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Serial Killer Research Paper

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Serial killers are the most interesting and mysterious type of human being not only to the public but to professionals as well. They do things that are taboo or as others would call it, insane. Yet, the biggest question to all the madness is why? Why and how do serial killers do what they do? Then to narrow down these questions, a more transparent question is asked. Is a serial killer born or are they made?

Some scientists and professionals claim that genetics is the sole reason for someone becoming a serial killer. Whether they were born with a different brain development or it is literally in their genetic makeup. Perhaps the Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart is one of the best studies done to open our eyes to the truth. The study was led by Minnesota Professor of Psychology Thomas Joseph Bouchard, Jr. In total the study showed that psychopathy is 60 percent heritable. By just this study it is proven that psychopathic traits are due more to genetics than to someones childhood upbringing. …show more content…
In addition to, one would essentially expect some sort of brain abnormality when it comes to the possibility that psychopathy is genetically determined. A study at the University of Wisconsin Madison reveals through brain scans that psychopaths have diminished connections between the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) and the amygdala. The ventromedial prefrontal cortex is responsible for processing empathy and guilt. Where as the amygdala contemplates fear and anxiety. When the link between the vmPFC and the amygdala is poor, the brain cannot process negative stimuli into deeply felt emotions such as guilt, remorse, and shame. This describes our vision of a psychopath a great deal. They feel physical pain however they do not feel sorrow when others

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