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Grey Wolf Research Paper

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[Gray Wolves]
[Animal Care Sheet]
[Traveon Chandler] | [Vet Assisting 2nd Session] | [Aug 27th, 2016]

1. Natural History
Habitat and Range
Gray wolves were common in North America, until the in the 1930's when rewards for hunting these animals were handed out because they attacked farmers' herds, and almost became exterminated. But since the reintroduction of wolves in 1995, their range has been reduced to Canada, Alaska, the Great Lakes, northern Rockies and Pacific Northwest.
Gray wolves require large areas of contiguous habitat that can include forests and mountainous terrain, and must have sufficient access to prey, protection from excessive persecution, and areas for denning and taking shelter.
Gray wolves range …show more content…
Each different whine, howl, growl, and bark, have different meanings.

Domestication of species
Although no one knows the origin of the domestication of grey wolves, "Archaeology has placed the earliest known domestication at potentially 30,000 BC,[1][2] and with certainty at 7,000 BC.[3] Other evidence suggests that dogs were first domesticated in East Asia"(
There are also different theories to how Gray Wolves were domesticated and bred into dogs.
Orphaned wolf-cubs: Studies have shown that some wolf pups taken at an early age and reared by humans are easily tamed and socialized.((
The Promise of Food/Self Domestication: Early wolves would, as scavengers, be attracted to the refuse left at human campsites.((
As a beast of burden: North American Indians used dog-sized travois before adapting the horse for this purpose, and huskies are famous for pulling sleds for Inuit communities.((
Dogs as a source of food and fur: While, currently, most societies have difficulty thinking of dogs (or wolves) as a meat animal, it is conceivable that the human-canine bond was also fostered by humanity’s use of dogs as a source of meat and …show more content…
Logs, rocks, and soil (2"-6" deep) should be placed on top of the mesh to act as weight and prevent injury to the feet of animals.
Gates:All entrances and exits must have double gates (to prevent escape when an animal bully’s its way through one gate) and be at least 6'-6" tall. Latches must be secure and lockable. Be sure that fencing is attached to the inside of the gate so that the framework cannot be used as a ladder.
Perimeter Fence:A secondary fence, at least five feet tall and five feet away from the primary fence, must surround the enclosure. This is to prevent people and animals from physically contacting the primary enclosure. Also, in the case of an escape, the secondary fence can temporarily contain the animal while it is returned to its enclosure.
Drainage:The enclosure must provide adequate drainage to allow animals to find dry ground in wet

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