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Green Study


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Pages 19
Developing Cafe Alfresco into a Green Restaurant

A proposed study by
Chrysoberyl H. Morales

Masters of Science in Culinary Arts
Philippine Women’s University

September 2012

Chapter 1
“Green Restaurants” are restaurants that practice their food businesses operations without contributing to the harming of our environment. Basically, these restaurants must not support the use of harmful chemicals for their supplies, does not use equipment that use excessive energy, and must be waste efficient. The history of “Green Restaurants” started in New York, in the 1990’s era. When the scientific facts that indicate that the world needs new “Green” ways, some restaurateurs in New York started building their restaurants patterned with eco-friendly procedures. Some restaurants nowadays follow this trend, like Sonya’s Garden in Tagaytay and some restaurants in Manila.
Global Warming changes the Earth’s chemical atmosphere. It creates a chemical imbalance that threatens the average temperature of the world. It may not sound too serious but a slight change in the temperature may create an ecosystem imbalance. A slight change in the temperature may cause rise in our sea levels because of the melting of the ice caps in Antarctica.
With the progressing support to the new environmentalism and sustainability, the hospitality and tourism sector has joined the campaign. There is a trend in the Tourism industry called, Eco-Tourism which is getting economically stronger and more progressive.
Hotels, restaurants, casinos, cruise lines, and other sectors in the Hospitality now strongly cooperate in the greening and sustaining the environment. The newest trend in restaurants is called the “Green Restaurant” concept.
Probably the biggest restaurant chain company in the world, McDonald’s recently supported the sustainability advocacy and launched their new project that requires their stores to be “greener”. This includes minimizing their energy usage and reducing their waste. This is centred in their Corporate Social Responsibility.
In the United States, where it is believed to be the biggest pollutant in the world, there is a company called the Green Restaurants Association. The Association accredits and certifies green restaurants in the US. The group has seven (7) factors for restaurant to be certified as a green restaurant. 1. Water Efficiency 2. Waste Reduction and Recycling 3. Sustainable Furnishings and Building Materials 4. Sustainable Food 5. Energy 6. Disposables 7. Chemical and Pollution Reduction

Green Restaurants Association This group are advocates of established “green restaurants” in the United States. The researcher wants to use this accreditation guide because their association is acknowledged already in the USA. The accreditation pointing system is based on the following: 1. Water Efficiency 2. Waste Reduction and Recycling 3. Sustainable Furnishings and Building Materials 4. Sustainable Food 5. Energy 6. Disposables 7. Chemical and Pollution Reduction
For every sub-category, there is a pointing system. The green restaurant design will be based in these 7 factors.

BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY According to Collin Woodard, (2010) Europe was devastated with a summer heat wave in 2003 that stole 25,000 people; flooding and snow storm caused them $15 million in damages. According to him also, Australia emits 6.8 tons of carbon per year for every member of its 20 million population. These data and information are alarming the environmentalists because the industrial countries emit so much carbon dioxide in our atmosphere. Increase in our dependence in fossil fuels to produce human needs is one of the major reasons in the climate change. Burning forest and carbon emission are also key sources of gases that trap the heat in the air. Our dependence to machines and technology has a malign impact on our environment. If we do not change our ways, extinction is not an impossible consequence. According to computer models, a rise of (1) one meter in sea level is projected by the year 2080. That rise will cause a massive geographical impact to our planet. That imbalance may cause thousands of lives in the coast line areas due to floods and tsunamis and many low-lying islands may be erased in the world maps. These computer models also predict that in one-hundred (100) years, our planet’s temperature could increase by 1.0 to 3.5 degrees Celsius. If this happens, low lying countries will disappear.
The Hospitality Industry sector hugely contributes to the destruction of our planet. Being one of the biggest industries in the world, the production scale is parallel to the technology used from construction to operations. Just from the restaurants’ raw materials, thousands of hectares of natural resources are destroyed for the raising of meat and vegetables. Pesticides pollute the environment with its’ harmful chemicals. Operation and production wastes would probably weigh hundreds of tons worldwide. The concept of green restaurant was structured and developed because of these reasons. The aim of green restaurants is to minimize the harmful impacts of the food industry to the heightening destruction of our planet. By minimizing the dependency to the industries that use pesticides to their vegetables, using too much gasoline to transport raw materials from suppliers to clients, producing products using non-biodegradable materials that massively contribute to the burning of plastics and the like, there can be a huge positive impact in the sustainability of our planet.

STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM This study seeks to explore the possibilities and ways on how to develop Cafe Alfresco into a “Green Restaurant”. This seeks to answer the following questions: 1. What are the standards of a Green Restaurant? 2. How much will it cost to convert a normal cafe/restaurant into a “Green Restaurant”? 3. How does a “Green Restaurant” operate? 4. Acceptability of “Green Restaurant” to the school employees and students? 5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a “Green Restaurant” 6. What are the issues and concerns of a “Green Restaurant”?

To the employees and students of SDCA- May the clients of Cafe Alfresco learn the value of going green and may someday support the program and learn the basics of living green. They will also have the benefit of eating healthy because the cafe will serve healthy and organic food.
To the St.Dominic College of Asia- The program may be costly in the start, but it is a good investment because there is a good return of investment in time. Having a green restaurant in your own school is also a good marketing tool for the school. Lastly, it may be a reference for developing the school into a green business.
To the Cafe Alfresco- This program will add clientele for the Cafe because people who care will surely prioritize the cafe over the competitors. It may be costly at start, but there will be a good return of investment
To the Hospitality Industry- This study may be a model for future references for other establishments into developing their businesses into a greener entity. As said in the previous chapters, the hospitality industry is one of the biggest industries in world and in the Philippines, if all of the hotels, casinos, transportation services, etc. follows the green concept, it would be a great positive impact in the drive of contradicting global warming.
To the City of Bacoor, Cavite Province- Mayor Strike Revilla has already started the drive for a greener Bacoor City by banning all plastic materials in the City. It is a good program to start with, but not all industrial businesses follow to concept yet. If the government municipality knew that a cafe in one of the famous schools in Cavite is supporting their green revolution drive, the municipality will continuously develop new greener programs because they would feel the support from the people of the City.

SCOPES AND LIMITATION OF THE STUDY The study will be based on an In-House Cafe/Restaurant in St.Dominic College of Asia, named Cafe Alfresco. The Cafe uses a traditional method which adds pollution to our environment and the study will propose a new way of running a restaurant using the “green restaurant” concept. The respondents of the study will be three (3) managers of exemplar Green Restaurants. There will also be 30 respondents from the students and 10 respondents from the employees of SDCA.

Restaurant- a commercial establishment where meals are prepared and served to customers
Cafe- a small restaurant where drinks and snacks are sold
Global Warming- an increase in the earth's average atmospheric temperature that causes corresponding changes in climate and that may result from the greenhouse effect.
Green Revolution- an increase in food production, especially in underdeveloped and developing nations, through the introduction of high-yield crop varieties and application of modern agricultural techniques.
Green Restaurants Association- a United States non-profit organization that provides certification for restaurants to become more environmentally responsible. Since 1990, the GRA has been building an extensive database of environmental goals for the restaurant industry.
Environmental Sustainability- the ability to be sustained, supported, upheld, or confirmed use of our natural resources
Environmental Science . the quality of not being harmful to the environment or depleting natural resources, and thereby supporting long-term ecological balance: The committee is developing sustainability standards for products that use energy.
Fossil Fuels- any combustible organic material, as oil, coal, or natural gas, derived from the remains of former life.
Carbon Emission- carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide in the atmosphere, produced by vehicles and industrial processes
Compostable- a mixture of various decaying organic substances, as dead leaves or manure, used for fertilizing soil.
Biodegradable-. capable of decaying through the action of living organisms: biodegradable paper; biodegradable detergent.
Recyclable- to alter or adapt for new use without changing the essential form or nature
Organic Food- are foods that are produced using methods that do not involve modern synthetic inputs such as synthetic pesticides and chemical fertilizers. Organic foods are not processed using irradiation, industrial solvents, or chemical food additives.

