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Gravity By John Nim Literary Devices

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John Nim’s poem is written in free verse style with little to no alliterations, similes, or any other literary device. The author begins with describing some sort of “power” that we can also assume is gravity and later on when he mentions gravity in a warning sign. The author refers to gravity as her and she. In the first five stanzas, the author talks about the wonders of gravity and the beauty she holds compared to the other forces of the earth, like lightning, tornadoes, hurricanes, and other natural disasters. Then the poem shifts to more somber tone when referring to what would happen without gravity and perhaps taking advantage of it. In the last stanza of the poem, the author provides a setting for the readers, a tennis court on an August day. …show more content…
When referring to the powers of the earth, for example, lightening, he uses maniacal, wild or violent behavior, instead of wild or savage. If a read did not know what maniacal meant, the word might seem like majestic, setting a completely different tone than what the author intended. Similarly, when talking about the repugnance, or disgust, the author chooses not to use words like loothe or hatred. The author uses friendlier and “passion’s love” when talking about gravity. He gives a good visual of a warning sign with skulls and crossbones and makes clear that gravity would not need those sorts of things. There is no lurking darkness within her or terros that would leave cities in dust, like say a tornado or hurricane would

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