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Changing School Lunches Research Paper

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Changing school lunches

Are kids getting fat due to school? When it comes to school lunches most kids eat hot lunch. The lunch ladies get paid so they are happy, and kids get lunch so they are happy to! It’s the kind of lunch that they are serving is the issue. Should we change school lunches or keep serving students preserved, artificial food?

The lunch schools serve now is frozen and warmed up, or just plain unhealthy. More than half of the kids that go to school go home and eat nothing but junk food, so if they come to school and eat an unhealthy lunch then it's junk food all day and they don't get any nutrition. Schools don’t have a lot of extra money to change their whole lunch menus but neither do all family’s. Some families don't have money to buy healthy food because junk food is cheaper. If schools provide healthy lunches and took away most junk food there would be so many improvements in so many ways. …show more content…
It is scientifically proven that healthy food improves the minds and bodies of all ages. Kids will overall improve with more healthy food and less junk food. With healthy food there can also be improvements in grades! Kids tend to focus more when they don’t have a bunch of sugar in them. They would focus more in class and that would lead to more understanding of what they are learning. Kids pay attention I would say 40% of the time. They don’t care and have tons of energy. If they had a healthy meal they would be able to focus better. Healthy lunches don’t just improve body language though, healthy lunches also improve the

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