Chapter 2
The debate is far down over. The debate about whether there is a scientific phenomenon called “Global Warming”, is happening is over. It is already proven and forecasted that this phenomena is happening to our mother planet. As written by Pia Lee-Grago ( The Philippine Star, Business Science & Technology, January 14, 2010), A recent convention brought the world’s most trusted Scientists which is the IPCC, has concluded that they have a “very high confidence” and about 90% correct their understanding on how human activities are causing the Earth to be warmer than normal. They reported that it is “very likely” that human emissions of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and other harmful gases have trapped the heat in our atmosphere.
According to thousands of studies already been done about global warming, the human race activities cause this phenomena that may bring imbalance to our ways and ecosystems that may future lead us to suffer the mortal consequences.
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon stated that “scientific consensus regarding the quickening and threatening pace induced climate change.” If we do not change our ways, it is only a matter of time for human race extinction.

Studying and forecasting about Global Warming started with the works of Svante Arrhenius a Swedish chemist (1890s), Thomas Chamberlain an American geologist (1890s) and guy S. Callendar (1930s-40s) Guy S. Callendar.
In the 50s, a research by oceanographers Roger Revelle and Hans Sues concluded that “humans are now carrying out a large-scale geophysical experiment” by releasing greenhouse gases and pollutants in the Earth’s atmosphere. A geochemist named Charles David Keeling then started to collect carbon dioxide (C02) concentrations in the weather observatory at the top of Mauna Loa in Hawaii. These studies gave an opening to the modern era forecasting and researches for Global Warming.
Global Warming can be stated in a simple language as a phenomenon in which the surface of earth is becoming warmer than the usual temperature in the past centennials. According to scientists, harmful gases such as methane, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, etc. are being monitored in our atmosphere and the gases block and trap the sunrays in our atmosphere making our average temperature warmer.

Global Response
After years and years of debate whether there really is a Global Warming that is happening, most of the people are now aware that the phenomenon is true. In the years 1970s to 1990s, people from the business sector intervened and opposed the call for the response on Global Warming. They merely chose to think that changing their usual production ways can be costly and time consuming. On simpler words, they chose profit over the sustainability of our planet.
Fortunately, in the 21st Century, there is a new drive in humanity. Tom Price (Issues for Debate in Environmental Management, 2010) calls it “The New Environmentalism”. He states that it is evident that we can now feel and see that most of the sectors in the world now show their concerns for our planet’s sustainability. Tom Price also sites that numerous corporate giants collaborate with advocacy groups to make their business “go green”. His study also says that Most CEOs nowadays support Sustainability. From 69% in the year 2003, it was 87% in 2005, an evident 20% increase.
Philippine’s Response
In the Philippines, specifically in the Hospitality Industry, the concept of going green is not yet compromised in comparison with other countries. The government has not still prioritized this advocacy because the country is in the “Third World” category. The Philippine government has more livelihood and economic concerns and issues to resolve first. Hopefully, in the next few years, the government might take action into this.
In St.Dominic College of Asia which is in Bacoor City, Cavite Province, there is a fully operational restaurant which is Cafe Alfresco. Cafe Alfresco caters all the College, and Basic education students which makes their operation around 300-400 persons per day. Addition to this, the Cafe also caters all the Institutional events which sometimes call for VIP treatment and food. The Cafe is being operated by 3 professional Chefs and about 3-5 kitchen crews. There are also about 10-15 students that are on duty. It is obvious that the relationship of the Cafe and the OJT program is mutual. The Cafe wouldn’t run that efficient if it were not for the extra man power that the students provide. Likewise, the students cannot graduate or pass their in-house-training if there is no Cafe Alfresco. The Cafe Alfresco was built for these two purposes. This study is focused on developing this existing entity to be a “Green Restaurant”.
The Greenhouse Effect
Pollution is not just a local issue, but the world is suffering from it as well. They say that the most global issue right now is the greenhouse effect, and how to counter it.
One of the best policies that are being developed it the “incentive based policy”. This policy is based on incentives for people who follow the programs of the government. Just like in Fort Worth, Texas, they just launched its PAYT program on July 1, 2003. The PAYT system implements a recycling program which the residents of Fort Worth can sell their recyclable wastes to their city government for a good amount. The cost for municipal waste dropped from almost $32 million from the old system to $24.4 million under the PAYT system. The best part is, the whole city’s fossil fuel and waste pollution dropped a big percentage. Fort Worth system and corresponding curb side recycling program helped the recycling rate has jumped from 6% to 20%.
Global Warming Studies Global warming studies started with a Swedish chemist, Arrhenius, American geologist, Chamberlain, and British engineer Callendar. The debate started there because they gave a very scary phenomenon, from there, global warming studies has evolved. According also to the website, scientists study these factors because they are leading the destruction of our environment: * Carbon dioxide concentrations, * Temperature trends, * Wildfire frequency, * Heat wave frequency, * Water scarcity and water stress, * Polar ice thickness, * Permafrost melt rates, * Arctic sea ice melt rates, * Snowpack levels, * Snow melt, * Sea level rise rates, or * Frequency and severity of floods and hurricanes.

