriptive and inferential statistics. Devise the sampling theory into appropriate sampling distributions. Write and test a hypothesis. Contrast and compare descriptive, correlational, and qualitative non-experimental research. Contrast and compare experimental and quasi-experimental research. Write a publishable research proposal paper using APA guidelines. Apply ethical research standards. Credits Upon completion of this course, the students will earn three (3) hours of college credit. Course Structure 1. Unit Learning Outcomes: Each unit contains Learning Outcomes that specify the measurable skills and knowledge students should gain upon completion of the unit. 2. Unit Lesson: Each unit...
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...with references to published works and other materials. APA Format is necessary for your assignments when citing references, and assistance on how to do so is available using the APA Citation Center. •Choose Library from the top navigation bar. •Choose APA Citation Center from the left navigation bar. •Click Example Sources. •Scroll down and click APA Documentation For more information on citing your sources, please click on "About this Course" link in the classroom. Theory defines, assumes, proposes, explains, and predicts what the research outcome is likely to prove (right or wrong). It is an integrated body of propositions, assumptions, and definitions that are related in explaining and predicting relationships between two or more variables. Theory could be any of the following: •deductive •inductive •grounded •axiomatic On the other hand, hypotheses are statements or assertions derived from theory that can be tested by...
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...processes to protect themselves against depositors grudge, i.e. delinquency of borrowers. CRG (Credit Risk Grading) and CRR (Credit Risk Rating) together makes one of those processes. This report is titled “Predicting Delinquency of EBL’s Corporate Customers.” EBL is one of the leading private commercial banks of Bangladesh. After starting its operation in 1992, the bank established itself as one of the most technologically advanced banks of the country. EBL has been offering diverse portfolio of products to its customer. CRG process is a borrower selection process advised by Bangladesh Bank. Private commercial banks in Bangladesh use CRG to predict the possibility of delinquency in the form of CRR. EBL uses the same process. This report first develops a model to test the CRR against financial data of a firm. Data obtained from 35 borrowers of EBL were used to run a linear regression taking CRR ratings of respective firms as dependent variable. Running the regression, the model shows that CRR of a firm does not reflect the firm’s financial data properly. This in turn shows that the qualitative variables influence CRR more than financial variables. With a second model and taking presence of rescheduling as measure of delinquency, a logit regression is run to find a solution to predict the probability of delinquency. However, due to insufficiency of data and qualitative variables, the model was of little use. Using CRR to select the borrowers...
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...Research, Statistics, and Psychology There are different forms involved in the study of psychology. Whether in the field of psychology or any academic field, research is necessary to further society from what it is now into what it will become in the future. Research means expanding current knowledge without progressing, stagnation occurs. Research and statistics are unique tools in psychology because the information is part of the methodology of psychology. In the field of psychology, research is what makes it possible to better understand human behavior and gives the knowledge needed to help others. Research and statistics are tracking methods that must stay accurate. Research must be conducted with precision and accountability it is of utter importance, both ethically and morally or it can lead to disastrous results. The methods of primary, secondary data and the branches of statistical methods are key factors used in research. Research is an attempt to find information in a scientific manner (Word Net,2011). By using the scientific methods the results from the research are valid, reliable, and accurate. The scientific method is a process where secondary data is compiled, analyzed, hypothesized, and tested. Using this method decreases human error and subjective thinking from having a influence on the results and interpretations (Pervez & Gronhaug, 2005). While nothing is without fault by using the scientific method of hypothesizing and testing the hypothesis decreases the...
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...CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Background of the Study In this time, good teachers and good teaching methods are needed in order that students can gain more knowledge especially in the subject Mathematics. Many students fail, because of the difficulty of this subject. These methods should be introduced to the students to improve more in their Mathematical abilities. In PNHS, many students have difficulty in Mathematics, because in this subject it uses more analysis and understanding problems. Math is not easy for the Math teachers, because some students have no interests of this subject; because of its difficulty. Teachers must encourage the students to study this subject. If the students able to study this subject, there is a big possibility to pass or increase their grades. But if the duration of time spent for studying this lesson is not enough, the student’s achievement in their Mathematical ability will be decreased. So, studying is very important to the students. There are so many factors that can affect or cannot affect the Mathematical ability of a student. One factor is watching Television, because it can consume the time of a students for studying their lessons. Another factor is, having not enough allowance, because some students are not interested to go to school if their allowance is not enough. Another is Internet addiction, because they spent their time and money for this, that lead to addiction and the students have lack of interest in studying that will lead...
