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Psychopaths Become Serial Killers

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No matter how much a person may not want to admit it, there is something about serial killers that peaks some interest within him or her. With all of the current television shows about serial killers, such as Dexter, the viewer is drawn in by the pure fact that it is a serial killer. All of the thought and planning that goes into each kill intrigues us and leaves us curious about how the serial killer came to be the criminal that he or she is. According to Scott (n.d.) a serial killer is a person who “murders a minimum of 3-4 victims, with a ‘cooling-off period’ in between.” A serial killer usually picks his or her victims at random, has no connection to the victims and usually chooses people who are “vulnerable such as prostitutes or runaways.” …show more content…
To this I would say that although it has been proven that psychopathic behavior is genetic, not all psychopaths go on to become serial killers (Brogaard, 2012, n.p.). Deutschman (2005) stated that psychopaths are “glib, charming, manipulative, deceitful, ruthless--and very, very destructive” (n.p.). When you think about these qualities does anyone come to mind? Maybe the person is not a technical psychopath, but putting it into perspective like this helps to see how common these characteristics are. Chivers (2014) raised the issue that you could possibly work with a psychopath and not even be aware of it. He went on to summarize a study done by criminal psychologist, Robert Hare and stated that Hare and “another researcher looked at 203 corporate professionals and found about four percent scored sufficiently highly on the PCL-R to be evaluated for psychopathy.” The PCL-R is a test created by Hare that evaluates a person to “determine whether someone is a psychopath” (n.p.). As far as the four percent goes, that means that about eight out of those two hundred and three people is a psychopath. This research proves that a person can have psychopathic traits and not be a serial killer. Although it has been proven that psychopathy can be genetic, it does not prove to be the only reason of why a person comes to be a serial

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