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Gender In Theatre

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Theatre is both a hegemonic and a counter-hegemonic space. Plays often feature gendered roles that reinforce traditionally held ideas regarding masculinity and femininity as well as romantic storylines that reflect heteronormative assumptions about sexuality. Yet, theatre groups have also been known to provide safe spaces for those who have felt marginalized for society, including LGBTIQIA-identifying individuals. The stage has also historically provided the potential means of challenging these confining attitudes and systems of understanding, allowing for performers to explore non-traditional notions of gender and sexuality. Research indicates that both gender and theatre are both socially constructed, performative acts. This study aims at investigating how certain performers interpret these contradictory aspects of theatre and the interplay between theater and gender performance. More specifically, as a researcher I am interested in how students at liberal arts …show more content…
Feminist scholars have realized the contradictory aspects of theatre. They have also theorized about the socially transformative nature of theatre and other forms of art as activism. Judith Butler famously compared the socially constructed concept of gender performance to theatrical performance in Performative Acts and Gender Constitution: An Essay in Phenomenology and Feminist Theory. Others have taken this idea further, theorizing various types of artistic performance as socially constructed processes akin to gender. Feminist researchers have even analyzed their own personal experiences in theatre. However, there has not been research done regarding the experiences of students majoring in theatre at elite liberal arts schools, and how this particular group understands, interprets, and navigates theatre as both a hegemonic and counter-hegemonic space in terms of gender and

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