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...Grading Systems at the Secondary Level, p.1 Running Head: GRADING SYSTEMS AT THE SECONDARY LEVEL Investigating the Consistency of Grading Systems at the Secondary Level Lindsay Mollo December 1, 2008 Educational Leadership, Course 608 Clinical Projects in Educational Leadership Professor Barbara Miller Grading Systems at the Secondary Level, p.2 Table of Contents Abstract ....................................................................................................3 Introduction..............................................................................................4 Review of Literature.................................................................................7 Problem Statement and Action Research Questions ................................14 Design and Methods ...............................................................................18 Data Analysis .........................................................................................21 Action Plan.............................................................................................25 Appendix A ............................................................................................30 References ..............................................................................................31 Grading Systems at the Secondary Level, p.3 Abstract Educators employ grading systems to assess and to evaluate the knowledge students have gained from a lesson, unit, or course of instruction. The...
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...Reading Research Literature #2 Guidelines and Grading Rubric – Week 6 Purpose The student will read research literature to determine the informed consent, study setting, sample size, data collection procedures, reliability and validity, demographic information, variables, data analysis, figures, and conclusions. Course Outcomes This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes: CO 2: Apply research principles to the interpretation of the content of published research studies. (PO #4 and 8) CO 4: Evaluate published nursing research for credibility and lab significance related to evidence-based practice. (PO #4 and 8) Due Date: Submit to the Reading Research Literature #2 basket in the Dropbox by 11:59 p.m. MT Sunday at the end of Week 6. Requirements 1. Download the research articles from the Chamberlain library. Retrieve the following research articles: Sanford, J., Townsend-Rocchicciolli, J., Horigan, A., & Hall, P. (2011). A process of decision making by caregivers of family members with heart failure. Research and Theory for Nursing Practice, 25(1), 55–70. http://proxy.devry.edu/login?url=http://search.proquest.com/docview/853503862/354CEF3F10A4D9CPQ/6?accountid=147674 Schwarz, K. A., Mion, L. C., Hudock, D., & Litman, G. (2008). Telemonitoring of heart failure patients and their caregivers: A pilot randomized controlled trial. Progress in Cardiovascular Nursing, 23, 18–26. http://proxy.devry.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost...
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...and irrational numbers * Reason quantitatively and use units to solve problems * Algebra * Interpret the structure of expressions * Write expressions in equivalent forms to solve problems * Perform arithmetic operations on polynomials * Understand the relationship between zeros and factors of polynomials * Create equations that describe numbers or relationships * Understand solving equations as a process of reasoning and explain the reasoning * Solve equations and inequalities in one variable * Solve systems of equations * Represent and solve equations and inequalities graphically * Functions * Understand the concept of a function and use function notation * Interpret functions that arise in applications in term of the context * Analyze functions using different representations * Build a function that models a relationship between two quantities * Build new functions from existing functions * Construct and compare linear, quadratic, and exponential models and solve problems *...
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...COURSE SYLLABUS BMGT 230 - BUSINESS STATISTICS Summer Session 0301 - 2014 Instructor Information Professor: Frank B. Alt (falt@rhsmith.umd.edu ) Office: 4323 Van Munching Hall (VMH) Office Hours: After all teaching days (2:00-3:00 p.m.) and by appointment Office Phone: 301-405-2231 Course Assistant Mr. Daniel Klein Office Hours: After all class days (except 6/19) from 3:00pm – 4:30pm Office: 4308 Email: dklein99@terpmail.umd.edu Class Information Classroom: Van Munching Hall, Room 1330 Meeting Times: 10:00 a.m. - 1:10 p.m. Meeting Dates: June 2 - 5 (Monday – Thursday) June 9 - 12 (Monday – Thursday) June 16 – 19 (Monday – Thursday) Information regarding official university closings and delays can be found at the campus website or by calling the weather emergency phone line (301-405-7669). If a class is cancelled, the dates on the Course Outline will be changed to reflect this. Students will be notified of such changes by an email from me. Please refer to the inclement weather policy on page 3. Required Course Materials Text: Basic Statistical Ideas for Managers, 2nd ed, D. Hildebrand, R. Ott and J. Gray, Duxbury Press (Thompson-Brooks/Cole), 2005, ISBN 0-534-37805-6. The text comes with a CD-ROM containing an Excel Add-in and Data Sets. If your text does not have the CD, that is okay since I can post the data sets and we will not...
