...Material selection is full of trade-off decisions, and effective strategies vary widely based on your goals and situation. Sustainable materials can mean many things, and this page explains some considerations besides the materials’ energy performance. Lifecycle Assessment is the most thorough way to determine the environmental impacts of your building materials. However, LCA can be very costly, varies project-to-project, and is not yet extremely prevalent. Instead, the building and building products industries have a host of measures and “certifications” for green building products. BuildingGreen’s Green Building Product Certification Guide is a fantastic resource for understanding this (sometimes intentionally) complex world. The following is a quick rundown of factors about how the material is produced and disposed of that can be important to consider. Materials using recycled content not only require less virgin resources, they also use less energy and chemicals to process. For instance, recycled ("secondary") aluminum has 90% less embodied energy than virgin ("primary") aluminum. It is beneficial to both use recycled material, and design your constructions to be recycled as well. Using Recycled Materials To use recycled content in your building, call suppliers to source recycled materials. Be sure to verify the physical properties (strength, stiffness, etc.) of the material with recycled content. If they are lower-performance, you may need to alter...
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...Executive Summary The use of green data centers is getting popular. Such centers refer to a repository to store, manage and disseminate data. It has two purposes to meet: increase energy efficiency and reducing the impact on the environment as much as possible (Rick Bauer,2008). The mechanical, lighting, electrical and computer systems must work towards these two goals. Building and operating green data centers requires advanced technologies and strategies. There are various ways to implement the green data centers - reducing buildings’ footprints, utilizing low-emission building materials, ensuring sustainable landscaping, recycling waste, enhancing indoor environment quality and using hybrid vehicles. Going forward, as demand for data centre space increases in an energy-constrained world, the need for the sustainable development of data centers becomes more pressing. 1.0 Introduction of green data Center A green data center is operated with maximum energy efficiency with minimum environmental impact. The computing facility is constructed or built under green computing principle that will reduce significantly the operating expenses for IT infrastructure. Traditional the power required to run the data center non IT equipment such as fans, pumps, UPS system consumed about 60% total annual energy of the data center (Gartner, Inc, American information technology research). However with the implementation of the green data center, the total energy consumption can be reduced...
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...always looks to improve. The partnership always looks to stay ahead of the curve from a technology perspective to keep their strategy as the number one priority. With many software clients it is important to show them that the partnership is innovative as well when on engagements. Current IT Strategy: The current IT environment within the public firm is a sophisticate one, as there are over 500 computers running off of a multiple server network in the 7 story metropolis building. The computer run off the newest Windows OS, and are equipped with dual monitors for tax specialists and their review process. Along with this are 10 state of the art video conference rooms with sound sensitive microphones and tweeters draping down from the ceiling. These technological resources make business and client service more efficient in getting work done. The tax information is stored on the share rooms which let junior and senior level employees make changes and save hard drive space with a web based interface. The only issue is that transition to completely eliminate the paper trail as tax returns and workpapers are always around the office. At the bare minimum the goal is electronically convert all returns to PDF files within the share rooms for all historical data. Current Green Focus: Currently, Accountants LLP is a bit scarce in launching green initiatives within the firm. More specifically green initiatives...
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...[pic] WHAT IS GREEN TECHNOLOGY? The term "technology" refers to the application of knowledge for practical purposes. The field of "green technology" encompasses a continuously evolving group of methods and materials, from techniques for generating energy to non-toxic cleaning products. As the name implies green technology is one that has a "green" purpose. By green we do not mean the color, however, nature is quite green, and the long and short term impact an invention has on the environment is what we are talking about. Green inventions are environmentally friendly inventions that often involve: energy efficiency, recycling, safety and health concerns, renewable resources, and more. Green technology is the application of one or more of environmental science, green chemistry, environmental monitoring and electronic devices to monitor, model and conserve the natural environment and resources, and to curb the negative impacts of human involvement. The term is also used to describe sustainable energy generation technologies such as photovoltaic, wind turbines, bioreactors, etc. Sustainable development is the core of environmental technologies. The term environmental technologies also used to describe a class of electronic devices that can promote sustainable management of resources. The present expectation is that this field will bring innovation and changes in daily life of similar magnitude to the "information technology" explosion over the last two decades. In these...