Green Event Practices Metro Manila Solid Waste project (2011), about 6,000 tons of solid waste is generated per day by the Metro Manila alone. With the proclamation RA 9003, municipal governments are obliged to compose a 10-year plan to lessen their generated solid waste. A Waste Analysis Characterization report is requested to be passed by the Local Government Units. Unfortunately, most of the LGUs in metro manila did not respond to the RA 9003. The reason of these LGUs is that there is no training that they undergone to. They are not trained to run their baranggays’ green. According to Antic-Siles, if you have an event or a catering event, here is top 10 steps on recycling: * Determine what wastes will be generated at your event * Coordinate with park staff * Contact with a hauler * Involve vendors and exhibitors * Select recycling bins * Recruit and train volunteers * Place recycling bin beside trash cans in high-traffic areas * Create signs for recycling stations, and label bins with text and graphics * Monitor and empty bins regularly * Donate left-over food
Tourism and the Environment The global warming signs are alarming. Famous and legitimate environmental scientists have agreed that the earth’s atmosphere is getting warmer and warmer than decades ago. The oceans and seas’ surface has warmed in the past 40 years. If the phenomenon is not controlled, it is estimated that there will be a rise in our oceans due to the melting of the Arctic ice caps. A one-meter rise in the oceans could wash off many islands and countries which are lying in low areas. Over the two (2) decades, the burning of fossil fuels has increased dramatically and our dependence to technology has become uncontrollable. This reason has caused to trap green house gasses in our atmosphere which traps also the sunlight. This effect does not stop on flooding itself but the risk of health catastrophe is also a risk. Some scientists are also concerned that the phenomenon will cause increase in the number of forest fires which will add carbon dioxide in our atmosphere again. Another sector that is at risk is the Agriculture industry; higher temperature would make an imbalance with the growth of crops and vegetables. This might cause hunger to people and destruction of livelihood in Agricultural country just like ours.
Environmental Management
Tom Price says that it is very evident worldwide that the concern for the environment is rising. He also stresses that not only environmentalists care now for our planet, but people from the corporate world, investors, and labour unions as well. He even attests that some people even think that the only way to save our world is to promote nuclear power.
In the words of Tom Price, Public support for the environment is up; it is up by 32% from the year 2000 to the year 2005. Most CEOs also support sustainability and the graph of the book shows an 18% increase from 69% in the year 2003 to 87% in 2005. These statistics are based in the United States. It is very obvious that more and more people not only in the US are getting concerned in saving the planet. Most of the board members in the corporate world feel the pressure of going green because many people might boycott their products. It may need extra funds in transforming their businesses at first, but there is a good return of investments because the clientele is becoming broader.
Wal-Mart, probably the biggest grocery chain in the United States, has changed their business into a green business. They recently showed their “green” goals. These are: * Increase truck efficiency by 25% in three years and 100% in 10 years * Cut store energy consumption by 30% and reduce facility greenhouse-gas emissions by 20% in seven years. * Reduce solid waste at stores by 25% in three years * Establish a program within 18 months that gives preference to suppliers that “aggressively” reduce their green-gas emissions * Increase sales of organic food and other environmentally friendly foods
Wal-Mart now enjoys their greatest edge over their competitors, since many people now follow the trend of sustainability. More people pick them over other groceries because they can feel that they participate in the green revolution by patronizing Wal-Mart.
