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Chester The Molester Essay

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It is hard to explain this to one such person as yourself. I am in no position to speculate on what has happened to cause this, and I am in no position to declare what I am about to say as fact. For no known entity has the entire story and its many spawns of children and myths. All we know is the man who went by Chester the Molester is supposed to be dead by executive action; yet, he still walks the streets over 10 years after he supposedly passed.
The secret plans discovered were deliberate in how Chester was supposed to be ridded of life. Chester had been America's biggest crime boss and pedophile. He had ties to the Soviet Union, had raped and murdered the children of many high seating officials. He was a top priority to the high council. They had strategically trapped him within the walls of a city known as Arcadia. Not much is known on the city has all evidence of its existence has been purged from history. …show more content…
They had found his corpse and buried it in the rubble of the dead city. He had died fingering a child. The man was sick on all levels.
The problem is he has become active again. Not only has he become active, but he has come back as a god. He has abilities to bend nature to his will, and a lust that has exceeded those of Hitler, Stalin, Elmo, and Bill Clinton combined. The leading theory on his revival is called ‘The Fixed Time Theory’. It states that an event existing within time can be locked into occuring, and not even death can prevent it from happening. Many have proposed this theory for how the universe came to be, but it ignores many factors.
This theory proposes that two forms of time exist. The Time field of infinity which constantly exists. Recording everything that has happened even if it hasn’t happened anymore. The Time field cannot be changed in any form as it is the memory of God himself. It is a record of all things in and out of

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