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...Green technology has recently become a large part of the electronic community, as they have the ability to become benefit the community in regards to being environmentally friendly. Green technology includes all the equipment and methods which complement our environment through reducing pollution and increasing the amount of sustainable technology in our day to day life. As an aspiring electronic technician, I myself have several roles and responsibilities to social issue of green technology. Within the workplace, one of my roles includes to promote efficient electronic devices as well as installing environmentally efficient ones as opposed to the cheaper but environment harming ones. Through this initiative I would be able to responsibly install, repair, and maintain electronic parts and machinery and equipment. In addition to promoting green technology, it is my responsibility to efficiently install and maintain them in the households of clients. I believe I should also be responsible to inform clients, friends and family of smart conservation of electricity within the house hold, as, “Two-thirds of residential electricity use in the United States comes from air conditioners, refrigerators, washers, dryers, and other electric appliances” (Mark Mosko, 2012) Many individuals are not aware of the peak hours of electricity which occur exactly before and after the same hours as the rush hours on the roads; since people are arriving at home and at their workplace where they turn...
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...Benefits of Green Computing Green Technology I. Introduction Green Computing has become an innovative way on how technology and ecology join together. With the recent years many industries and companies have turned their attention in realizing how going 'green' can benefit public relations, reduced costs, and lowering global emissions from industrial manufacturing. Though the term green computing covers a huge range of methods, from energy saving techniques, to the study of materials used in our lives, it all fundamentally breaks down to finding ways to not damage or consume all of earth's natural resources. Ultimately green computing focuses on ways in reducing overall environmental impact, its main purpose is to find and promote new ways of reducing pollution, discovering alternative technologies, and creating more recyclable products (Gingichashvili, 2007). II. Background The plan of green computing has been around for several years, the government themselves play a role in it. For example the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) launched the 'energy star' program in the 90s, to promote energy efficient methods. The EPA today still plays an active role by providing not only energy effective methods, but also cost effective methods for the consumers. In 2006 the EPA established a way to save U.S. households and businesses money; "With an eye to saving U.S. households and businesses more than $1.8 billion in energy costs over the next 5 years, today EPA announced new...
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...2 1.5 Limitations 2 2.0 What is Green Technology 3 3.0 Prominent Examples of green Technology 7 3.1 Solar Energy 7 3.2 Biofuels 15 3.3 Green Building 21 4.0 Conclusion 33 ii Economics of Geography and Environment (G101) Clean Technology: a greener aspect to development SUMMARY In a world of rapid growth, both in terms of economy and population, human beings have sought to influence the environment around them for a better, more efficient and easier life. The resources that we have used up from the environment have often been nonrenewable and in our heedless march to glorious comfort, we have ignored the consequences of the effect that we are having on the world we live in. With the results of our negative impact on nature coming around to haunt us, there have been a rising global awareness and movement to better ourselves. Green technology is a major part of it. Green technology is the application of the environmental science to conserve the natural environment and resources, and to curb the negative impacts of human involvement. The main idea behind green technology is to provide sustainable growth. That is, using resources from the Earth in a renewable fashion. The following report outlines some aspects of green technology and discusses three main ideas: Solar energy, Green Buildings, Biofuels. In the report, it has been discussed how each of these technologies are environmentfriendly, how they are being...
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...Green Technologies Green technology, also known as environmental or clean technology, minimizes impacts on the environment and natural resources. It’s based on concepts such as conserving water and energy, reducing waste and pollution, harnessing renewable energy sources, finding ways to reuse materials, and developing less polluting technologies. Green technology is everywhere these days; in the news, politics, fashion, and of course technology. Green Technology is becoming so widespread throughout the world. People are becoming more energy efficient in their homes by buying water-efficient showerheads that are low-flow models, adjusting their refrigerator and freezer temperatures, buying compact fluorescent light bulbs, buying energy efficient appliances, and by recycling rechargeable devices like cell phones or digital cameras. As awareness grows about environmental issues such as pollution, human impact on climate change, and depletion of natural resources, so is interest growing in environmentally friendly products and services. For example, the popularity of green cleaning products has increased in recent years. Nontoxic, biodegradable cleaning products are safer for use in the home meaning they are less likely to cause health problems. They also keep harmful chemicals out of the environment. Compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) are another popular eco-friendly product; compared to traditional, incandescent light bulbs, CFLs use way less electricity. ...