How to be a Green Restaurant Sanitary water; conserving energy, waste management, and organic food are the key points into a successful green restaurant design.
In the water section, the author stresses out that:
* You must determine what’s in you water: You must check if your water is physically clean. Check for sediments, physical hazards, and “bad” elements. * Easy cleaning: Look for equipment that can easily be cleaned. Find systems that use inexpensive replaceable filters. * Ice makers: Do not use unclean water for ice makers * Chlorine reduction: Choose water systems that can reduce a lower level of .5 parts per million.
Conserving Energy * Free energy assessment: The restaurant must let environmental experts to assess your equipment and energy usage. You may change those equipment that uses too much energy * Don’t overlook small ways to make savings: If you don’t think that changing your light bulbs can contribute big to our environment, it helps a lot if you do the math. * Watch for the Energy Star label on products: It is a good investment and environment friendly move * Financial incentives: Look for utility companies that support the green revolution drive. This way, you can change your energy inefficient equipment * Invest on newer, efficient equipment: The investment will come in time because these new products can give you a lower electricity bill.
Waste Management * Check on local government rules: Municipal projects now focus on how to recycle and minimize the waste. So look for government waste projects that you can participate to * Install a properly sized grease trap: Some restaurants use grease trap that is not proportionate to their waste and production. This makes the trap inefficient and costly to get repaired * Research bioaugmentation: Biological elements “digest” the fat and grease, reducing the amount of waste your system must handle. * Recycle, Recycle, Recycle
Benefits of “Going Green” * Eating non-organic food and getting exposed to chemicals affect our health * It is costly for an establishment to send their employees to hospitals, as well as for the health care providers. * A hotel on average pays about $650 per year per employee in the United States for health care
The author stresses that going green may be costly at first, but it is a great investment for the health safety of our employees. Since there are many new studies regarding “how to be a green business”, a business entity may study on what methods to develop their system into a new green business.
Green Characteristics * Ready Biodegradability: The “quickness” of a product to biodegradable. The Australian standard for biodegradability is AS4351 * Low Volatile Organic Compounds: It is found in chemical products such as solvents, sealants, and air-fresheners. These cause indoor air pollution then eventually go to our atmosphere * No ‘chemicals of concern”: We should look at the back of the labels of cleaning products for our equipment. Large companies nowadays require their scientists to study their products * Renewable/Recyclable: Pick equipment and tools that can be recycled someday * Non-hazardous and Non toxic: Pick chemicals and ingredients that does not have toxic and hazardous elements * Resource and water minimisation: Clean and safe water * Recycled content: Support the advocacy * Environmentally sustainable: Sustainability is the ultimate goal of this advocacy and we must support it to the fullest
Restaurant Guidelines The authors of Introduction to Foodservice 9th Edition this month have seen numerous energy waste and pollutants in the typical restaurant set-up. In their further research, they have found that: * Heating large quantities of food can be done more efficiently than heating smaller quantities of food * Locate water heater in close proximity to major use * Insulate all hot water lines * Do not undersize or oversize water heaters * Use properly size dishwasher * Consider chemical dishwasher for small establishments * Be selective on cooking equipment * Keep equipment calibrated * Make sure most energy efficient cooking techniques are used when options are available * Choose salamanders/cheesemelters, specify that use infrared ray radiation

