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How Do Casinos Affect The Economy

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Because it is difficult to measure the effects that casinos have in the economy, researches also indicate that casinos do not create value to the economies which casino gambling organizations suggest. It is argued that as casinos are constructed and expanded that this will result in an increase in production costs for the local industries, which by itself will cause them to become more vulnerable (Grinols, 2004).
As previously mentioned, casinos offer a variety of services, and due to this, a conflict with local industries is generated. SEARCH EXAMPLE.

Secondly, even though there is research that suggests that casino infrastructures increase job opportunities in a variety of areas, some research rebuts this assumption. According to research conducted by Robert Goodman, casinos may actually do the opposite than create employment within a region, which would be to replace residents and local labour. Additionally, he suggests that implementation of new casinos leads to almost indifferent spill over effect (Goodman, 1994). Prior to this, when casino infrastructures are built, there is high probability that labour that is to employed will be skilled from other regions other than the local community. This being said, it is suggested as well that casinos do not create any sort of increase in …show more content…
A study conducted in 2004 suggests that within lottery gaming, tax revenues show a decrease rather than the contrary when lottery revenues show an increase. There is an existing link between gambling and recreational taxes that supposedly lead to higher revenues, yet according to Siegel Anderson, the study showed that there was an increase in the revenue from gambling tax which then caused a decrease other recreational sources’ tax revenue. This being said, there was no other consistency found regarding negative impacts within other areas of tax revenue

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