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Green Turtle Research Paper

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You will find the Green Turtle living where ever they can find tropical or cool water.

The Green Turtle will live out in the ocean. They will come on shore to the sandy beaches where they will dig holes in which to lay their eggs.

The Green Turtle is 80 to 100cm long and weighs 70 to 230kg. The Green Turtle is not green as their name suggests. Their fat is green.

The Green Turtle does not eat meat like most turtles They prefer to eat seaweed. The Baby Green Turtles will however eat crabs and jellyfish.

The Green Turtles numbers are dropping all over the world There are many caught for food. Their eggs are also taken. They are losing some of their sandy beaches, so they have fewer places to lay their eggs. They are now endangered.

The snake-necked turtle is found in …show more content…
The babies are black or dark gray when they hatch. Their shell will have orange spots on it.

The snake-necked turtle is not considered threatened at this time.

Turtles are usually very peaceful creatures that mind their own business. The snapping turtle is the exception.

The snapping turtles scientific name is Rachelle Serpentine.

The snapping turtle is usually 8 to 18 inches long. Snapping turtles feet are webbed, and their tails are long compared to most turtles. They are usually a dark color. Their jaws are hooked and very powerful.

When snapping turtles are on land, they are very aggressive. When they are in the water, they usually keep to themselves.

The snapping turtle will look for food underwater during the day. They eat seaweed, fish eggs, tadpoles, insects, leeches, snails, worms, baby ducks. Dead animals and baby mammals. They usually stay on the surface at night.

When snapping turtles are underwater, they will bury themselves, and only their nose and eyes will be visible. This is why they often surprise their prey.

The snapping turtle's shell does not cover part of their underside, so this is a vulnerable

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