Alfresco Green restaurant

Implication of the “green restaurant” system
Organic suppliers
Research about new sustainable ways
Green menu Input
Green Restaurant proposed system


Chapter 3 RESEARCH DESIGN The Researcher will use a Qualitative Case study, Yin’s approach method. The researcher will use this method for there is still no concrete “Green Restaurant” standard manual or encryption here in the Philippines. This study will focus on successful and exemplar environmental-friendly and green restaurants. The study aims to gather all the ways and means of these exemplar restaurants so that Cafe Alfresco can adjust and adopt these practices. The study will also tackle the acceptability of this concept to the employees and students of St.Dominic College of Asia. PARTICIPANTS/RESPONDENTS OF THE STUDY The Researcher will interview (3) three restaurant managers of Green or Eco-friendly restaurants here in Manila or nearby provinces. The sampling system will be purposive due to there are limited target restaurants in Manila. The study will use purposive sampling because the purpose of this study is to gather concrete strategies and descriptions of these exemplar restaurants. There will also be a questionnaire that will be given to 40 students, 10 from each school namely, SIHTM, SBCS, SASCE, and SNHS and 10 employees from SDCA to gather information about the acceptability of a developed green Cafe Alfresco. INSTRUMENTATION Interviews to (3) three restaurant managers will be conducted. The questionnaire shall be as followed: Good day, I am a Master of Science in Culinary Arts student in Philippine Women’s University and I am conducting a study right now on developing a Cafe into a “Green Restaurant”. I would like to request a little bit of your time in answering this questionnaire, Thank you very much. Name: Position: Name of Restaurant: Years of Establishment: Why did you decide to be a “Green Restaurant”? How many years has been your establishment operating? How much did it take to develop a “Green Restaurant”? What are the standards of being a “Green Restaurant”? What issues and concerns do you face regarding your operations? For the students and employees of SDCA, the questionnaire shall be as followed: Good day, I am a Master of Science in Culinary Arts student in Philippine Women’s University and I am conducting a study right now on developing a Cafe into a “Green Restaurant”. I would like to request a little bit of your time in answering this questionnaire, Thank you very much. Name: Age: Gender: Course: Position: Are you satisfied with the food and menu of Cafe Alfresco? Do you believe in the need of “Green Revolution”/Eco-friendly ways? If Cafe Alfresco was developed into a “Green Restaurant”, would you patronize it more? If Cafe Alfresco’s menu was changed into organic, vegetarian, and healthy food menu, would you patronize it?

DATA GATHERING PROCEDURE There will be (3) three formal interviews from Green Restaurants here in the Philippines regarding the questions that this study aims to answer. There will be a questionnaire. There will also be a survey that will be given to 40 randomly picked students. (10) Ten from each department/school so that each population in SDCA shall be represented. (10) Ten randomly picked faculty/employees shall also be asked to answer to survey to gather the information of Green Cafe Alfresco’s acceptability. STATISTICAL TREATMENT OF DATA For the students and employees, they will be randomly chosen. For the treatment of their data, Z-test shall be used. There is no need to treat the data from the restaurant managers interviews.

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...1. Compositional Theories of Art Composition: An orderlyarrangement of elements using the principles of design. 2. Rule of Thirds Imagine a grid that splits the frame into thirds both vertically and horizontally. Place the subject along those gridlines. The intersections of the lines are especially compelling places to position your subject.The Biglen Brothers Racing (1873) Thomas Eakins 3. Rule of Thirds Imagine a grid that splits the frame into thirds both vertically and horizontally. Place the subject along those gridlines. The intersections of the lines are especially compelling places to position your subject.The Biglen Brothers Racing (1873) Thomas Eakins 4. The GoldenRectangleBased on theGolden Ratio,aka the DivineProportion, amathematicallydevelopedformula,observed oftenin nature andapplied toarchitecture andin art. 5. The Mona Lisa (1503-1519) Leonardo da Vinci 6. The Rule of Odds Having an odd number of things in a composition means your eye and brain cant pair them up or group them easily. Theres somehow always one thing left over, which keeps your eyes moving across the composition.Portrait of Charles I, King of England (1635-1636) Anthony van Dyck 7. Leading Lines Lines that guide a viewer’s eyes around, or through, the artwork are called leading lines.Provencher’s Mill at Moret (1883) Alfred Sisley 8. Strong Diagonal A strong diagonal is a form of a leading line. It can transform a boring composition into a dynamic one.Portrait of Dr....

Words: 3492 - Pages: 14

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...The world of nature is colourful and bright and human ingenuity cannot hope to match it. Right from the sky above to the sea below, nature abounds in the richness of colour. The human eye and the human mind respond to this world of colour and identify themselves with it. When a person is cheerful and bright we refer to him as a 'colourful personality', similarly the different colours are used to indicate human moods and attitudes: blue is associated with depression, white is likened with serenity, green with jealousy and red with rage. Colour is also used to relieve tension. Psychologists have investigated the effect of colour on the working ability of workers and have come to the conclusion that certain colours are more conducive to Positive thinking than others. The power of colours cannot be denied, more so, as it is the soul instance of life on earth. Although sight and the human brain has helped in identifying colours and their delights, it's interesting to note what colours mean to us in totality. The power of colours and their meanings has been enlisted below. RED: More than half the globe loves this colour. We sure agree. Red is the second-most favorite colour on earth. Be it the Ferrari red or a svelte red dress, red is an intense colour, and defines many emotions and moods. The most important being, the colour of love, passion, seduction, and desire. It also defines enthusiasm, power, and heat. This colour also represents anger, violence, and aggression. Red...

