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Are Psychopaths Violent?

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Are Psychopaths Violent? Topics as intriguing as the one our group has deserve to have more attention and that is how we tackled the topic. First of all, what is psychopathy was a point we needed to clarify. Psychopathy is a collection of affective, interpersonal and behavioral characteristics including, impulsivity, lack of remorse and empathy, superficial, doesn’t accept responsibility, poor behavioral controls, lack of goals, grandiose, deceitful and adolescent and adults anti-social behavior (Hare, 2000) These characteristics do not relate to criminal behavior but some of characteristics do make the people more willing to commit crime these features are also seen as related to Anti-social personality disorder. The criteria in the diagnosis …show more content…
The word psychopath has been somewhat of a taboo for most people, a feared disorder for its known violence but the DSM did not consider psychopathy as a disorder in itself but as a synonym for ASPD due to their overlapping behavioral characteristics that make them similar like mentioned before. Whereas the PCL-R checklist with 18 criterion divided into two factors that are the individual’s interpersonal and antisocial characteristics, the differences do not lie in the characteristics only but in the diagnostic criteria’s mentioned by both the DSM and PCL-R and their differences and overlapping criteria’s. In Factor 1 there are 3 items that are also set for ASPD whereas in Factor 2 there are 6 items that overlap. Despite the differences in the criteria there is a similarity in the way it is assessed from …show more content…
Also, their violence is different from one person to the other, there is an Instrumental or Reactive/Hostile violence where the first is when violence is used as a message to gain something else like stealing, emotions does not play a role in instrumental violence. The reactive/hostile type of violence aims to cause harm usually from extreme emotional response but there is no evidence that psychopathy is related to one type more than the other. We tackled also the point of Corporate Psychopath, which I saw in the form of Christian Grey from the Fifty Shades of Grey that was a debate we had on whether he was a psychopath or not and also the Wolf of Wall street. “A corporate psychopath is a type of psychopath who is not prone to outbursts of impulsive, violent, criminal behavior and who therefore lives relatively undetected and successfully in society” (Boddy, 2010). They are also called Organizational psychopaths or Executive psychopaths as their most jobs entail being CEO’s, Lawyers, Media people and other jobs that entail charming the

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