...Film Analysis Gran Torino Sitting on the porch drinking beer, Walt Kowalski is seen taking care of a most prized possession, a 1972 Ford Gran Torino. This scene sets the stage for a series of events that begin to gradually chip away at an old man’s hard exterior. Throughout this film Walt, a Korean War Veteran and former retired Ford Motor employee, explores the themes of loss, coming to terms, friendship, and ultimately sacrifice and redemption. Set in a Detroit neighborhood, Kowalski has watched his neighborhood change, be replaced by immigrants, and an assortment of other ethnic groups he despises. Walt is a foul mouthed bigoted man, who is often heard muttering or snarling some type of racial epithet. Gran Torino is not light in nature or magnitude. It is a film about one man’s resistance to cultural change, and his ultimate surrender to religious transformation. Gran Torino’s first scene begins with Walt Kowalski just having buried his wife Dorothy. Revealing through this to its audience is the mutual disappointment and intolerances felt by both Walt, and his family towards each other. With his wife recently deceased, and his two sons’ discomfort around their father, Walt is left sitting on the porch drinking beer after cheap beer in the company of his longtime companion Daisy, his yellow Labrador. Walt watches the world around him with a scowl on his face, leaving his audience left to wonder if he too would like to join Dorothy. Walt’s inevitable involvement...
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...Gran Torino Film Analysis Norma J Morehead Intercultural/International Communication 10 June 2012 Cultural conflict and popular culture are two experiences in life that assist in defining intercultural communication and how its influence affects our daily intercommunication. Cultural conflict is inevitable as we live out our daily lives in the identities we have selected for ourselves, the identities relating to our ethnicity and in those identities others have selected for us. These identities are bound to conflict with another individual’s identities which is why there is a need for understanding what intercultural communication is and how it can be enhanced becomes vital to peaceful living around the world. Popular culture is a reference point for information used to determine who we want to be, who we are, and what we want in life. Popular culture has its good attributes and its bad attributes, both shape our society. Popular culture as it relates to television, video games, music videos and print media has a negative reputation because it is driven by money. There are characteristics of popular culture that are positive and enrich the lives of individuals such as the fine arts; the symphony, theatre, and museums. In a free society we are fortunate to have a choice. We are a free society and we want to remain a free society which makes the need for successful intercultural communication that much more important to achieve. Released in 2008, the film Gran Torino...
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...S. Peters-Whitehead ENGL 1130-901 Halftime in America: A Rhetorical Analysis In the early 2000s, Americans faced a devastating economic crisis. In particular, though, the automotive industry was crushed by the global financial downturn and almost lost it all. Nearly 4.5 million employees were laid off, including my father, and numerous factories were forced to close. The Big 3, also known as Detroit’s three, Ford, General Motors, and Chrysler, reported sales that plummeted drastically, placing them on the brink of bankruptcy. Currently, Americans are stuck in ‘halftime’. Delivering an emotional jolt back into reality, aside from the humorous Super Bowl commercials, Clint Eastwood reminds all Americans that it’s halftime in America, and the second half is about to begin. Aside from all the tragedy, Eastwood states, “all that matters now is looking ahead and finding a way forward.” It’s time to move away from this devastating economic crisis and move forward in our future. Clint Eastwood, a renowned cinema icon, appears in the first full minute in Chrysler’s “Halftime in America” commercial without even seeing him. He begins explaining how it is halftime during the Super Bowl, but also halftime in America. Describing Chrysler’s credibility and ideology with ethos, Eastwood’s role in this commercial is quite important, although some may not realize it. As leading actor in the film Gran Torino, Eastwood played the role of a retired Ford Motor City factor worker. This...
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