Words: 2318 - Pages: 10

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The Coke Side of Life

...Behavior | The Coke Side of Life | | | | The Coke Side of Life | | | Table of Contents I. Introduction --------------------------------------------------------------------- pg. 2 II. Research Design --------------------------------------------------------------- pg. 3 III. The Coke Side of Life -------------------------------------------------------- pg. 3 - 9 a. Symbolism of Colors ----- pg. 4 - 7 b. Contrast --------------------- pg. 7 - 8 c. Proximity -------------------- pg. 8 d. Alignment ------------------- pg. 8 - 9 e. Limited Recognition ------ pg. 9 IV. Conclusion --------------------------------------------------------------------- pg. 9 - 11 V. Work Cited --------------------------------------------------------------------- pg. 12 VI. Appendix ---------------------------------------------------------------------- pg. 13 VII. Interview #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- pg. 14 - 15 VIII. Interview #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- pg. 16 – 17 IX. Interview #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- pg. 18 – 19 Introduction The psychology of color as it relates to persuasion is one of the most interesting and most controversial aspects of marketing. Using the right colors to promote a business during a marketing and advertising campaign is extremely important...

Words: 3564 - Pages: 15

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Red Light Cameras While the number of citations issued has gone up dramatically the number of accidents has not. In fact many intersections with red light cameras installed have seen an increase in accidents. It is clear that the safety of the general population is paramount, but is red light cameras the most effective way to proceed? Once the data is analyzed it is clear that there are far safer alternatives that will also save taxpayers a great deal of money over red light cameras. In a September 2004 study by the Texas Transportation Institute conducted by James Benneson, P.E., many aspects of the way red light cameras operate were broken down by the researchers. It was discovered that in most instances the red light cameras issued citations within the first second of the light turning red. Almost all incidents of people being cited for running the red light occurred when the light turned red while the vehicle was already in the intersection. Due to the delay between the light turning from red to green in the opposite flow of traffic there was little risk of a right-angle collision, which is the most common type of collision caused by people running red lights. In all cases of right-angle collisions but one the accident occurred five or more seconds after the light had changed. Furthermore many infractions were issued...

Words: 891 - Pages: 4

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A Report on Oscar Edmund Berninghausa’s Painting

...was actually its size and what I thought it represents. By size I mean the visual size of the four outstanding images in the painting. The force of attraction with which the images are featured in the painting seem to draw my feet and eyes closer for a more critical view and my hands for a reach to feel its surface. The size of the frame is pretty large and towering if one faces it. Images in the painting include a beautiful, young lightly made up lady gracefully leaning by a majestic, strong looking, white saddled stallion as if for support. These two figures were standing under a four branched rich green leafy oak tree. A little farther behind them were a high twin- like rocky mountains. I admired the natural and wholesome appearance the painting exudes. The lofty mountains which form the main background of the painting stand imposing over a flowing stream by its foot, and a green valley. They seem to call a viewer’s attention from a distance father away from the woman, horse, maize field, house and tree. I was mostly attracted to the figure of the woman. Her figure to me is an embodiment of gracefulness and tenderness. She radiates strength and confidence. As a woman I took away from the picture a feeling of completeness. The entire landscape of the entire painting looks lively and healthy. Although Edmund uses more of dark colors for the vegetation, his mixture of red, yellow, and a shade of orange on the woman’s gown and face, and the patchy flower bushes at the stump of...

Words: 1758 - Pages: 8

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Red, White, Blue and You

...RED, WHITE, BLUE AND YOU Or, The Color of Politics An Essay by Charles Ebeling Presented at the Chicago Literary Club Election Eve, November 5, 2012 Copyright 2012 Charles Ebeling Dedicated to the memory of my good friend and neighbor Marshall J. Goldsmith Who was my guest at the Literary Club, October 24, 2011 Some us recall a great 1986 film called “The Color of Money,” and no, cynics, it wasn’t about politics. That film earned Paul Newman the Oscar for Best Actor as a pool hustler and stakehorse, who enjoyed a glass or two of J.T.S. Brown Kentucky bourbon, my favorite beverage from college days. But, unless I’ve missed a documentary or foreign film along these lines, I haven’t yet seen a dramatization called “The Color of Politics.” Yes, there is such a thing as “The Politics of Color,” but as social commentary, not as a film title. “The Color of Politics” is equally real though, and has a long history. I first dabbled in the palette of politics on election eve, 2008, when I presented before the club on that occasion an essay I’d titled “One Collage Too Many,” painting...