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...Week 5 - Research Project INF 103 Computer Literacy September 2, 2013 GREEN TECHNOLOGY Even though Green Technology is expensive, we should use the technology. Green technology is a technology that is environmentally friendly, and will encourage innovation and changes to one’s daily life. There are three types of green technology. There is green energy, green transportation, and green building. Pollution must be diminished to moderate global warming. The encouraged use of green technology may increase the healthiness of the Planet. Green energy is renewable energy source, unlike fossil fuels. Even though green technology appears unaffordable, it is more efficient and lessens greenhouse gasses. Energy is extremely essential to everyday life. Individuals use energy to warm the home, keep the lights on, and the groceries refrigerated. Solar power is another energy source. There are currently one-hundred and sixty-five customer-owned solar electric systems in Madison, Wisconsin (Green Power Tomorrow, 2013) The expense for the installation of solar power for the home in Dane County, Wisconsin is thirty-thousand dollars. The cost-effectiveness of solar power depends on the following; how much sunlight one receives, where one lives, electricity usage, and the size of the solar system. (Chua, 2006) Solar panels are an excellent way to acquire the suns energy to deliver one with energy. Solar panels consist of a series of photovoltaic cells connected together. When the...
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...Green Technologies for 2020 In recent history, human activities have significantly added to global greenhouse gas emissions, particularly carbon dioxide (CO2). Current carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere are reaching concentrations of 393 ppm (parts per million), the highest it’s been for the last 800,000 years. Unfortunately, most laymen are not able to understand or relate to what 393 ppm means. To explain briefly, most adults will probably remember from science class that the atmosphere consists of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, with carbon dioxide contributing 0.03%. However, at 393 ppm, carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere is now closer to 0.04%, which means a 25% increase in overall levels. And most shockingly, this increase in CO2 levels is largely irreversible. Scientists and policymakers worldwide are working toward halting the increase in CO2 levels, but the likelihood of reversing carbon dioxide levels back to 0.03% is almost nil. So what does all this mean? The most noticeable trend is the slow and steady increase in global temperatures, with the last decade (2001 to 2010) having some of the hottest years on record. The hotter temperatures have in turn affected global climate patterns, which has led to more severe floods, draughts, snowstorms, and so on. (Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis are not a result of higher carbon dioxide levels). The severity in losses and damage is further compounded by increasing population growth and urbanization,...
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...Agenda CMC support Introduction to Communication Science and Technology ICST: Week 07, Spring 2012 ICST: Week 07, Spring 2012 – simple rules of UID UI examples User-Centered UID principles ‐User‐Centered Design‐ 1 2 CMC Support: Rules 1. Strive for consistency — consistent sequence of actions — identical terminology — limited use of exceptions CMC Support: Rules (cont-d) 4. Design dialogs to yield closure — group of actions: “begin-middle-end” — end means “drop from the user’s mind” 2. Enable frequent users to use shortcuts ICST: Week 07, Spring 2012 5. Offer error prevention and handling — prevent serious errors — serious errors should not change the system state, or — the system should give instructions how to restore the state 3. Offer informative feedback — modest for frequent actions — more substantial for major actions — visual 3 ICST: Week 07, Spring 2012 — abbreviations, special keys, hidden commands, macros 6. Permit easy reversal of actions — encourages exploration — gives feeling of safety 4 CMC Support: Rules (cont-d) 7. Adapt type of control — users usually want to be “in charge” — make the user the initiator rather than the responder Examples: Inconsistent UI 8. Reduce short-term memory load ICST: Week 07, Spring 2012 ICST: Week 07, Spring 2012 5 — simple displays — reduce window-motion frequency — prompt access to command syntax, forms, abbreviations, codes — provide necessary information — recognition...
