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Green Consumption


Submitted By techrik
Words 1616
Pages 7
Similarities of Green Consumption in China and the U.S
Green consumption has become a common practice among businesses around the world. The concept of green consumption is the manufacturing and selling of products that are environmentally friendly and sustainable for society and people. It also means recycling materials as well as being energy efficient. By practicing green consumption, companies are able to create products that can inflict less harm to the environment and to people. Green consumption alone cannot help improve the environment quickly. Green marketing helps to promote and reinforce the idea of sustainable products that green consumption is about. Everywhere around the world that practice green consumption has different ways of promoting it. In countries, such as United States and China, they share a common idea of what green consumption is, but practice and promote it differently. In China, their ultimate goal is to achieve sustainable consumption in choosing green products that are uncontaminated, good for public health and avoid pollution with the awareness of its people.
The idea of green consumption was not immediately accepted in China. The United States started green consumption before China, so they have a better grasp and understanding on how to approach the problem on how to be environmentally sustainable. Over recent years, the concern of the environment rapidly has been increasing in China.
The concept of green consumption has been introduced and advocated by government in China for over ten years. In 2001, China Consumers’ Association set up a “green consumption” theme throughout the year for the first promotion. There were four main reasons supporting this theme. First of all, the tenth “Five-Year Plan” from 2001- 2005 of Chinese government had attached high importance to ecological construction and environmental

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