Words: 2285 - Pages: 10

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Example Student Research Paper

...Color Psychology Paper Research Question: How does color affect one’s mood? Review of Literature: Colors may just seem simple and unimportant, but they affect our daily lives more than we may know. If someone is feeling angry, it could just be because they’re angry, or it could be perhaps that they are surrounded by or looking at the color red. That’s right! People’s moods can change just because they are looking at different colors! There are many theories on how just a simple color can change one’s whole mood. According to Johnson (2007), color does affect mood by producing certain chemicals and stimulating different feelings such as hunger. For example, blue can make one feel calm because it releases calming chemicals, and red can make one hungry because it is an appetite stimulant. Yellow can make one feel irritated, and it is a fact that people lose their temper most in yellow rooms. However, pink is tranquilizing and can make one feel weak. In conclusion, Johnson says that depending on the color, one’s body can do things (like producing chemicals) that cause a certain emotional reaction (mad, sad, etc.). Another idea, by Smith (2007), is that the effect color produces is based on what one’s body does in response. For example, yellow is mentally stimulating, and activates memory, whereas red increases confidence. Also, brown can make a person feel orderly and stable, while a dark blue can make one feel sad. Therefore, Smith says that different colors do in fact change...

Words: 1432 - Pages: 6

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Nsci 101 Lab Report Form

...NSCI 101 Lab Report Form Name: Date: Class Name/Number: NSCI101 Section E801 Semester 1006 Lab Activity Title Input the title of the activity. Statement of the Problem What are the ph levels for items we come into contact with on a daily basis? Hypothesis I expect the 7 sample items to have a wide variety of ph Levels. However, I expect that items we consume as humans will be closer to the neutral range of the ph scale while items we use to clean around the house will be inversely proportional to the items we consume. I believe the household items will be on the extremes, either extremely basic or extremely acidic. Methods Items for experiment were purchased from the Commissary and the Nhetto. They include: 1 x .608 kg head of red Cabbage 2 x Melitta white coffee filters 1 x 12 oz coke 1x Tums antacid 1x Tilex Mold and Mildew Remover 1x 22oz bottle of Clorax bleach 1x bx of Arm and Hammer Baking Soda 1x toilet bowl cleaner 1x hohes C orange juice 750ml of tap water The following steps from the guide was followed (with changes from the instructor): 1. Using a standard cheese grater, I took the entire head of red cabbage and shredded it into small pieces. After shredding was complete the pile of cabbage was placed into a stainless steel cook pot. 2. In order to attempt to get the most accurate results I used my fish tank ph test to identify the ph level of my tap water. The result was my tap water is about a 7.8 (slightly higher than the 7.0 that...

Words: 1689 - Pages: 7

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Hnbs 105

...the set the conditions, which are that they require cash on delivery, rejected plants to return with the driver, written orders only and will supply through other American plants with offices in London (Burton, 2009). Condensing they have never worked with Joel, the main feature of the contract is that there is a lawful consideration where the conditions are coming from the suppliers. The impact this will have will be the fact that he will build trust with them and in the long run, they could adjust the terms of the contract to allow credit. My advice would be to amend the contract in the presence of the two parties. Advice to situation B: Green Colour The idea that Shrubs only wants to use second grade suppliers without notifying Green Colour shows and example of implied terms which Shrubs only fails to mention to Green Colour, but will include it in the execution of the contract. For this, since Don preferred quality flowers, it will result to the rectification of the contract to erase this clause so as to ensure the company is able to supply quality at all the time. However, there could be the application of Parol evidence where Shrub Only can explain this phase and provide a reason for why they want to change the quality supply. Advice to situation C: Joel The conditions of the contract require that Leisure Ltd must come within 24 hours when requested to do so by Garden Colour. If this is not done, then one party is breaching the contract (Cordero-Moss...

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