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...What is Graphic Design? * Visual Arts * Typography * Page Layout * Cave Paintings * 105 AD- Paper was invented * The Moveable Type Press * Eliminated the need for hand written reproduction * Graphic Designer – invented by William Addison Dwiggins * Douglass Englebart- Invented the Mouse * 1984- The Macintosh was invented * Graphic Design has increased over the years since technology has come about * The GOALS of Graphic Design: * To create a visual representation of information with a sense of order and clarity to make it easier for the viewer to understand. * A graphic designer must keep up with technology and skills. What makes a design great? * Form * Visually appealing * Colors are in harmony * Well-chosen typefaces * Feeling * Stays on message * Cohesive mood throughout * Evokes the proper emotional response * Function * Serves its purpose * Easy to read and understand * Executable (Print, packaging, etc.) * Form without function is just a pretty sheet of paper –Unknown- Four main categories of graphic design: * Print advertisement * Ads should be: * Simple and Ironic * Representative of the brand * Able to tell a story without words * Business Cards * Clean and elegant * Legible * Informative ...
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...Cameras In recent years technology has played an increasingly vital role in the enforcement of traffic violations and motorist safety, but not all advancements have been welcomed by the driving public. Over the last decade many cities and states have begun using red light traffic cameras to catch and fine motorists in an effort to motivate the public to drive more safely. In theory it makes great sense, however when put into practice it has yielded mixed results at best. While the number of citations issued has gone up dramatically the number of accidents has not. In fact many intersections with red light cameras installed have seen an increase in accidents. It is clear that the safety of the general population is paramount, but is red light cameras the most effective way to proceed? Once the data is analyzed it is clear that there are far safer alternatives that will also save taxpayers a great deal of money over red light cameras. In a September 2004 study by the Texas Transportation Institute conducted by James Benneson, P.E., many aspects of the way red light cameras operate were broken down by the researchers. It was discovered that in most instances the red light cameras issued citations within the first second of the light turning red. Almost all incidents of people being cited for running the red light occurred when the light turned red while the vehicle was already in the intersection. Due to the delay between the light turning from red to green in the opposite flow of...
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...paramount. Cinematography, which is the combined art and technology of films and how it is created, was evident in this film (Cinematography). One of the features that Alfred Hitchcock is heavily noted for is the use of color to draw in feeling and emotion within a scene. For instance, in the opening scene of Vertigo, the first thing you will notice is the use of red, blue, and green. The colors shifted from one to the next with the changing of objects and certain panning techniques that were used to focus the audience on a certain point of the frame and color significance. Most importantly, Hitchcock used those colors as a lead in to the rest of the entire movie, which they are used throughout every scene and have a specific meaning and connection. For an example, the color red was used in a matter that would have the viewer assume that emotions like that of terror, fear, and horror. However, throughout the film the same color is used in flowers, wallpaper, and other scenery, which had a different meaning as in warmer emotional feelings. The color blue was used in connection with Scottie’s case of vertigo, paranoia, guilt, and supernatural like elements. It was also common throughout the film to see him wearing blue suits and specific focus on the color of his eyes during different scenes where emotion was connected such as when he was on trial for being a witness and not stopping Madeleine from committing suicide. The color green was also...
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...1. The unknown dye, which contained the dye mixture, had four colors that were present in the mixture. The first color apparent closely resembled the Methyl Green sample, because the unknown had a negative movement direction and the migration distance was about 2.5 cm. The Methyl Green also moved negatively and migrated about 2.6cm. The next color present represented the Xylene cyanol sample. The unknown sample moved in a positive direction and the migration distance was 1.4cm, and the Xylene cyanol sample it moved in the positive direction about 1.5cm. The third color most closely resembled the Bromophenol blue sample. The unknown sample moved in the positive direction and migrated about 1.8cm. The Bromophenol blue sample had a migrated in a positive direction and migrated about 2.2cm. The last color resembles the Orange G sample because the unknown migrated in a positive direction and had a migration distance of 3.2cm. This is similar to the Orange G sample that migrated in the positive direction and migrated about 3.3cm....
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