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...|[pic] |Principles of Marketing – MKT 3331 | | |Winston Salem State University | | |School of Business & Economics | | | | 1. What is marketing? Marketing is the organizational function and set of processes for creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relations in a way that benefits the organization and the stakeholders. 2. What are the four eras in the history of marketing (see below)? The Production Era: Era when business success was often defined solely in terms of production success. The Sales Era: In this era companies attempted to match their output to the potential number of customers that would want it. The Marketing Era: A shift in the focus from products and sales to satisfying customer needs. The Relationship Era: Focuses on establishing and maintaining relationships with customers and suppliers. 3. What is Marketing Myopia? Marketing Myopia is when managements fails to recognize the scope of its business. Product oriented...
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...concepts covered in this course will be encountered in future courses and quite likely throughout your business career. The purpose of this project is to explore how researchers in your area of interest use the process of regression analysis. In order to do this, you will locate two articles from academic journals that pertain to your area of interest in business and contain the use of regression analysis. Your search criteria will contain one of the following majors from the UTSA College of Business: Accounting, Economics, Finance, Human Resource Management, Information Systems, Management, Management Science, and Marketing. There are several other majors, but you may find it hard to locate articles about them. In that case, it may be better to choose one of the highlighted majors above that is related to your major. Directions for finding articles: From UTSA home page Select Libraries link (bottom of page, under Current Students) Under Find Information, select Databases Select “A” under Find by Title Select ABI/INFORM – Global On first line of search terms: enter your business major from the list above (Use quotes if it is more than one word); select Subject heading (all)-SU For the two boxes on the second line enter: “linear regression” [or] “multiple regression” (be sure to include the quotes); keep the default of Anywhere Limit Results to: check Peer reviewed Publication date: select Specific date range Enter July 1, 2013 and December 31, 2013...
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...02:45:44 Save Answers Submit for Grading Question 1.1. (TCO A) Managerial accounting provides all of the following EXCEPT _____. (Points : 6) a balance sheet prepared in accordance with GAAP financial and nonfinancial reports on departments future-oriented information internal reports that don't follow GAAP Question 2.2. (TCO A) Barnes and Noble is an example of a (Points : 6) merchandising-sector company. manufacturing-sector company. service-sector company. client-focused company. Question 3.3. (TCO A) Which of the following issues is NOT addressed by the Sarbanes-Oxley legislation? (Points : 6) Disclosure practices of private companies Improving internal control Corporate governance Monitoring of managers Question 4.4. (TCO A) Outside the relevant range for a car manufacturer, if there is a change in the level of cars produced, then… (Points : 6) Fixed costs, such as the building lease payment, will change proportionately. Fixed costs, such as the supervisor's salary, will change proportionately. variable costs, such as direct materials, may not change proportionately. variable costs, such as direct materials, will change proportionately. Question 5.5. (TCO B) The break-even point is (Points : 6) fixed costs divided by contribution margin per unit. the sum of fixed and variable costs divided by contribution...
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...listed on the syllabus. If you fail to show up you will still have however many points you earned on homework, other tests and quizzes and will be graded based on those points. The date and time are not on the syllabus. The exam will be administered in the Hayden Library. 1 points QUESTION 2 1. Concerning your grade in the class: Grades will be assigned randomly. Dr. Cox will use a random number generator to assign points and then make up an entirely new grading scale. Your grade depends on how badly you need a certain score. If you email Dr. Cox repeatedly asking for a higher grade you will be treated better than other students. You can determine your grade by using the grade calculator that is on Bb and this calculator follows the policy outlined in the syllabus. All students are treated the same and grades are based on the number of points each student earned by demonstrating their knowledge by answering questions correctly. It is impossible to figure out your grade because the syllabus is unclear and the grading policy is so mysterious. 1 points QUESTION 3 1. For this assignment you will use data from the World Bank found in the homework data set on the homework 12 tab. The data on the tab are per capita GDP, per capita health expenditures and the % on young children immunized for DPT and the data are for a few different years and many countries. Because the...
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