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Ethical Belief Systems


Submitted By lincolm
Words 3857
Pages 16
A Systems Analysis of Plastic Debris in the Pacific Ocean

Course: Integrated Environmental Systems

Instructor: Steven Arnold

Fall Quarter

University of Denver

By: Cletus Achibonga

November 7, 2012

Table of content
Title 1
Abstract 4
Introduction 5
1.1 Scope 5
1.2 Background 5
Animal and plant deaths 8
2.1 Birds 8
2.2 Mammals and other animals 10
2.3 Plants and plant food 11
Environmental impacts 12
3.1 Physical impacts 13
3.2 Chemical impacts 14
3.3 Biological impacts 14
3.4 Human impacts 15
3.5 Economic impacts 16
Societal Responds 17
Conclusion and Recommendation 20
References: 21
List of figures
Figure 1: A pack of plastics at the shores of Kamilo Beach, Island of Hawaii 8
Figure 2: Bird corpse with ingested plastic 10
Figure 3: Seal entangled in fishing nets and lines 11
Figure 4: DPSIR model analysis of the pacific gyre 18

The pacific patch is the most devastating problem of our generation yet there is little public knowledge about the nature and severity of the situation. There is also little to no awareness as to the way we humans either intentionally or unintentionally contribute to the worsening situation in our water bodies.
This study used the DPSIR model in analyzing the problem of the pacific gyre from a systems perspective. It focused on the impacts of the pacific gyre on the environment, plants, animals as well as the ecosystem. The study also looked at societies responds to this problem of plastic debris and those the author suggest as alternatives.
The study found that the total world figure of garbage in the Pacific Ocean is about 10,239,538 pounds and out of this figure plastics contribute the largest share of about 90%. The study also found that about 100,000 sea animals and 1 million sea birds die annually from

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