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Socially Constructed Gender Roles

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Socially Constructed Gender Roles
“As we move through our lives, society demands different gender performances from us and rewards, tolerates, or punishes us differently for conformity to, or digression from, social norms. As children and later adults, learn the rules of membership in society they come to see themselves in terms they have learned from the people around them.” (Devor 387)
Girls don’t sit like that. Close your legs you have on a dress. No you can’t play in the dirt, go comb your dolls hair. Growing up I wasn’t allowed to do many things my older brothers did. Simply because they were boys and I was a ‘girl.’ This often made me unhappy because the things they did seemed so exhilarating.
Is it a boy or a girl? The first question posed when a new life is being brought into this world. Today’s society plays a huge role in the construction of gender. If you’re a boy one must act masculine, if female, one must act feminine. There is no in between for either gender. A “woman” is expected to stay …show more content…
Devor suggests that many of our concepts of what it means to be female or male are socially constructed. Becoming a member of society means that one must act and take one the roles of the gender they are born with. To conform to that gender, one must behave with their associated gender identity. Devor talks about the roles that each gender plays within our society. He states that “People use femininity or masculinity to claim and communicate their membership in their assigned, or chosen, sex or gender” (390). I support this statement because I feel like if our society did not try to shape our gender roles, then no single gender would really know what their main purpose of living is. As children grow up, they learn several differences between masculinity and femininity, which they start taking in as they become teenagers, in Devor case, young adults. Typically masculine means tough, strong, and determined, and femininity is being caring, soft, and

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