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Are Serial Killers Born Or Born

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Words 1467
Pages 6
Carmen Murillo
English 201A
November 28, 2015
Are Serial Killers Created or Born? There are people out there who kill for the sake of pleasure. There aren't many are but they are out there. In our society we know them as serial killers. A serial killer by definition is a person who has killed more than three people at different times. There has been an ongoing debate about whether the serial killers are naturally born, murderous creatures, or if there has been certain circumstances throughout their lives which turn them to the monsters that the are. The mind of a serial killer all most never compares to another serial killer's mind, but one thing that they have in common is that they do not have a “normal” or “healthy” state of mind. …show more content…
Sometimes it's nature over nurture or nurture over nature and sometimes a combination of both, nature and nurture, that have influenced the development of a serial killer. The majority of serial killers are natural born killers, nature over nurture, but most often than not it turns out to be a combination of the two.

Works Cited
Bonn, Scott A., Dr. "Why We Love Serial Killers." Interview by Brian Turnof. Audio blog post. The Mind's Eye. The Mind's Eye Media, 23 Feb. 2015. Web. 27 Nov. 2015.
Brogaard, Berit, D.M.Sci. , Ph.D. "The Making of a Serial Killer." Psychology Today (2012):
n. pag. 27 Dec. 2012. Web. 28 Nov. 2015.
"Examination of the Psychology of Serial Killers." Examination of the Psychology of Serial
Killers. Web. 01 Dec. 2015.
Goleman, Daniel. "Clues to a Dark Nurturing Ground for One Serial Killer." The New York
Times. The New York Times, 06 Aug. 1991. Web. 01 Dec. 2015.
Hamilton, Geoff. "American Studies In Review: Killer Apps." Canadian Review Of
American Studies 41.1 (2011): 115-122. America: History and Life with Full Text.
Web. 1 Dec. 2015.
"Nature versus Nurture- Serial Killers - YouTube." Web. 01 Dec.

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