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Greenhouse Effects: The Causes And Effects Of Global Warming

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Global warming is a phenomenon that occurs when the earth’s atmosphere traps heat radiating from Earth toward space. Initially the sunlight transmitted was meant to pass through the atmosphere, warm the Earth’s surface, and otherwise pass freely into space. But most of the outgoing heat, however, is absorbed by the accumulated greenhouse molecules in the atmosphere and is re-emitted in all directions, ultimately leading to the warming of the planet. Over the past 50 years, the average global temperature has increased at an unsettling speed. Some human activities like mining and the burning of fossil fuels, emit CO2 and other greenhouse gases into the air. As we burn and mine more fossil fuels, greenhouse gases build up in the atmosphere …show more content…
Normally, this radiation would escape back into space, but these pollutants, which can last for many years in the atmosphere, trap the heat and cause the planet to get hotter. This is otherwise known as the greenhouse effect. CO2 and other harmful gases are responsible for the planet's warming. And though CO2, water vapor, and methane occur naturally, other harmful gases are human-induced. These natural gases are essential to mankind and the environment due to their ability to absorb heat. They ensure that the planet remain warm and hospitable. But human activities have caused the concentration of carbon dioxide to rise extensively and has now reached dangerous levels (Bradford). Human sources of carbon dioxide emissions are much smaller than natural emissions but the natural balance that has existed for thousands of years before has been upset. Since the Industrial Revolution, human sources of carbon dioxide emissions have been growing. Human activities such as the burning of oil, coal and gas, as well as deforestation are the primary cause of the increased carbon dioxide concentrations in the …show more content…
Already, weather patterns have changed as ice caps and glaciers have shrunk, increasing the likelihood of rising sea levels; plant and animal ranges have shifted; and with all this, comes the adverse impact on agriculture. The loss of polar regions is partially responsible for these effects. The dark, open waters are exposed to absorb most of the solar energy and in doing so, a recipe for more and faster global warming is created. A vicious cycle of ice loss it set off and so is the further warming of the ocean surface, which will in turn result in more ice loss. This melting ice is being released into the oceans and causing sea levels to rise. Rising ocean temperatures also bring about this effect, however. The warmer water would expand and since it is “trapped within a basin bounded by the continents, the water has nowhere to go but up. And in some parts of the world, especially low-lying river deltas, local land is sinking (known as subsidence)—making sea levels that much higher” (Union of Concerned Scientists). Millions of lives and billions of dollars’ worth of property and infrastructure would be at risk if this were to take place. High tides and storm surges on ever-higher seas would threaten people and coastal infrastructure. Many people would be displaced, and the government

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